INTJ vs INFJ, who is ENFP's best love match and why / ENFP's best compatibility revealed

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INTJ vs INFJ, who is ENFP's best love match and why. ENFP's best compatibility is revealed today in this video.


0:00 Intro
0:28 Disclaimer (Watch it!!)
1:18 Comparing INTJs to INFJs
2:07 ENFP & INTJ analysis
5:52 ENFP & INFJ analysis
9:06 My final verdict
11:06 Outtakes




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I read somewhere on Quora that ENFP-INTJ relationship would be the steadiest, ENFP-INFJ would be the easiest and INTJ-INFJ would be the deepest.

I think it depends a lot on what each type looks for in life. Of course, as you said - maturity levels matter a great deal, regardless of MBTI type. However, can we be 100% mature in life? It is possible that we carry some kind of baggage or trauma that is sometimes beyond us to recover from. It is important to be aware of it and work on it. And this is where relationships can help us grow and complete each other in some way.


I'm scared of the sudden door slam from INFJ and I don't feel safe IF it's romantic relationship. It's cool as friendship.

Once INTJ is in, you know you're SAFE! It'll take FOREVVVVER to get there. I've been told the wait is worth it!


I am gonna vote for INTJ.
I am tired of seeing unhealthy representation of INTJ as a generality and to see INTJ online to be proud of beeing bad with feeling.
I am a female INTJ and sorry I do not have the luxury to be bad at it. I am also an HSP and very emphathetic with everyone.
I don’t see myself with an other type than ENFP to be honest, there is just a connexion that doesn’t exist with any other type.


I'm an enfp married to an intj and have been for a while so I'm on team intj for marriage 😁 my experience: We respect each other and don't try to change one another. Both of us enjoy alone time as well as time together. There's a nice balance between alone time and time together. My husband is my best friend even all these years later 💜


Knowing myself as an ENFP-a female, I would prefer INTJ mainly because I value stability more than most ENFPs. I'm getting a lot of confirmation from videos like this that while I am only 19, I am a mature ENFP and can give people space when needed. I also tend to avoid people I sense to be very needy or too free-spirited when looking for a romantic interest. While I like to debate and ruminate with people, I do not want that to be a huge part of the attraction. I find that a lot of men like to debate me for fun. And it's fun but not very romantic to me. Like, I would be friends with INFJ, but not his wife. I also admire INTJs for their genuineness, concise way of speaking, and clear beliefs. I don’t like being confused or played with, so I find INTJ's honesty to be very attractive, even if it kinda keeps them from being able to flirt in an obvious way.
Overall, the real reason I don't see myself with an INFJ is because I don't like to be similar to someone I am dating. Maybe that sounds weird, but I like to be the one shining and brimming with ideas in a relationship. I need someone who can provide the logistics for my ideas to work.



Wow! The video that I've been waiting for!!! I totally agree with you- there is no right and wrong answer if INTJ/INFJ will be the right person for ENFPs because it will depend on what the ENFP wants/needs in a partner!

But based on what I have experienced, I prefer to be with INFPs during my teenage years - during this time, I'm highly and overly sensitive and emotional and looking for someone who will appease and empathize with me all the time!!! The bond is priceless - I have never felt understood in my life during the time that I was with an INFP, but later on, I realized that if an INFP and ENFP are still both immature (which both of us were at that time haha), the relationship would become overly toxic and emotionally dragging. Both are sensitive, demands constant validation and affirmation from other people :D

Now moving forward... Years went by, I finished college and I would say I became more rational and less sensitive -- so I would say I would rather date an INFJ during this time - the bond is rewarding - there is someone who can empathize with ME -- someone whom I can have deep and intellectual connections with... INFJs are highly empathic and they can read between the lines and at the same time they can ground and balance me out... I've never dated an INFJ but most of my girlfriends and platonic guy friends are!!! And I agree with you -- some of them will overanalyze everything, haha! They are also sensitive and there's a tendency that they will overreact to some situations -- and for me, I would say that it can start a conflict or misunderstanding if an ENFP/INFJ is already in a romantic relationship!

Now... Fast forward to 2021-- pandemic happened! We spent so much time being alone -- being independent and doing our own things and detached from the real world... I would say that I became more independent, rational, and matured by this time. Last year, I have learned how to PROPERLY love myself - I have finally stopped seeking constant validation and affirmation for other ppl -- and I became content and happy on my own-- and this is when I've realized that I wanna be with an INTJ! Someone whom I can have a deep and intellectual conversation with -- someone who will give freedom and won't mind whatever I wanna do during my me-time --- someone who can understand that ENFPS are half open book and half enigmatic, haha! And someone who won't mind my weirdness and quirks:D

Sorry for the long comment --- but I really love this video. Thank you for this!! Love lots! <3


Haha I'm infj male just met enfp online dating. In the first moment she interrogated me 😂, an continued questions on questions, digging into the depths of my mind nobody else has ever been. I'm a deep thinker subjects ranging from God to suffering to science, personal characteristics. Oh man I'm crazy about her. She's beautiful, an airline hostess yet I wasn't shy about approaching her. Totally not intimidated by her sparkly beauty. Our minds are matching in ways I couldn't believe I'd ever experience. So passionate. I'm passionate too. I can keep up with her and she with me. I thank God for guiding me to meet her. I don't want to give impression of desperation but now that I know what enfp female is like for me, I'd rather die than be without an enfp wife in my life. Haha I guess problem is infj males are rare.


To make any relationship work for INTJ & ENFP or INFJ & ENFP both have to be mature. The challenge for an INFJ and ENFP is their difference in opinion as you've mentioned, which doesn't happen all the time. INFJ will always be strong in their opinion however ENFP's can be strong as well but are able to listen to what the INFJ has to say and can learn from their opinion. ENFP's are more open to understanding and learning different opinions from the INFJ. I'm not too sure what it's like with an INTJ, haven't met an INTJ yet.

Regarding space for INTJ, INFJ and ENFP, all three become better people when given the time and space. All three personalities love time and space to relax, to muck around, to reflect and be creative etc


Personally, in terms of conversation, I can talk to my INFJ friends and relatives for hours. Something I have not found yet with INTJs. Not saying it's not possible, just hasn't been the case for me.

PS: It has been the case but it didn't last that long with the INTJ hahaha.


INFJs, I love you guys, my bestfriend is an INFJ, but I'm sorry but I honestly think that ENFP-INTJ is a better match. We have more similarities with our Fi-Te Traits. We like our partner to express their opinions more openly and honestly. And I don't think most INFJ can, they love sugar coating and beating around the Bush, and it's such a waste of time. INTJs are very blunt, yes it hurts to hear the harsh reality, but we truly appreciate it and will reflect on it and recover from it. It may be easier to befriend with INFJs and we get close quick. But it really takes a long time for them to open up and be honest. They always hide things. INTJs are hard to win their trust, but when u do, they are honest with u. They don't hold back their thoughts and opinions.

IF INFJ can be more straight forward, they can finally be the best match for enfp.


I think the infj-enfp is the better match, and this is why. Each type has four cognitive functions in the ego. Extraverted functions want to connect with intraverted functions. Let's look at the function stack of both types:


Fi :Fe
Te :Ti
Si. :Se

Intraverted intuition (Ni) knows what it wants; extroverted intuition (Ne) knows what the Ni wants. Intraverted feeling (Fi) knows how it feels; extraverted feeling (Fe) knows how Fi feels...etc

You're an enfp, and so am I. Let's see how that works. My Fi says "why aren't you paying attention to my feelings. You're not making me feel good. Your Fi is saying, "no, you're the one not paying attention to my feelings. You're supposed to make ME feel good!" Your Fi is looking for Fe, which isn't in the enfp ego

The enfp-intj is kind of compatible but still not as good as the infj:
Fi :Te
Te :Fi
Si :Se

So we have compatible perception functions, but not compatible judging functions. The secondary Te of the intj will be superior to the tertiary Te of the enfp, making the enfp feel like an idiot. And, neither have Ti (or logic, intraverted thinking), so it's just going to be two competing echo chambers. Also intj's have Fe blindspot. They won't even be aware of your feelings, unless you describe them.

...this information is from CS Joseph


This was really useful for me, being in relationship with an INFJ, and it helped me to understand his "not letting go" way of solving a conflict better. Thank you.😊


Team INTJ for growth. With INFJ there’s a certain comfortability that I personally feel will cause complacency. My enfp finds me interesting being that our functions are reversed. It keeps her attention. But I love infj.


INTJ is better for enfp for growth and reach hers goals based on Ne + Fi. 😇😝


Video Quality have improved a lot. I appreciate it.


Infj relationship will cause more friction but be more fulfilling emotionally. Intj relationship is easier. Best match for Enfp though I think is Enfj. Just seem to have more in common in terms of energy levels. Also I have seen many Enfps get on very well with Esfps


I'm an INTJ and my fiance is either ENFP or ESFP (it's hard to tell cuz he identified with both types, including both Inferior Ni and Dominant Ne at the same time, but I'm leaning ENFP for him). He enjoys socializing and being around a lot of people, whereas to me it's draining, but because I love my partner and usually spend a lot of time by myself or just with him, when he wants to go to events, I'll have a lot of energy saved up so I actually get excited to go out with him. It's all about tapping into that Se mode for INTJs, just because it's the inferior function doesn't mean we're not gonna use it, if anything that's what shows a mature and we'll rounded person, so it's crucial to tap into the inferior function in a healthy way. I was very careful in picking my partner, and that's why despite I'm an introvert, he's still able to keep my energy levels normal and not drain me. This is why I'm never needing much breaks from him, and we're just mutually obsessed with eachother.


Neither of these types so far have worked. People are people regardless of type and finding a true connection with any type is rare. ENFP.


The Difference Between a INTJ and INFJ

I never noticed much of a difference between a INTJ and INFJ. Both dislike superficial people yet frequently end up marrying one. They are sweet, adorable and caring individuals. But no one actually likes being around them for protracted periods of time. You cannot outsmart these MBTI types. They are extremely observent. Most can identify your intentions and motives within seconds. Sometimes even before you speak. They give Clairvoyants a really bad name. INFJ's have a problem being around large crowds of people. INTJ's have a problem being around anything that is breathing. A INFJ will lament that none truly understand them. A INTJ doesn't care what people think unless it interferes with their plans on world domination. INTJ's have friends with 'benefits'. INFJ's have 'benefits' with no friends...I don't know means so please dont ask. INFJ's will scream "Geronimo' when skydiving from a plane. A INTJ will yell, "You forgot your parachute moron!" Cannibals won't eat a INTJ because they are high in cholesterol and avoid INFJ’s because they not Kosher. INFJ women are the epitome of grace during a relationship breakup. INTJ women collect men's testicles in a small glass of water by the bed, much like an old woman keeps her dentures at night. Needless to say aggrevated empaths are nothing to fool around with! INFJ's are refered to as 'The Counselor'. INTJ's are refered to as 'Innocent Until Proven Guilty'.

Thank God I'm a ENTP


I hope people aren’t rejecting each other for mbti like astrology
