A Complete Guide to Weightlifting for Cyclists. The Science

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Weightlifting improves cycling performance, the science is clear on this. The question now is how do we implement gym training into our cycling training program?

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20 minutes between sets? Shoot, I take 6 months.


When Dylan now has a 3rd video on lifting, you know it matters 😄


I’ll also add that having a weightlifting background helped me to maintain much more aggressive positioning even as a noob on the bike. I never really suffered from sore arms, traps, shoulders, etc that lots of new cyclists have when riding in aggressive positions. Yeah I know a lot of that is bike fit but a lot of is also the ability to maintain strength in those positions. Upper body strength matters in cycling. Being able to pull on the bars in a sprint, etc. It all matters. It’s good to see more people on bikes leave them dogma of being anti gym behind.


As an older (63) rider I can attest to the benefits of strength training, but also can add some cautions. Ramp up carefully! It's easy to over do it, mess up something and then spend a long time recovering. I've had to modify and avoid certain exercises to manage my way through knee problems and other minor pulls. As you get older I also suggest adding some side lunges and other physical-therapy type lateral work to build some strength and stability out of the sagittal plane. Cycling is very one-dimensional so your legs can be super strong one way, but very weak from the sides, which can lead to injury. I've also tried to lift year round both upper and lower body for the skeletal weight bearing aspect. There was a while when I was fracturing something every couple of years. Turns out I had borderline low bone density, so I started to do weight work all year round and haven't had problems for the last few years (knock on wood!)


I’m torn between two passions. Olympic weightlifting and cycling. My advice is to everyone starting out is to remember that if you are lifting free weights properly, every single thing you do is a “core exercise.” If you’re squatting, you’re gonna be bracing your core if doing it properly.


I am 62 and new to Dylan's site, but not new to cycling or weight lifting. I appreciate Dylan's information. I recommend this site to everyone interested in fitness not just for bicycle racing.


I was hoping you would keep this stuff secret! I was really enjoying the advantages I had over the weaklings who didn't lift!


I've taken up endurance sports past 2 years (triathlon) with a weight lifting background. I pretty much stopped the weight lifting when I fell in love with running and cycling. I've lost 20kg in body weight and want to reintroduce strength training and see how it effects my performance.

I will use a program I used before, him wendlers 531. It is awesome for building strength, and is periodised so you continue to get stronger, with regular recovery weeks.

It's reassuring to see that this approach is in alignment with the science in your video.

Although, I'm probably going to fuck off the shoulder press and bench press as they won't have a positive impact on my performance.


When looking at depth of squat, many Cyclists compare the knee angle of the two motions. But it's the hip angle which is the more important factor. As road Cyclists, a deep squat more accurately mimics the hip angle when in the drops and applying power.


I would have never tried this without the studies and data you provide. The only way i strayed from your recommended training program was to stay in the 20 reps stage for a month to make sure i had the proper technique to prevent injury. I worked with a personal trainer as well. Overall it's increased my power by a little over 20%. No injuries so far. Thanks for the work you do.


its amazing how often I still hear people caution against strength training for cycling and dismiss the benefits. I'll take the free gains. Thanks again Dylan ;)


For inexperienced lifters, I'd highly recommend doing your deadlifts with a double overhand (pronated) grip while you're learning. Going to mixed grip with heavy weight and not understanding how to protect your bicep is just a recipe for a tear. Neutral grip with a hex bar is pretty hard to screw up.


I really appreciate this info and the time you spent explaining everything: sets, reps, weight and especially the depth of the exercise movement and motion. I will definitely look at your videos often.


Dylan is right about being sore after the first few workouts. I found that out since I started to ride a bit less and hit the gym while I follow his off season plan. It subsided after just a few times to the gym but be prepared. After being on Dylan's Off Season plan for just over a month now I do feel stronger overall and will report back once I begin Dylan's 15 Hour/Week Base Plan later in December. I think it will all pay off if my 57 year old body can hold up. So far so good.


Thx again for the "tutorial" mate!
I'm 40 and for the past few months I've been looking into your channel. Following some of your advice I really started to get faster on the bike in less time. Hard work, but nothing good comes easy.


As someone who's been lifting consistently for over 10 years with emphasis on strength workouts it seems like a no brainer that cyclists go down this path.
I've reduced my weight lifting workouts from ~30 hours monthly to ~20 hours. Riding between 6-8 hours.
Personally I would be recommending the following exercises to be within your training block as hypertrophy / volume after the strength exercises:
Bulgarian split squats
Hamstring curls (as many variations as possible)
Hip hinge exercises like RDL, hip thrusts

Also a quad focused day and hip hinge day as part of your 2 lower body sessions

1-3 reps in reserve for almost all exercises


You did a great job with this one Dylan, I think your read on the data plus personal antidotes is right on point.


Great timing! I was just adding weight training based on your earlier weight training videos. Definitely seeing improvement based on reading from my power meter. Many thanks for all your entertaining and helpful video on training and diets!


3:45 for the training schedule. Dylan, thank you a ton. I just joined the gym again this morning, and it's amazing how much I lost since last visiting it during 2020. Turns out that I'm a beginner all over again; stupidly weak in multiple (ok, all) areas, even in supporting muscles to stabilize the back, balance, etc.


This video could not have come at a more perfect time, I have only just started lifting. Thanks for the weekly content, I love watching these videos as a cyclist and also as someone who is interested in sports science!
