how to stop overthinking

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how to think less & live more

as a natural overthinker, there's some things that i have to do day to day to get out of my head & reduce anxiety + stress. in this vid i share the daily practices, as well as mindset shifts, that can help you combat overthinking & align to your best self.

0:00-0:33 intro
0:33 stay busy
1:41 journal
2:43 stop assigning meaning to every feeling
4:19 daily movement
5:35 prioritize good sleep
6:33 be mindful of what you fill your head with
8:29 thoughts on self medicating

ig: lynetteadki
tiktok: lynetteadkins2.0

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As an overthinker one of my favourite quotes to get back "to reality" is by Alan Watts: "A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts. So he loses touch with reality and lives in a world of illusions. By “thoughts” I mean specifically chatter in the skull: perpetual and compulsive repetition of words, of reckoning and calculating. I’m not saying that thinking is bad—like everything else, it’s useful in moderation: a good servant but a bad master. And all so-called civilized peoples have increasingly become crazy and self-destructive because, through excessive thinking, they have lost touch with reality. That’s to say: we confuse signs, words, numbers, symbols, and ideas with the real world. Most of us would have rather money than tangible wealth. And a great occasion is somehow spoiled for us unless photographed, and to read about it the next day in the newspaper is oddly more fun for us than the original event."


Running on certain stories… yeah I do that way too much. I find I start overthinking when I am constantly answering phone calls that can wait and then they talk for like 2+ hours at a time. Mind you I don’t mind being otp but working in customer service and then getting otp is draining so I’ve had to set the tone for myself on when I’d be answering calls that people would say were “urgent” but they really weren’t. Thank you Lynette, your videos are gems 💎


I think when I’m over stimulated, I like to use my AirPods and listen to asmr. Helps me to to focus on one thing calmly. I do want to start journaling my thoughts have been all over the place.


It’s like you knew I needed to hear this 🤯🤯🤯 I’ve been dealing with overthinking for the past few days since I’m planning on taking a solo trip.


Great tips to not overthink. I know we all do it, but being mindful of what’s really going on in our minds and paying attention to our bodies are key. Thank you for this ❤


Thank you for this, good insights on overthinking❤❤


wow great question and great journal prompt actually thanks. ill say, what helps me from overthinking is journaling based on what ive studied from the more technical side of philosophy. theres a reason philosophy majors score best on the GREs. wish i had been one.

anyway, for an example, i cant find the tweet, but from my notes im pretty sure greg brockman once said something like: study, make models, collect data, analyze, find new studies, execute, repeat.


Loved this sit down! I overthink often and lately I’ve been slowing down and understanding what it is that I need to feel balanced. I go for walks, meditate, read, and cook meals for myself. I also swapped out coffee for decaf tea.


I agree with everything you've said. On my days off, I take some time in the evening for yoga practice, journaling, and drawing some oracle cards. That quiet time alone helps.


Lynette you added so much value to this 12 minute video. That's why I'm a fan of your chatty vlogs. It's useful wisdom.

Overthinking is actually a positive for me. If I'm overthinking that means I've gotten the proper amount of rest. Since I'm a writer and producer I then write, create music, create a YouTube video or make an audio podcast episode. When I'm in a hopeful headspace I create the best art.

If I'm in negative overthinking mode I'm usually bored or anxious about something so I probably need some sleep. I also have to fill my eyes and ears with things that inspire and empower me. Not the low vibrational content that plagues media and social media. We have the power to curate our own playlist of whatever goes into our mind and spirit.



These are good suggestions for overthinking. Some things that I do that help me to not overthink is to journal, take social media breaks, put my phone on dnd basically put myself first. I’m also a fashion design major so I’m always sketching designs & listening to ocean sounds/jazz instrumentals & take deep breaths! 💖💕


As a bad overthinker this video was very helpful. You gave a lot of great advice and tips people to combat their overthinking. Thank you so much Lynette!🙏🏾❤️✨


3:15 be the observer, thoughts are not us, it is ego, emotions/feelings etc we can detach from them personally, objectify them almost as a separate thing to who you are, the observer, overlooking them and understanding why they appear, forgive them, love them, hold them there in a space, don't run, their here to stay, learn to live with them in peace and look at them like a young child (inner child) and if that child is feeling whatever emotion is brought into your spirit space, how would you comfort them? your daughter? your little brother? yourself as a child? comfort those feelings like u would them. let go


I really like doing things that involve a creative output for me like drawing, yoga, cooking, etc. also another tip is to try and limit caffeine, specifically coffee, I know it’s easier said than done but switch to matcha or tea if you can it’s less of a cortisol spike


I absolutely love your videos. They are helpful especially when I go through a lot of mental health overthinking and this was very helpful so thank you so much.


You're an inspiration Lynette, I sometimes deal with overthinking too.


Thiss will work out, thank you so much, so helpful


Great video, sis! I love being in nature to help with my overthinking


Meditation and journaling helps me. Also trust in Allah/God while working towards my life goals have grounded me recently.


God bless you, reassurance is amazing
