How Narcissistic Mom’s Abuse Kids

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The Royal We has helped Millions to escape the grip of narcissistic abuse. Here’s a deeper look into what narcissistic abuse looks like and steps to heal from it:

Narcissistic abuse looks like:

Lack of Empathy: Narcissists often show little to no empathy for others, making it easy for them to manipulate and exploit. Narcissists use various tactics such as gaslighting, love bombing, and devaluation to control and dominate their victims.

Common Tactics Used in Narcissistic Abuse:

Gaslighting: Making the victim doubt their own reality and sanity.
Love Bombing: Showering the victim with excessive attention and affection to gain control.

Devaluation: Undermining the victim’s self-worth through criticism, belittling, and emotional neglect.

Isolation: Cutting the victim off from their support systems to increase dependency on the abuser.

Triangulation: Using others to create jealousy or competition, keeping the victim feeling insecure.
Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

How to begin healing from narcissistic abuse:
Understand that you have been enduring narcissistic abuse. This awareness is the first step toward healing.

Get Help:

Establish No Contact or Low Contact:

Limit or completely cut off communication with the narcissistic abuser. This helps you gain emotional distance and begin your healing journey.
Rebuild Your Self-Esteem:

Engage in activities that boost your confidence and self-worth. Surround yourself with supportive, positive people who value and respect you.
Educate Yourself:

Learn about narcissistic abuse and its effects. Knowledge is empowering and can help you recognize patterns and avoid future toxic relationships.
Practice Self-Care:

Prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and mindfulness practices can all contribute to your recovery.
Set Boundaries:

Develop and maintain healthy boundaries in all your relationships.

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Extremely dangerous to have a Covert Narcassist mother. I needed this information decades ago!!


You nailed it!! When I was a teenager my mother took me to a psychologist, convinced there was something wrong with me. I was rebelling against her emotional abuse. We only went to one session because the psychologist didn't say I was the problem. Because she didn't hear what she wanted to, she deemed the psychologist incompetent.


My narcissistic mother tortured me - her appointed scapegoat child. In front of others, she tried to look as though she was Mother of the Year but she was a nightmare behind closed doors. My father totally enabled her even though I told him what she was doing to me. I can just love, protect, and be proud of the little girl who survived years of abuse.


My mother to a teeth.

I broke away from my entire family because of this. You forgot to mention covert emotional incest. Utilize the son as a husband.

I forgive her, this came from trauma, no healthy person acts like this. Still I am not sacrificing myself on the alter of her wounds.


nobody believes me when i speak against her, i feel so isolated.


Mine did too, using guilt, anger and “parental authority-entitlement”. My brother has broken away and now she demonizes him to the rest of our relatives and gains their sympathy. Life circumstances moved me miles away - thank God!!


Out of all the terrible things a narcissistic mother can do to you The worst by far is the gaslighting because they literally take control of your mind and hijack your perception of the world. I'm so thankful for the internet and for having this incredibly valuable information even if it's a bit late in life but it's better late than never, and knowledge is power


If you havnt had a demon covert mother narc, you'll never understand it and that makes me glad because it means you didnt experience it....Its incomprehensible to others that I went no contact 3 years ago with my Mum and 2 sisters and that's still walking the planet and my two spoilt dogs are living the life of royalty🥰🇦🇺

And believe it or not im childless..BIG SURPRISE


My sister had breast cancer a few years back, and our mom and dad would talk about it in a way to get attention for themselves. They didn't care that my sister was suffering. They just enjoyed the attention for themselves.


Yes my mom does not love me but controling is the the game


My dear husband's mother is a covert narcissist and the most 2-faced person I have EVER known ....she pretends to be the sweetest most caring person in the world but she'll say the meanest things when you're *alone* with her. In a group setting she seems so wonderful and charming, but that is just her facade. I have seen her mask slip many, many times during the 35 years I"ve been married to her son and the *real* her is NOT pretty. Nowadays I keep my distance from this evil conniving person. I don't talk to her on the phone. And I don't fly out to see her anymore. I had to break free of her abuse because it was harming my self-esteem. I went no contact in March and slowly but surely, I'm healing from all the years of abuse.


I lived with my mom for 30 years and had no idea there was a problem. I actually appreciated that she took me in. I had no idea that she had kept me from my independence. I got married at 31 and am now 34. It was right when the pandemic started too. She could not handle that I now had responsibility to my husband and could not continue to be her slave. It caused so many fights between my husband and I. I had no idea that my mother was like that. It’s was such a shock. Especially since she ruined Christmas this year. That was the last straw.


I was born wise and I needed every bit of it. I didn’t rebel because that would have been used against me. I laid low my whole life because I had to. I walked away and have no contact. But it’s taking my whole life to get myself back.


My mother bitterly resented my independent streak my entire life. I thank God I had an inner voice that told me I was not the POS she tried to tell me I was.


For my mom it was about being convinced I was having sex. I was like early teens when she started this rhetoric and campaign. She would use it as an excuse to not allow me to do normal things that teens do (e.g. going to the mall with friends; hanging out with friends anywhere). She would scream at me that if she wasn’t so “strict” with me I would have ten babies already. I hadn’t even kissed a boy yet when this all started. She’d call me “fast” and threatened to take me to the doctor to have them check my genitals to prove whether I was still a virgin or not. It was very terrifying and traumatizing to have to hear this hurled at me 24/7/365. HORRIBLE!


Narcissistic abuse in children causes trauma that has similar symptoms of adhd and autism. Been there myself and I'm still socially awkward but as an adult was told my medical professionals that I'm not autistic.


I just cut contact with my mother. She is just like you describe. I’m about to get married and when we told her that we are getting she immediately tried to pin me down to sleep over at her place the night before and get suited up at her place before the wedding, that was one year before the wedding day. I went along with it but we hadn’t actually started planning the day yet. I decided I wanted to get ready at my grandfathers place instead as she was taking me to get my suit, wanted to split it up a bit. Boy did she loose her shit! Saying I’m not a man of my word, I’m cruel etc. essays of text messages and voicemails saying how I’ve upset her. ECT.. then my siblings tried to talk me out of changing my wedding plans because they knew it would upset her. Story of my life, anyway life is less stressful having her blocked.


My Mother did this waaaay before any social media was invented!
She gossiped to relatives, neighbors, church friends….that you’d think I was just pure rebellion yet I was feeling the rejection, the daily verbal beatings along with getting beaten up by her. Always pick, pick, pick into a shouldering fight


I’m 39 years old and thanks to finally understanding my mom is a covert narcissist I can say I finally know it’s not my fault


3:00 "She tries HER NUMBER ONE GOTO, the medical field, to find a problem with the child." I was an "ADHD" child too and medicated in school on Ritalin. It did more than break my spirit, it almost broke my soul!