10 Easy Healthy Morning Routine Habits (#3 is a must try!)

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*This video in NOT sponsored - All opinions are my own.




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Thanks so much for watching this video, I really hope you enjoyed it - and I hope that you found it helpful!

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DISCLAIMER - Please note that you should be in a healthy state before you decide to follow a new way of eating, or a calorie restricted diet. It’s always advised that you talk to your GP, doctor or health care professional to see if a new way of eating is suitable for your personal health needs and goals. This eating plan is not suitable for men, children, pregnant women, lactating women, or people who are still developing - It is only intended as inspiration for women who are already in a healthy state, and who are trying to lose weight and get into better shape. This way of eating is only intended for short term use. Please take special note that every women, and every person, will have different daily calorie needs for weight-loss - based on their natural body type and build, current weight, height, daily activity level and health goals. This is not a "one size fits all" way of eating.
Рекомендации по теме

1. drink water
2. get some fresh air
3. make your bed
4. eat a healthy breakfast
5. ask yourself 3 simple questions and answer them (What are you grateful for? What can you do to make today great? You are...?)
6. choose most important task / goal of the day
7. move for a few minutes
8. have a simple skin care routine
9. tell yourself that you're beautiful (while getting ready)
10. do something for yourself


Who else is trying to make new habits and changes for 2020 😌🦋⛰🧘🏽‍♀️

Hey everyone! Here’s an update on my life lol: It’s currently July 13 2020 and I haven’t been able to make lots of changes in my life due to Coronavirus 😭 but I’ve made some changes to my life so yeah 🥳🤍


The view from your balcony is absolutely stunning


i love how this is not only about body health but also about mental health😍😍


*Your breakfast is so picture perfect!! I'm more of a throw it all in there at once kinda person* 😅


You are the best 😊! When I started watching your videos, people said I am acting more calm and happier! ❤️ Thank you 😊


You started talking at the end of the video about how “you don’t have to follow any rules. This is your morning and you should spend it however you like”
And I just needed that really badly rn. Thank you.
I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself to kind of. Fit a checklist of things that I SHOULD be doing.
But you’re right. It’s my morning. I should spend it in a healthy way that I enjoy.
Thank you


I’ve been feeling very sad lately this helped me get out of that phase! I went on daily runs (of course away from everyone) and started drinking more water.


Liezl your content is excellent! You put a lot of effort into these videos and I have said it before but they are really informative and useful without being overpowering. And yes "being alive!" is right at the top of my gratitude list - especially on a crappy day lots of love from the UK xx


Just made the smoothe bowl.... its the best breakfast I have ever made! Thank You


I love love love your voice. It's so calming <3


What an amazing view from your balcony you have! 😍🙌🏻


My day starts ONLY after I make my bed and I have my daily large mug of green tea. 🍃🌿🍵



my morning routine for now on!❤

drink water
open window for air
eat breakfast
brush teeth
watch yt/play roblox
ask myself a question
boom! thats my morning routine hope you enjoy it ❤🔥


This was such a beautiful video I started crying midway until the end. Thank you for sharing this with us😭💕


Your morning is almost like mine. The book influenced me in the morning magic. I decided to wake up at 5. Listening to meditation, reading Affirmation. Then run, then exercises . And I listen to the audiobook. Then breakfast. After I do, self-development))


This one was very helpful. I’m ready for a great day tomorrow, granted that I don’t wake up with a head ache again.


Liezl, you're very beautiful, intelligent, healthy, nice and generally a great person. This is the first time I've watched one of your videos and I can already tell that you are all of those things and more. Keep doing what you're doing!


This video should receive an award for the best video on YouTube ever. I just got to know your channel, and it's amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your light with us, the world is craving for balanced and healthy body-mind relations. You definitely inspire us to be our best version of a human being. 🙏⭐


Liezl ... I'm half way through watching your video for the first time. I have never watched your channel before so this is the first video I've watched. I had to stop watching and message you to tell you that I think you are amazing. So far I have written down a number of changes and new things I can do in the mornings. Thank you for all the positivity you have just given me 😘
