ABS in 1 Week (lose belly fat) | 7 minute Home Workout

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Get abs and lose belly fat in 1 week with this 7 minute at home workout challenge. The abs exercises will help show you how to get abs, flat stomach and get rid of stubborn lower belly fat from home. For best home workout abs results, do this with good nutrition and with one of my fat burn workouts.

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Please remember that we cannot spot reduce fat, meaning we can’t choose the areas on our body where we loose fat. However to get fat loss results I recommend the following
1. Being in calorie deficit
2. Cardio/ HIIT workout (I often call these Fat Loss/Burn workouts on my channel)
3. Specific muscle targeted workouts. To strengthen and develop specific muscles.
The key to achieving your fitness and health goals is consistency and healthy lifestyle changes, without restriction. I don’t believe in crazy fad diets. Simply eat nutritious food, move your body, smile and enjoy the journey! Love Lilly
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is it just me who has thousand of these videos with similar titles saved but doesnt know which one to start?


One like for lilly sabri she did all this for us. Let's show how grateful we are.💝


lilly: work those abs!
me: work that fat!


I started with a 63 cm waist and now I'm 58 cm, I don't have a defined abs, but I can see some lines forming I'll do it for another week who else is in 2021? lol


i’m actually starting her workouts because chloe ting’s doesn’t hurt my abs anymore.. this BURNS


DAY 1:done ✔
DAY 2:done ✔
DAY 3:done ✔
DAY 4:done ✔
DAY 5:done ✔
DAY 6:done ✔
DAY 7:done ✔
Results: l love all of lily's workouts like all of them are quick and effective so I recommend do try all of them, seriously !✅


"what's motivating u to workout??"
me: lilly's smile and motivating words + teddy's cuteness 😫❤


I did this everyday for a week and I honestly have so much more energy! The first 3 days was super hard and quite painful, but I kept doing it! And honestly my stomach looks SO much flatter and slimmer to! I haven't weighed myself yet or measured myself yet I'm going to do that tomorrow and I'll let you all know my results!


Lily: your abs should be burning
My legs: are we called abs


So I'm gonna start this from tomorrow,

DAY 1: phewww that was intense, I haven't worked out in a while and it was kinda difficult but I survived YAAY!
(Just to let y'all know my waist size is between 29-30 inches)
DAY 2: Doneee, phewww I can feel the burn 🔥 even in my thighs, today was a little better than yesterday but still intense.
I started doing intermittent fasting i.e; fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8 hours(16:8) from yesterday. But I had pasta yesterday😅 hope I don't regret it. Have a good day or evening or night everyone :)
(A little edit; I did the workout once again today cause I was bored, so thought why not do some exercise)
DAY 3:Doneeee, today it was kinda difficult because of the soreness of my muscle but I survived .
[Update: Currently my waist size is 28.5(-1inch) I’m happy it’s working 😃]
DAY 4: Doneeee, today it was little easy phewww. Have a good day or evenig or night all :)
DAY 5: Sorry I forgot to update yesterday, but I did it .
DAY 6: Doneee, tomorrow is the last day but I think I do it for few more days.
Have a great time everyone:)
DAY 7: Doneee, so I'm done with the challenge and It's really worth it. The exercises get easier as you keep doing it.
I've lost 1.5 inches of my waist which is a lot to me and I'm gonna keep doing this for few more days :)
[A small tip: update your workout in the comment section or make a video it will motivate you to do it everyday]
Have a great time everyone :)

So I'll try to eat little healthy during the whole week ( I know it's the middle of the week)
I'll cut all the junk foods, sweets and carbonated drinks .
I can't cut down rice as I'm Asian and if I try to my mom will cut me down, I'll try limiting the portions.
I'll keep y'all updated and let y'all know if I eat some junk : )
( And whoever reading this I'm sorry if my English is bad, it's not my first language)

Hope this motivates you all, but just remember that you're doing this for yourself and not for others.

[ Edit: To anyone doing this I' am really proud of you and hope you reach your goal no matter what it is. Do not restrict yourself in diets (only restrict yourself if it is authorized by a dietician or your doctor) and eat healthy ]


I'm starting this workout just for my school function which is after 6 days😂😂😂
Day 1 : ✅ (my abs are somewhat sore)
Day 2: ✅(done, no such changes in my fat stomach😂)
Day 3: ✅
Day 4:✅
Day 5:✅
Day 6:✅
Day 7:✅
I've not got abs (since I'm very fat)but seriously I've loosed many of my bellyfat...this was unbelievable like this workout literally replaced my 1 hour daily ab workout routine....now i only do any one of Lilly's workout instead of one hour workouts to keep my body fit😘😘😘😘(with diet)
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
Day 11:
Day 12:
Day 13:
Day 14:
Keep reminding me so that I can do comment on my abs...😌


gonna try this!
day1:hard but did it!
day2:easier the last exercise was hard😫
day3:did it it was SO much easier!
day4:did it! it’s easy now but also a good burn❤️‍🔥 starting to see a little bit of ab lines starting to form
day5: nothing changes but did it
day6:i have toned abs in some lighting but my stomach is definitely very flat, workout is SO EASY now so i do extra
day7:did it!! i love this workout i can see abs starting to pop out so i’ll do it for another 7 days to see what happens


I have been doing her workouts since And they work.... Till now I have lost 4 inches off my waist ( from 32 inches to 28/27), with no to moderate change in diet. TBH I eat everything. I have become better n strong n people compliment me for it. All u require is consistency. Keep doing them. Even if u can't do alot together.... Do one workout each day.... THEY WORK. :) :)


I'm starting this tomorrow (twice a day)

Day 1: its really hard my stomach is a little bit hurt and also my thighs but i dit it guyss!!! (wish me lock for tomorrow)♥️✊
Day 2:its not that difficult anymore but my stomach still hurt👀
Day 3:doneeee, it was kinda easier and cool but still my stomach is more burning🔥🔥
Day 4:today its more easy but there sometimes difficult to do but i did it again...have a nice dayyyy guyzzz
Day 5:doneee its more better than pass few days
Day 6:sorry for late update cause i forgot but its more better guys so u must do it to...luv u all
Day 7:its done guyss i dit it the challenge its cool and worth it so u must do it ....for me i recommend this excersice because its hard but its worth it....i'll keep doing these but i'll stop updating here but u must do it its good luv u all have a nice day-night everyone♥️

Leave a like for motivation plss!!!


I’ll tell you this, I started Lilly’s workouts 4 months ago, and I went from 33 inches on my waist, to 24 inches. I feel so much more confident. Thank you Lilly for helping me so much. You deserve 100 mil subs


just started today. i’m pretty athletic but don’t have abs so the workout was easy but the burn was felt 😁
update!: second day was much harder due to the fact i was sore from the first day. but i feel great!


Your dog teddy is so cute, but sometimes it feels as though he's staring into my soul during a workout. 😅


Week 1:
The first day was so difficult especially the flutter and the last exercise. I’m on day 7, it’s gotten so much easier I had 6-7 meals from outside, skipped a day & lost a bit over an inch.
(I also do cardio & walk at least 10, 000 steps a day).

I’ll update my 7th or 8th date (tomorrow) to be exact then I’ll come in and give y’all my results after doing another week but with no fast food
Edit: today was my final day, I ate super healthy, worked out, walked a ton - I started at 29 inches… maybe a bit more & ended at 27.5inches.
This week will be special, I’ll redo it with no fast food meals, minimal carbs & maybe a couple egg diet days in between… I would love to see likes & comments for more motivation
Thanks Lilly!
Edit: had a rest day, but was on my feet a lot of the day.
Week 2:
Day 1: walked my usual 10, 000 + steps, did a 3 minuet cardio dance workout, 5 minuet upper body workout then did Lilly’s workout twice!
Day 2: I had a rest day.
Day 3: I did Lilly’s workout twice, walked 10, 000 steps, & an upper chest workout x3…. Time flies already 4 days left!
Day 4: we had a family wedding but I did 5, 000 steps Tracked on my app & other 5k from running all over the place helping my aunt get ready for the occasion. Did a 15 minuet cardio though.
Day 5: I made up yesterday by doing this workout 3x & this one:

3x as well… this is the upper body workout I’ve been mentioning.
I’ve seen results in doing the 1x upper body workout after just a week you can even feel the difference with no measuring… 2 more days!
Day 6: 10k+ steps, dance for 1/2 hour, upper body workout x3 this workout x2. Not loosing any belly weight but I’m not giving up. I’ll straighten out my nutrition & macro intake & hopefully that makes a difference… & finally pass my plateau. Not to mention I’m menstruating, so that’s probably causing fluid retention. Also keep in mind the more you work out,
Tip I learned:
the more you need to eat better to heal tears in the muscles.

Day 7: can’t wait to put my input here, it’s the final day of my second week doing a challenge!

I finally finished doing my final x2 of this workout x3 of upper body & My 10k steps + 🎉🎉🎉
I was thinking of going to a Chloe Ting challenge starting my 3rd week but Dr. Berg says “if something is working “DO NOT STOP” so I won’t quit this because I noticed differences in my endurance & energy. I will be adding this to my daily routine next week:

Along with Lilly’s abs workouts & lowering my carb intake a bunch.

Review of second week:
I found a hack which is to suck on a candy 😂 while doing the abs workout. It helps get through the really difficult ones.
I realized I haven’t been drinking water so maybe that’s another reason for my plateau.
This next week is the final week for me of doing this challenge I’ll alter it by adding the link I posted it above, & fix my nutrition. I already eat healthy… I’ll just step it up a notch… tomorrow I’ll take a break then start again after tomorrow!
I’d love to see comments and motivation. ❤

Break day: 10k steps + transitioned to extremely low carb.

Week 3
Day 1: today was the first day of my final week on this challenge, gotta say it got much easier even though I did this one 3x the upper body 3x & the 3 standing abs reps by Dr. Mandel.
I changed my diet and since yesterday I’ve been having 2 meals & I almost need to force myself to eat because I’m in deep ketosis. Oh and I did my 10k steps 😁
Day 2: I skipped my workouts but for good reasons… I shopped for all things I needed to continue this journey but I walked 7k+, … I also had a sugar free avocado smoothie, a slimming tea, & ate some nuts. I had a small tomato mozerella cheese salad in the morning so basically I’m in the keto interminet fasting zone.
Day 3: today I did this W.O. x3
Dr. Mandel’s stomach vacuums x3 &
5 minuets upper body workout x3.
I don’t know what happened but I woke up today and got right out of bed & jumped into everything I’m supposed to do, as if dead skin came off of my brain… I feel as awake as I used to feel tired before.
Also today I noticed a burn in my workouts for the first time & they were so much easier I didn’t take that many breaks to breathe. If that’s not enough, I felt my body ASKING ME TO WORKOUT THE SAME WAY WHEN YOU FEEL YOURE THIRSTY!!!.
I have to also mention that for the past 3 days I’ve been making sure to drink a litre of water.
Thank you to those who are reading & liking you are part of my motivation!
Day 4: this was a day I smoked & had a bit of carbs… still under 20e rama… but point is I smoked hookah! Wasn’t the wisest decision… it was an off day, but let me tell you why you should not do “anything” on your off day:
Day 5: because the next day you wake up late, lazy, tired, you get out of you’re routine, the up & awake feeling & wanting to jump into everything gladly goes away… & you’re not looking forward to anything. Thankfully I still ate very healthy, had my litre of water today, did interminet fasting, & worked on my “from home job” for 5 hours with a “nice” focus. But I’m quitting the smoke for good 👍🏻.
Lesson learned ISA!
Day 6:
Day 7:


When i heard 50 sec, i was like hokayy i'm gonna die but i will survive


i will be updating this but letting you guys know how it goes! just remember I already do rowing which is quite a cardio intensive and core strengthening sport, so results might be different than yours but that doesn't matter because everyone is amazing! So right now (first day) i don't have abs, nor a completely flat stomach so just to describe what was my starting point.
Day 1: i felt a bit of a burn, it's very doable though and after finishing you feel amazing and accomplished!!
Day 2: i had a 2k for rowing today so I was very tired and felt a definite burn!
Day 3: Today was hard by the end, but I got through it and feel proud!
Day 4: tiring again, my stomach is feeling tighter though
Day 5: tiring as always but before but I had the feeling and motivation fo doing the workout
Day 6: again was tricky but doable
Day 7: felt more motivation to finish the week off! no obvious results but i know my stomach got a little flatter
also note i am writing and updating these as i go for my own motivation!
