Exercises For Waist - Abs | Do it Everyday for a Smaller Waist | Get Effective Abs at Home #2023

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If you're looking to tone and slim down your waistline, incorporating the right exercises into your fitness routine is essential. Here are some effective exercises that you can do every day at home to achieve a smaller waist and stronger abs:

1. Standing side bends: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your hips. Slowly bend to the right side, reaching your right hand towards your knee while keeping your left arm extended above your head. Return to center and repeat on the other side.

2. Russian twists: Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat. Lean back slightly, engage your core, and lift your feet off the ground. Hold a weight or medicine ball with both hands and twist your torso from side to side, tapping the weight on the floor next to your hip each time.

3. Plank with hip dips: Start in a high plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your feet hip-width apart. Lower your hips to the right side without touching the ground, then return to center and lower your hips to the left side. Keep your core engaged throughout the movement.

4. Bicycle crunches: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head and lift your shoulders off the ground. Twist your torso to bring your right elbow to your left knee while straightening your right leg. Repeat on the other side.

By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, you can effectively target your waistline and abs, helping you achieve a smaller waist and stronger core. Remember to maintain a healthy diet and engage in regular cardiovascular exercise to maximize your results.
#Exercises For #Waist #Abs | Do it Everyday for a Smaller Waist | Get Effective Abs at Home #2023
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I went from 200 pounds to 130. I did this 2x day every week and ate healthy. and I'm proud that I pushed myself to do this!!😁


I'll do this work out for the next 14 day!!
start: 27/09/23
start weight: 60 kg | 5'5 | 17 years old
day 1: ✅started to sweat at the end of it, you can feel the burn in your arms. it's an easy work out so don't give up and keep going!!
day 2: ✅definitely easier than yesterday, i had to motivate myself more to get it done and the burn i felt in my arms yesterday were more bearable today.
day 3:✅i missed yesterday because i fell asleep before working out 😅but i don't see a difference yet so i'll fix up on my diet and i'm also doing 2 other workouts along side this one but this one is the longest one i'm doing the other ones are 6-8 minutes long!! keep it up, you guys can do this.
day 4:✅it's definitely easier than the other days, i have 10 more days left and i don't see a difference yet but my stamina has increased.
day 5:✅it really does become easier to do. i am remembering what work out to do next!! The more you do it the quicker it is to finish it because you become so quick at doing it!!!
day 6:
day 7:
day 8:
day 9:
day 10:
day 11:
day 12:
day 13:
day 14:

like so you can remind me to do it everyday :))


Day 1: ✅ no results yet, obviously cuz it’s my first day loll
Day 2: ✅ still no results, but I can definitely feel something going on
Day 3: ✅ I definitely feel a difference but I don’t see one
Day 4: forgot to do ittt
Day 5: ✅ did it twice today since I didn’t do it yesterday! I still don’t see a difference but I definitely feel one and it calmed down my bloating a bit!!
Day 6: ✅ I think I am starting to see a small difference!!
Day 7: ✅ My stomach is a bit smaller than before!! still need to workout for another month tho cuz my results r mad slow lol
Day 8: ✅ IM GETTING MORE RESULTSS!! WORKED OUT TWICE TODAY AND IM STARTING TO RLY SEE A DIFFERENCE!! It’s not that much of a difference tho but I keep trying!!:)
Day 9: ✅ My results are so good so far! I worked out twice again because i think it suits me better since I have rly slow results, and my stomach is starting to slowly get smaller and smaller, it looks kinda like day 5
Day 10: ✅ i lost 2 pounds and my waist is currently a 28!! I’m so happy girkdkdk
Day 11: ✅ my stomach hurts when I laugh or sneeze, which is a good thing btw it means ur body is adapting to the workout
Day 12: ✅ my stomach looks exactly like day 8s results
Day 13: ✅ ok I’m so happy rn bc I can finally wear the clothes I want without looking as awkward as I did before, there’s still some fat obviously but it is wayyy better than before! <3
Day 14: ✅ it doesn’t look like the day 14 results in the video but I’m still happy with what I got :)
Day 15: ✅ my stomach still looks like day 8s results but I think if I keep doing it twice a day it’s gonna look like day 14s results
Day 16: got my 🩸 so didn’t feel like doing it😭😭
Day 17: ✅ only did it once today since yk..my stomach is bloated again cuz of that- ill stop for now..but when it’s over I’ll start working out again and add more days I’m so sorry :(
Day 18: ✅ IM SO SORRY GUYS I LITERALLY FORGOT ABT THIS WORKOUTTT😭💀💀 did it again and my stomach still looks the same :)
Day 19: didn’t do it swjcedjcjwdcjw
Day 20:✅ did it again! Helped my bloating

Stopped doing this workout since i already lost my excess stomach fat! I do it every once in a while to keep it up though <33

Reminder to eat a bit healthier if u want faster and better results. You can still have sweets/fast food (etc) but just try to add in some healthy options too. And drink lots of water! <3 Do NOT cut out all carbs because you need them too..just eat less carbs! Oh and DONT starve yourself because that won’t do anything but harm you. do a 1 minute Plank right after the workout ! If u can, try to walk for 30-1hr everyday as well it speeds up the results a bit😗😗We got this❤️

For those wondering, I lost about 10 pounds:’)
Thank you all for the support!💗💗


Please remind me so I don't forget❤I hope everyone who reminds me gets everything they want. 💖😊😅


Started weight: 57-59 kg
Goal:48-36 kg
11-12 yrs| 161-162

Day 1: ✅ stardet to sweat ( a lot) but Felt amazing and really loved It

Day 2: ✅ just begining to do It wish me Luck

( ⬇️ hit the like Button to remind me every day)


(⬇️ the button to remind me every day )


I will exercise once every time you remind me, good luck my girls.


конец: 31(16).07.23
талия: 75
1 день:✅ изменений пока не вижу
2 день:✅ тело болит
3 день:✅ все нормально, тело не болело, занимаюсь еще упражнениями, кроме этих.
4 день:✅вчера не занималась, ноги жутко болят.
5 день:✅все отлично!
6 день:✅изменение сегодня не было((
7 день:✅я вчера не сделала, голова болела, вот поэтому добавлю один день. изменение видны, но пожалуй советую, чтобы вы еще питались правильно, я не могу, сложно очень ((
8 день:были месечные❌
9 день:живот болел❌
10 день:было безумно плохоz❌
11 день:добавлю этт 4 дня, а так ушло 6 см, было 75, сейчас 69
12 день:✅тело болело из-за отсутстивия.
13 день:✅все хорошо
14 день:я как будто скоро умру, мне безумно плохо, дождусь до понедельника, и посмотрим, надеюсь что станет лучше((❌
15 день:✅ было плохо, но я сделала !!
16 день:✅ноги болели, но все нормально
17 день:✅сделала, все хорошо!!
18 день: ✅ все отлично!!!
19 день:✅отлично!!
20 день: ✅последний день, мне все понравилось, талия прекрасная!!

талия: 64


Who else is trying to become a skinny legend before the school starts again?


Can y'all like this to keep me accountable? 🥲
Day 1: ✅
Day 2:✅
Day 3:✅
Day 4:✅
Day 5:✅
Day 6:✅
Day 7:✅
Day 8:✅
Day 9:✅
Day 10 (6/19/24):✅
Day 11(6/20):✅
Day 12 (6/21):✅
Day 13 (6/22):✅ (I did this after my date in a dress🤣)
Day 14 (6/23):✅
14 Day Review: Maybe a little tighter on the sides, but that's all that's noticeable. So 14 days is not enough to make a difference (for reference, my starting size was very similar to the 'before' image) so I think I’ll try new things ❤


*I accidentally deleted my comment but thankfully I copied it before!*

I'm starting this workout from today and continue for 7 days, will let you know the results at the end of the week‼️ :DD

Day 1: ✅ It was easy + did another workout, I was sweating a bit and didn't felt the burn :(

Day 2: ✅ Felt a little burn and I think its actually working!! :D + did some pilates and 1 min planks✨

Day 3: ✅ The exercises were alot easier than other days comparing to the 1st day when I started this workout :0 + did another workout and 1 min 30 sec planks.

Day 4: ✅ I MEAN this is the easiest workout I've ever seen! I felt good because of the good weather and i didn't sweat at all! :D + Did another workout and 1 min 30 sec planks.

Day 5: ✅ did this exercise with my brother in a rainy day so it felt amazing!! ✨

Day 6: ✅ I saw changes on my legs and arms and felt light :0 I mean... It does work but maybe its not enough for being slim so fast so i recommend you'll to do some extra workouts and walk atleast 30 minutes EVERY day <3

Day 7: ✅ OKAYY!!! MOMENT OF THE TRUTH! >>> MY STOMACH LOOKS FLATTER THAN EVER AND I FEEL MORE ENERGETIC EVERYDAY ! Guys don't forget that not only this workout itself helps us to get flatter but u can add 2 more workouts in your daily routine with 10, 000 steps each day! Hope it works for y'all too <33

Adding more days ~~

Day 8: ✅ did it twice, morning and evening and now these are easy!


Did this workout and felt really good !

Day 10: *I'm really sorry guys I can't keep up with this workout anymore cuz i'm too busy nowadays 😞 i'm sorry:(

Day 11:

Day 12:

Day 13:

Day 14:

Like so I don't forget ;)


Начало: 02.07.24
Залайкайте чтобы не забыть 😅


Remind me
Day-1 feels burn
Day-2 a little pain
Day-3 gets easier!!!
Day-4 i see changes and they are soo good!
Day-5 this exercises gets easier but i notice that when i eat too much in a day it dissappears for a period of time so try this eating not that much because i ate too much😊
Day-6 ✅️
İ am doing it 1 week i and i see results so i want to keep going to do it for 30 days


Pov: ты решила попробовать это
Рост: 159
Вес: 52.8
Низ живота:76
Ноги: 54
1: на удивление легче чем я ожидала, немного сбилось дыхание и потряхивает ноги и руки сразу после выполнения упражнений
2 : на утро я ощущала свои бока и пресс сильнее чем хотелось бы
3 сделала 2 тренировки + кардио
4 при любом сгибании трясутся ноги, под конец дня ноги болят, сделала 2 тренировки + кардио
5 болят ноги даже при ходьбе, зделала 2 тренировки + кардио
6 мне ещё не когда не давалась тренировка так просто, я чувствую невероятный прилив энергии, ноги так сильно уже не болят, сделала 2 тренировки + кардио
7 ноги уже можно сказать что не болят, сделала 2 тренировки + кардио
8 ноги вообще не болят, но делать тренировку оказалось сложнее чем обычно, возможно потому что я много ходила, сделала 2 тренировки+ кардио
9 сделала 2 тренировки, кардио не делала слишком устала
10 сделала 2 тренировки + кардио
11 сделала 2 тренировки + кардио
12 пропустила тренировку так как заболела и плохо себя чувствовала
13 сделала 2 тренировки + кардио
14 сделала 2 тренировки + кардио
Вес: 52.9 (на самом деле он постоянно скакал)
Талия: 64
Низ живота: 73
Бедра: 95
Ноги: 53
Я решила продолжить какое-то время, так что это ещё не конец
15 я чувствую что сама хочу заниматься, сделала 2 тренировки + кардио и тренировка на пресс, упрожнения давались легко, посморю что будет завтро если что то плюсом еще одна тренировка
16 ноги терпимо болели, сделала 2 тренировки + кардио и пресс
17 сделала 2 тренировки + кардио, пресс не делала из за экзаменов слишком выматона морально, из за чего тренировка даётся тяжело
18 сделала 2 тренировки + кардио
19 сделала 2 тренировки + кардио
20 сделала 2 тренировки + кардио
21 сделала 2 тренировки + кардио
22 сделала 2 тренировки + кардио
23 сделала 1 тренировку + пресс и кардио
24 Отдых
25 отдых
26 сделала 1 тренировку+ пресс и кардио
27 сделала 1 тренировку+ пресс и кардио
28 сделала 1 тренировку + пресс и кардио
29 сделала 1 тренировку + пресс и кардио
Пожалуйста залайкайте для мотивации


Weight:: 65 kg| Goal:: 55-47 kg
Height:: 5’3.2 feet | Goal:: 5’5-5’7

Day 1:: ✅ ((Felt very sore but felt good! No changes yet!!))
Day 2::✅ ((sweated a bit became easier little slight changes))
Day 3::✅ it was easy for me! ((Not much change)
Day 4::✅ it was very easy!! It went by very smooth. No changes yet!!
Day 5::
Day 6::
Day 7::

Start:: 5.23.24

((hit the button to remind me every day!!))


If anyone sees this please like this everyday for 30 days and i will keep u updated My start weight is 42kg. Aiming for 38kg


мой вес 57кг, талия 73см.Буду делать течение 2недель
1день- ✅ было легко, но было частое дыхание.
3день-❌ было плохо
4день--✅легко, нет изменений облегчение в животе
5день-✅ сделала, в талии -2см
6день-✅ болит живот
7день-✅ Талия стала меньше на 4см
8день-✅ всё так же
9день-❌ был отдых
10день-❌было лень
14день-✅ ушло еще 2см, живот стал на много меньше
(лайкайте что бы не забыла)
Делала 1 раз в день, ела как обычно, без диеты. При этом я делала другие тренировки. Много ела, может поэтому небольшие изменения.
Тренировка работает, советую делать её 3 раза в день и не есть много, тогда у вас будет хороший результат. Всем советую, всем удачи!


Обхват талии-69
Низ живота-81
Буду делать каждый день
День 1:✅поначалу было легко, к концу тренировки болели ноги
День 2:✅
День 3:✅ сделала, было давольно легко
Итоги 3 дней:талия:66, низ живота:79 вес:57.4
День 4:✅было легко, но после тренировки болел живот и ноги
День 5:✅сдедала, устали ноги
День 6:✅сделала было легко
День 7:✅сделала
Итоги недели: талия:64, низ живота:76 вес:56.9 визуально изменения тоже видны, буду делать еще неделю
День 8:✅
День 9:
День 10:
День 11:
День 12:
День 13:
День 14:
Залайкайте что бы не забыла


I did this workout more than 1 week, and my waist was normal. Right now my waist is small and this workout really helps! Good luck everyone~


