Is Exercising Worth Your Time?

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Do all those hours in the gym outweigh the health benefits of being fit?
Find all of this out in more in this episode of Coffee Break!

Articles Used:
Further evidence of the benefits of exercise:

Music used in order of appearance:
Creative Commons - Love Life
Lewis Ofman - Sucrees
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I've read a few comments stating that exercising while young will exchange time from your "good years" for those from your "bad years." As an EMT, I can guarantee one thing. If you don't take care of your self while young, your"bad years" will come sooner than you would expect.

I think I'll go for a run today, great video.


Well done, this should give me enough motivation for at least 3 more days of exercise.


While also making you more confident and more attractive as a person(not just because of looks). Also a dozen of studies suggest that it helps against: alzheimer, depression and schizophrenia.


I came here after the school of life video and your quality is surely gonna take you very high soon. Keep it up. Subbed


Keep it up dude. With this quality you'll be huge one day.


This is so interesting. God, why have nobody ever made the case for exercise with a quantitative approach to me before? Love the feeling of hearing something and without argument agreeing - comes rarely these days. You, sir, are a scholar and have earned my subscription.


You "win" extra hours by not going to the hospital, you also wont lose a huge amount of money through insurance to get a preventable surgery (ex open heart surgery). You also create a better future self. You might be in your 20s now but you will not always be. Someday you wake up and you are in your mid 30s or 40s. If you spend all that time partying, eating garbage and drinking alcohol this is going to eventually catch up to you and you wont be able to reverse the damage - or if you do its gonna take tenfold the effort.


I've never had such a subtle, calm video, make me want to exercise more. Great job, love your videos!


Okay, just watched few videos and am pleasantly surprised at the quality of the production, the originality of ideas, the illustrations; arguments are clear and concise. You not only just earned a subscriber but a fan as well, friend.


Man, this put me in such a good mood. This is exactly what a video essay should be, its a unique take on a topic we can all relate too. You're doing the lords work, thank you so much for making these, absolutely wonderful work.


This video randomly popped up in my recommendations after an exhausting day at uni, and prompted me to go to the gym, rather than sit and binge watch YouTube videos - thanks!


"If you don't have time to exercise, you have to make up time to be sick" -Robin Sharma


Literally opened YouTube since I didn't want to go to the gym, and this was first in my recommended... Guess in excercising now.


Even if you dont like it at first running is the way to go. Honestly its gonna suck for about a week but after that it will literally be addicting as you'll soon discover the feeling known as "runner's high". I cannot express the pure happiness and mental clarity that you get from this. Anybody who is trying to get more exercise into their lives please just stick with jogging for more 2 weeks and i promise that it will become somewhat addicting. This isnt a recommendation, its a prescription.


Your videos are so simplistic. This was 2 minutes and it managed to make me care more about exercising. I've always cared, and I would exercise regardless if the answer the was other around.
To me, exercising is more than just quantity of time I may gain. It also makes the time I live have more quality.
So thank you for making me feel as though exercise will always be a win-win situation.


All this is also discounting the fact that more exercising means less illness, and less illness also adds to the amount of extra time you get to do other stuff


Don’t forget to add the stuff you glossed over in the beginning, that’s a bonus too.In addition, you (at least in my experience) feel healthier in general


i jog in the morning, afternoon and at night, the reason being is it keeps me from falling asleep and feeling productive. But can make your knees soar


Yay! I'm now looking forward to looking back and being grateful that I'd spent all that time exercising... Sat in a nursing home that I had to sell my house to fund, chanting 'help me, help me!' Whilst enduring a bed bath. 😎


Great channel always breaks down the subjects with the important topics and not some dumb shit
