Exercising More Days a Week - Worth It? (New Study)

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3 vs 6 days of Training, Which is Better?

How Many Times a Week Should I Workout?

Referenced Study

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It depends on what will keep you consistent on skipping leg day ... great vizeo


I train weights and cardio for hours every day and have literally trancended humanity and even reality itself


Consistency. Don't push yourself too much if you're a beginner, have fun with it so you do it every day. Once you've gathered momentum you can consider pushing yourself depending on your goals. I don't even set goals. I just show up every day & my only goal is to do that for the rest of my life. Patience and consistency.


The only day I skip is Monday. Tuesday is chest day, Wednesday is back day, Thursday is shoulder day, Friday is arms day, Saturday is cardio, Sunday is aerobics, Monday is leg day.


Exercising can be really hard sometimes, but it is nothing without proper nutrition. Problem is I had no idea about calories, macros, nutrients and all that stuff. Last year I had almost 330 lbs in body weight. One day I just started moving more, then slow running then I started doing weighted exercises and I was eating clean by following meal plan I got from Next Level Diet. Today I have 220 lbs and I am happy like I never been in my life.


I find working out more days is best for my mental health. I would say I am an advanced lifter now and could likely get the same results (maybe even better) from working out less.


It also depends upon the type of the exercise. If if is aerobic or cardio, it can be done virtually everyday. But if it is anaerobic, like strength training, and you push each session to maximum limits (RPE 10), then everyday would cause burn out.

Harder the session, the longer it takes to recover, and less often it can be repeated.


As for me a (regular guy) i do three days weight training and three days (1 hour walk) and try to rest one day, i must say this is the best training routine i’ve found, been doing this for the past three month and i must say i can’t remember that i felt so good with my body and i can see difference from week to week with both training and body !


I see quite some people saying they started improving faster once they dropped their overall training volume. While you can in fact have volume that is too large and actively hurts progress (junk volume), please keep in mind that by lowering your volume you also lower your total daily energy expenditure. Assuming you ate the same amount of calories, this means your caloric surplus increased due to the decreased volume, likely stimulating gains in muscle mass and strength. Therefore, consider adding volume and increasing your caloric intake.


I used to be training 5 to 6 days per week only upto the point I feel really fatigued and shifted to 3 day training. I'm not targetting for a huge bulk and muscle build up so 3 day full body workout always worked for me. I make sure my training volume and sets and reps per muscle target is met.


I prefer working out 6 days a week. Since I find it easier to continue with this routine and not skip a single session. My routine is When I used to work out less, I sometimes was not in the mood and skipped the workout.


I used to train 6 days a week but since 2 years back when I had a kid it changed to 3-4 days with slithly longer sessions. During my 6 times per week I made huge progression. And I still do. Training since I was 15 currently 34 and been very serious the last 6 years all natty.


The answer is recovery. The reasoning behind 3 or 4 days a week is just based in the presumed logic that it takes around 48 hours for an intermediate/beginner/natty lifter to recover.

And contrastingly, enhanced lifters can even lift twice a day just because of how fast they can recover.


Instead of training that s*** out of muscles once a week it's better to do full body splits three sets per movement and never let a muscle group go more than 3 days without being worked. You spread out what you're doing instead of cramming it all into one day. If you plan it right you can have 3 days off a week. For example you only left Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday


Yep, I do two full body heavy lifting non stop workouts for 45 minutes per week. Lots of slow negatives and last sets to total failure! Recovery is the key especially after 50 years old. In between workouts I walk two miles in the morning 4 times a week and surf on occasion. Works great for me!


Honestly I’ve been watching for a bit since you came back, but I am grateful that you are back! Been slacking for a couple months due to motivation but warching your videos are building it back up!

Keep up these videos! Love seeing them when I can 🔥


In the last month or so I found by decreasing my frequency, I was able to increase my weight for similar set&reps to a point that I increased overall volume (slightly). I used to be 2 days on, 1 day off. Now i am just every other day. No consideration for day of the week. It's felt better and more motivating.


God I realise now how I missed those vids in my feed!

Glad you're back PicFit


I just train my whole body 3 days a week, doing a PowerBuilders program, doing compound and accessory excersises, best thing i did in my life, oh bless you you monster Ronnie Coleman!


1:24 ... problem is an absence of observed study effect does not imply equivalence. Which is an entirely different study design altogether.
