Why Most People Can't Wake Up From The Matrix

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Why most people can't wake up from the Matrix? The mechanisms of Matrix are very sophisticated, there are many layers that are designed to keep general population in servitude and ignorance. In this episode of True Spirituality we are covering some examples of the way the system works and why so many people aren't able to wake up to the bigger picture.

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If they didn't want us awakened they shouldn't have locked us down. Boredom makes the mind wander.... 🐇 🕳️


HOw about take th ekids cell phones, turn off their Internet. Give them a popsicle and tell them to go sit outside and then get back in the house when the street lights turned on at the sidewalks.


Hi partner hehe im doing my job by my side i have my team hehe
Good job great explanations ;)
Thanks for us alls


I can’t listen to you while you playing this disturbing music .


I think people wake up best after going through hardships etc, like a disaster, power cut or death experience


I don't know? It wasn't hard to wake up. I just started to find out why some didn't like trump? That's what go me started into researching. And through that I learned so many other things along the path. I guess it was easy for me because I live by the truth. And searching for the truth is interesting for me


Hi, English is not my first language, but I hope I can still make myself understood. I think a lot of people suspect that a lot of what they've been told throughout their lives isn't true. and their self-protection prevents them from questioning. They know they'd be opening a Pandora's box if they started looking outside of the mainstream media for information. self-protection might instinctively hinder them because they can never close the box again and have to live with what they learn. their entire world view would be turned upside down, they would have to realize that they had been manipulated their entire lives. Not everyone can handle it. My awakening came with 9/11, then the opening of the border in Germany in 2015 with all the consequences and so on. no wonder I didn't believe them for a second when they came around the corner with the miracle injection in 2021. I really tried to enlighten as many as possible but they wouldn't listen. Result: 3 friends dead, at least 4 with serious health problems and 1, as I unfortunately found out today, has been in a coma since November. I've bumped into walls and sometimes it's hard for me not to say: it's your own fault, I warned you and you laughed at me. I'm supposed to show pity for the pitiless.


People need to get rid of the plug in drug. Throw that TV away. There is enough programming going on around us without watching TV. The rabbit hole is deep and we have to dig deep deep deep on research.


Fear is the reason everyone gets trapped. Fill your mind with wonder and leave no room for fear.


In my experience, I think lots of people, if not most people, don’t want to wake up. Obviously we all know some people who really have no idea. They believe the official narrative on everything and they think it’s crazy to even question it.
But I know lots of people who were waking up. They started to question the official story a few years ago. They were on a similar path with me, and I had hope for them. We learned a lot together!
But something changed either after Trump’s election or the when the pandemic began that caused many of those people to go backwards. They started choosing to believe the official story, the establishment press, government institutions, etc. It was truly a conscious choice for them to spit up the redpill and go back to the blue.


Few years ago i had this vision how there is a mass hypnosis going on. This is now for me like confirmation to investigate further. I had very strange experiences in my mental breakdowns from depression, but it awakened me to some things..i guess, it's an ongoing work.


When you spoke of opening your 3rd eye and communicating with entities from other worlds you are encroaching on very dangerous territory. People, in general, should not go down this path. It presents a whole load of problems. You need to be very careful what you are saying on this subject.


Ignorance be gets ignorance it took a while for me to wake up started after the movie THEY LIVE then the weed and alcohol kept me a sleep until 42 then just alcohol then I started studying psychology propaganda and psychological warfare Mind control the biblical truth about space and Time and the spirit realm and higher dimensional consciousness here I am needing more and thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement


When It dawned upon me that my own ruling elite wanted to sell my country to a foreign power (the EU) and world war three didnt happen as a result of brexit I became innoculated to their bull shit.


Sorry !Just could not stay awake, no doubt you are knowledgeable....do you wonder if people are not just too polite to question ? They are also "afraid" of being proven "wrong"....not !


If you tell your psychologist you can sense a presence or see 'stuff' they tell you you are psychotic and prescribe you antidepressants and have always wondered how many people are wrongly diagnosed with schizophrenia, aren't just highly spiritual?


I spent too many years worrying about those that sleep.... simple free will and it is their choice...I accept to be just me only me... Solid, soaring like an Eagle, cunning as a fox, wise as an owl. courage of a lion, hunt like shark. I stand tall protector of knowledge and truth...


I once dropped acid and watched "Star Trek: The Motion Picture, " and hallucinated that I merged with an alien probe and became a new life form.


Those entities are demons. You are getting deceived. Do NOT play with them, opening your 3rd eye and all that stuff, they are not your friends buddy.
