What Happens When A Night Owl Wakes Up Early

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There is a lot of advice out there about how to get the best night of sleep. But the fact that you can't sleep might not be your fault. It turns out, night owls have an internal clock that functions differently. Forcing them to wake up early could have serious health consequences.

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Following is a transcript of the video:

There is plenty of advice for how to improve your sleep. Go to bed at the same time. Avoid digital screens after dark. And don’t hit snooze. But it all comes down to the same assumption: That YOU’RE doing something wrong. When, in fact, it may not be your fault, at all.

Inside practically every organism on Earth there’s a clock that keeps order. Known as the circadian rhythm. For humans, it’s located in the part of our brains called the hypothalamus. And while it’s most famous for controlling our sleep cycles… it’s also responsible for helping primary organs like the brain, heart, and lungs, work in harmony. But not everyone’s circadian rhythm is the same. Night owls, for instance, generally feel tired later than early birds. Often because they produce high amounts of the sleep hormone, melatonin, later at night.

And for most of human history that didn’t matter — since night owls could protect their tribes from nocturnal predators or their cities from cunning conquerors — but society has MADE it a problem in recent decades. An estimated 80% of Americans follow daily schedules that fall between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Yet, nearly a third of the population considers themselves night owls. Which means they’d be better off with a schedule that looks more like this. This phenomenon is called social jetlag. It’s like the jetlag you feel after a long plane trip… but worse because it doesn’t disappear after a few days.

And social jetlag is taking its toll on night owls of the world. Because, even if you get the recommended amount of sleep… knocking your circadian rhythm out of whack has consequences. For example, one study found that for every hour your circadian rhythm is out of syn …your risk of obesity increases by 33%. Also increasing your risk of the many health complications associated with obesity. And the problem isn’t just a physical one. In another study, people whose circadian rhythms were more than 2 hours off… reported notably more severe symptoms of depression.

And since your circadian rhythm tends to shift as you age… social jetlag is especially apparent in teens. In fact, the CDC warns that most public schools across America start too early, before 8:30. Which, according to the nonprofit “Rand Corporation,” is costing the country $9 billion a year from mainly lost academic performance and car crashes from tired teens behind the wheel. Luckily, the circadian rhythm isn’t set in stone. Turns out, it’s largely triggered by light signals that strike your eye. So, when you first wake up, get outside and soak up some morning sun… or if that’s out of the question, make sure your home is well lit. It might just brighten your morning a little more.
Рекомендации по теме

Waking early is a constant struggle every day, same as going to bed early. My preferred time is waking up around 10AM and going to bed at 2AM. I just feel more alive and creative at night.


I love how for most of human history, us night owls served as excellent guards and watchmen, whether the threat was animals or people. Now we are scrutinised by society… thanks guys…


I tried changing my sleep schedule to go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 6 am, even during weekends, and I managed to keep it for 6 months. I felt constantly tired despite getting around 7-8 hours of sleep. After my summer break started, it took me less than a week to naturally change my sleep schedule back to going to bed at 2-3 am and waking up at around 10-11 am. I’m sure stress and other stuff are factors too, but I feel way more refreshed and energized every day when I wake up late. I feel genuinely motivated to do things like working out and learn new skills/improve my skills. Working out felt like a chore when waking up early, now it’s enjoyable. Everything just feels better and less tiring.


My husband is quite clearly a night owl, while I'm quite clearly an early bird. It gets a bit challenging sometimes, because at night, when he's feeling more active is when I start to shut down completely. It has positives too though. I wake up early and can have those few minutes of peace and quiet when I tidy up the house and listen to the silence. I get to wake him up every day with caresses and kisses and see him get drowsy the next minute. Very cute.


Theres still discrimination against non early birds. Some treat them as lazy. But some people just have their most productive hours late at night, and not early in the morning.

The worst part is when you find yourself addicted to stimulants and caffeine just to adapt, before you realize that its just your time schedule. They take their toll


I despise waking up early. I hate when people try to shame you for not waking up at 6:00 in the morning like that's normal. Some people are just vampires ok


Interesting side info: It looks like things such as high intelligence and also things like ADHD are sometimes associated to being a night owl. One reason: The night is overall less loaded with distractions, interruptions and the sensory load is lower. That facilitates the process of introspection and pondering. Particularly to us ADHD people, lower sensory load and low risk of stuff like phone calls and social inquiries are super helpful. Plus Dr.K from HealthyGamer explained there's a chemical component of it, too, that I cannot explain as well as he did. But the gist of it is, that we have a certain range in which "doing stuff" is possible and when we start to ge tired, that's when our ability to function gets more. Which makes a great load of sense to me, cause my brain is racing to the point I'm not doing stuff, so once it's a little bit tired and slows down, I get to function cause that is out of the way XD.


Finding out that I actually am not just a nightowl, but that the reason for that also has a name: Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome has done miracles for me. My entire life, I felt like there was something wrong with me, as I like to stay up until the early morning houts, and only get up when most people are having lunch... But when I heard about DSPS, and that it is actually a 'thing', it felt like a load fell off my shoulders. So many people have this, and it is not 'wrong' as they tried to convince me. I am also more productive and creative late at night, so I am very greatful also that I am my own boss and can live by my own rythm. It took a while for my friends and family to 'accept' my lifestyle, but they got used to it, and now they know it is part of me. For all you fellow DSPS out there! Hang in there, now you 'know', life will be so much better!


Funny that YT is recommending me this video right as i open the app at 2am


What happens when a night owl wakes up early: we go back to sleep


I have been a night owl my whole life and it sucks that society tries to force us to go against our natural circadian rhythm. I'm far more alert and focused at night and that's when my creativity is at an all-time high. For years I've forced myself to get up early for school/work and it only leaves me exhausted and unable to accomplish anything. I also can't fall asleep early because my body simply refuses, doesn't matter how exhausted I am the second I try to go to bed too early my body says "nope, you're not allowed to sleep right now" and thus I am forced to toss and turn all night. I hate the mornings and wish I could just work the schedule that fits with my natural circadian rhythm but alas unless I become a millionaire or somehow become my own boss it ain't gonna happen.


I always had to get up at 6 for school and it was miserable. I could barely stay awake all day or pay attention to anything, I'm honestly surprised I didn't get yelled at for not paying attention or (almost) falling asleep in class. Felt like I was always behind and I was always missing things. When I got home around 4 though I sprang to life and became completely wired and full of energy the rest of the day, and that persisted when it was time to go to sleep. It usually took me forever to fall asleep and I always hated having to go to bed because I'd just be laying there wide awake waiting to eventually fall asleep. Then again comes morning and I can barely get out of bed because I'm completely zombified once again, always feeling like garbage as long as I'm at school

Not sure if it's because I'm a night owl, being forced to sleep and wake up much earlier than I should be, or I just really hate school so much that the thought of school saps all my energy, and getting out of school fills me with renewed vigor. Probably the second option. Either way once I was out of school and could sleep whenever I want, I magically felt 1000 times better and stopped hating life. funny how miserable school is and almost everyone hates it, yet the school system thinks it's fine and depression builds character or something


The first thing i do in the morning is go back to sleep


With me, I can spend weeks changing my sleep schedule to wake up in the morning, and then give me 1-2 days of staying up late, and my body is literally back to sleeping through the morning.


1:39 Hold on, you think 1:00 am bedtime is when night owls sleep? Oh honey… 🦉


Watching this at 3.10am. Been a night owl all my life and I'm 61 now. I function best late at night and don't even speak to me early in a morning.


so basically in conclusion ill just end up fat and depressed


I'm a night owl and I thank the heavens every day that I am currently able to be self employed. I go to bed and wake up when I want and feel 1000x healthier and less depressed than when I was forced to wake up for a 8-4 job every day for 10 years of my life.. Leaving corporate life did wonders for my appetite and metabolism as well.
It is one of my deepest hopes that all of you will be able to find work that can accommodate your bodily rhythm and overall health.. Because sadly, our society is designed to kill you just as much as it is designed to help you.


I love how the latest it goes for the night owls in this case is till 1am. it’s very much not the case for me since I tend to go to bed at 3-4am and wake up at 12-1 pm since my body still needs a full 8 hours.


I've never considered someone who wakes up at 9am as a night owl lol.
I like to go to sleep between 7 and 8 am and wake up between 3 to 5pm
