NEVER Wake a Sleepwalker! Here's Why...

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If you haven't heard yet, it's extremely bad to wake up a sleepwalker, but why is that the case? In today's amazing new video we are going to see what science has to say as to why waking a sleepwalker up can be so dangerous. Not only could it be harmful to the person sleeping, but it could also be dangerous for you!



All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.
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So are they awake or asleep?
Sleepwalkers: Yes


I've slept walk down a bunk bed and went to kitchen when parents were awake faced a bookshelf and said "rock"


My mom once said that when I was sleep walking I ran up to her in her bed and I said, "here's my glasses mom" (which was actually a pop can) and went back to sleep. 😄


when i was 5 ish i sleepwalked walked into my friends house right across me his mom woke up and saw me sleeping on there couch i dont remember much but i due remember that they lock there door every night now it is crazy what you can due in your sleep!!


ngl i thought that the title said "NEVER walk a sleepwalker" until it said "you should never *wake* a sleepwalker"


When I was like 6 I was sleep walking and it was like 2 in the morning. I went into the kitchen and peen on the floor in the pitch black darkness lol. And then my mom woke me up and I didn’t realize what I did


There are some types medications that can couse a person to sleewalk Ambian is just one of them. If your on anti depressant medicines, ask your doctor about the side affect these may couse. Some people have been known to cross bussy highways or drive in a sleepwalking state while on these medications and have amnesia of the event the next morning and insist was in bed sound asleep all night. One drastick solution I could think of is to chain the person's ankle to the bed at night but if the person uses the bathroom during the night that my not work or you may need a chain that's long enough to reach from the bed all the way to the toilet. If the person sleeps all through the night and starts sleepwalking another salution is to mount a woouden stack a on the foot of the bed and lock the person's feet in it at bed time. Just on't forget to unlock the stock early the next morning.


Once, my dream was so vivid, and I can remember that I was talking in a serious manner to someone in my dream. Our conversation was not clear at all, except for a few words I said: "2nd of September". I was completely still except for my mouth. I and my mother shared a room, and even when we have 2 separate beds, she heard me say those words in my sleep. She was currently browsing her phone, sitting on her bed (as what I remembered when I glanced to her) Guess what she did? She pinched my toe for a few seconds and said, "Ui, wake up, WAKE UP. What's up with the 2nd of September". My response? "Stop pinching me, I'm awake." Mom said, "really?" and pinched me again. I was triggered and said "what? We are just talking and you're pinching me adsaklhadiuerhwekjh-" and my words turned to whisper. I fell asleep again but before that, I heard my Mom say, "I'm gonna bear in mind those lottery numbers". lol She never took anything seriously tho. Hngg.


I've slept walked for going on 30 years and this is a little ridiculous. Sure I've left my house and been brought back, I've fell down stairs and broke my arm, I've slept walked during camping ect. I've never been violent and I've been woke up, carried home, water poured on me and not known I've slept walked. It's not that bad. But maybe I've been lucky every single time. But one thing is for sure. I've never talked to any helpful or knowledgeable doctors on this issue. They basically said they didn't know and it was something very complicated. Thanks doc


When I was younger and I slept walked, kg was like 12 or 1 on a school night and I was sleep walking to the kitchen. I was gonna go outside through the garage but my mom saw me and asked what I was doing. Idk what I said but she told me the alarm was on (we had a security alarm) and for some reason I started clapping in the kitchen and doing a dance. She guided me back to my room and told me I was sleep walking


I once sleepwalked down the stairs and through the sitting room where my parents were, waving my toothbrush around and muttering with my eyes wide open.


I once slept with my cousin when i was a kid and she told me that i sleep walked and she was scared


When i was younger i used to sleep walk a lot, but the most common one was walking to the shelf opening it and peeing there, its such a weird stuff and the most weird thing is i dont even remeber doing it, my sibling saw me lol.


When I was younger at a boarding school, I apparently sleepwalked once or twice. Only one is memorable due to someone noticing me and where I woke up. I had somehow managed to walk down two flights of stairs and done my laundry then went into the bathroom, where someone had gotten up to wash their face. According to them, I looked blank as though I was looking through them, then I followed them with my eyes when they turned to leave, I just said to them in a normal but monotone voice: 'leave.' After that, I must have gotten into the bathtub, because that's where I woke up.


You can also just tell them to go back to bed. They are usually open to suggestion.


I was a sleep walker, it seems that I spoke my 3rd language more fluently while sleep talking, according to my brother that was studying in the living room late night one night.

But most of the time it’s just me knocking on my parents door, mumbling or saying “I’m scared”(nightmares probably). Sometimes I woke up gradually when I was knocking on the door, but in a trance, I continue mumbling and doing it. Sometimes I wake up when I was being escorted back to my bed.

All those happened when we stayed in a single storey house. Thankfully I grew out of it when we moved to a double storey house 😂


I sleepwalk when under stress, i was getting ready for school competition in this story. I went to bed really early because i was sleepy, my parents and brother stayed awake. They said i came in the living room, where they ve been watching TV, and started giving lessons on the subject i was learning prior. And even graded their knowladge hahha😂


Well I know I'll be safe dreaming since i mostly just see pitch black and its usualy silent and i just sit there in my dream, and surprisingly i don't do anything when i have my apocalypse dreams


My brother jumped off my aunt’s 2 story apartment balcony when sleepwalking....


There was one time when me and my brother shared a bedroom when we were kids that I ended up sleep walking and started petting his head because of my dream his head was our dog
