How To Instantly Fix Knee Pain When Going Up And Down Stairs

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Knee pain often gets worse when going up and down stairs.

People avoid stairs all the time to avoid dealing with the pain they experience using them. Some people have to use stairs no matter what at their home, work, and throughout their daily life.

We often get patients thinking about selling their homes because of stairs!

Don’t sell your house because of knee pain! So long as your knees are not extremely swollen and sensitive, you should be able to reduce the knee pain and even eliminate it.

People with knee arthritis, patellofemoral pain syndrome, a meniscus tear, and even knee cartilage damage usually make this instant fix to the way they climb stairs to help their knee pain.

In this video, Dr. David shows you exactly how to modify the way you use stairs so that you can dramatically reduce your pain...and possibly even eliminate it altogether.

Here is the video mentioned about walking:

Interested in more tips and advice with walking and stair climbing? Check out this playlist:
“Walking & Stairs Advice For Painful Knees, Hips, And Ankles”

✅ Subscribe for more FREE tips on how to stay healthy, active & mobile while avoiding unnecessary medication, injections, or surgery:

👟 Because we've had so many comments about what shoes Dr. David is wearing, here's a link to the shoes on Amazon:
Dr. David's Shoes With Insoles - Olukai Brand

💆‍♀️The massage table Dr. David uses can be found at this link:




Any information available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a physician, medical provider or a physical therapist. El Paso Manual Physical Therapy will not be liable for any injuries that happened due to performing any exercises or advice on this channel.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions about your medical condition or to diagnose any conditions.
Рекомендации по теме

David’s tips are always the best advice! So are his programs to target problem areas. I’ve taken the knee pain 28 day regimen. It really helped me! ❤️💯❤️


You are my new hero. I'm 76 and my inner knee pain has been so bad for the last month that it has been making me an invalid. I watched a few of your videos yesterday and within an hour or so, after following your tips, I am now practically pain free. The pain was so bad that I was constantly repositioning my legs for relief. Now I very consciously sit with my feet turned out and my knees outside my pain. I don't even feel like I need Aleve this morning! I feel like I owe you the price of a consult😁 Many, many thanks.


Tried it and immediately saw the results! Stairs are no longer a problem for this 79 year old! Thank you!


I have been in so much knee pain that I refuse to do any kind of activities with my loved ones. I've taken Meloxicam, Tylenol, and Bayer. Nothing has worked. I had been praying to God, asking him to ease my pain, and today while opening YouTube, this video popped up. I went out side to try this out on my stairs, and I am so grateful that this actually worked. Wow Dr. David, you are a Godsend. Prayer does work and so does this technique. Thank you so much. Subscribed. 🙏🙏


I'm a 77 yr old male and have been getting progressively worse knee pain over the years, and have never heard of going up and down stairs in the manner you demonstrate and explain. So I am now trying it with your method and I can instantly feel a difference and the pain is definitely reduced. Thanks and I am passing this link along to friends who could use the help!


Thank you! I have osteoarthritis in one knee. I thought I would have to sell my two story house, but tried your advice and now my pain is well controlled when walking downstairs. This was truly helpful.


This comes in so very timely! I just sold my one-story home and about to move to a townhouse that is three story high. I love this new home and these simple recommendations are totally durable and educational! Thank you so much for your sharing!


It’s 4:32 in Texas right now and I just finished watching your very informative video!

Thank you so, so much. I’ve NEVER subscribed to ANYONE’S video in my life and I’m 67 years old.

I needed to hear this! I’m looking forward to not only implementing your suggestions, but watching more of your informative videos.

Thank you Dr. David. I’m one happy seasoned lady! 😁


My house is 2 storey and your instructions has helped me tremendously! I’ve been strengthening my glutes all week after watching a couple of your YouTube videos! Thank you! I don’t want knee replacement surgery ever! I’m 72 years old and I’m active everyday walking, cycling 10 miles on low resistance, swim breast stroke for 30 minutes and now doing strength training. I’ve always did yoga/Pilates for 50 years. The best thing that helped my inflamed knees was getting the flu and was going from my bed to my couch for about a week. My knees were pain free and swelling was gone!
Thank you for showing me how to save my knees so I don’t have to have surgery or forced to move out of my house! You’re exactly the physiotherapist that I’ve been looking for for the last 6 months! BTW I’m Canadian from Windsor Ontario!


Dr. David, this is wonderful! Will try this right away (thirteen stairs in and out of my basement apartment). I also love the fact that you get right to the point! (instead of spending 5 to 10 minutes telling us what you are going to do!!)


I have seen ppl go up and down stairs like thus many times and I now know why they do it this way...Thank U💙


I’m so GLAD I FOUND DAVIDS CHANNEL. He’s ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. His information, demos are EVERYTHING. Thank you David❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


I'm glad I found you. I will surely try this & update you on the outcome. I'm 58 years young & am disheartened with the knee problems I'm having. Hope to watch more of your videos to get myself back to normal. Thanks for sharing.


Very nicely said. Was finding it difficult to climb up and down the stairs, now I will follow your instructions. Thanks


Following your advice for stairs which I encounter in my house on average 3 times a day, 15 steps -2 story house, I already feel better walking on flat surfaces afterwards. Thank you, will be watching more of your videos.


Found your videos yesterday when I typed in exercises for chondromalacia and I am so very glad. The list of exercises my doctor gave me to do felt counterintuitive and ended up causing me more pain. Your video about exercises you should and shouldn't do almost made me cry. I knew those weren't the right exercises for me, and I even noticed when I worked on glute strengthening the pressure on my knees wasn't as bad.
I had already been trying to walk up and down the stars using my glutes and just gave up and started going backwards (watched that video right before this one). This is what I needed to see. I was on the right track but didn't have my feet positioned right. Thank you so much for your series of videos on chondromalacia patella. I've been in so much pain for the past few weeks and everything I was told to do except for ice and heat just made it worse.


Had a knee replacement two years back and stairs have been a issue with that knee and the other that hurts at times. Glad I seen this and it does make it better. Thank you 🙏


I sometimes have medial right knee pain when going down stairs and walking counterclockwise, and a history of knee arthritis. I would be considered "old, " but active. I came online, today, to find a 'different way to walk', to alleviate the pain, not do a bunch of exercises unrelated to my personal issue. I found it right here!!! Using the techniques described, I no longer have pain associated with the above-described motions! Amazing! I've viewed several more videos, by this channel, and they offer such good advice. Thank you so much, Dr. David!


Unbelievable! I can't thank you enough! Knee pain drastically reduced! THANK YOU!!!!


It works! I have been to my daughter’s twice recently, last month and in March and no pain. Because of the grand kids I’m up and down the stairs many times all day. Thank you Dr. David!
