Calvinism, Arminianism, & Provisionism Defined w/ @SlaveckMoraru

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, compares and contrasts #Calvinism, #Arminianism, & #Provisionism during a recent interview on @SlaveckMoraru's podcast.


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Thank you so much for coming on the podcast. I had numerous people that told me about how blessed they were by your answers and how it brought so much clarity. blessings to you and your ministry.


I'm not a Calvinist, nor a classical Arminian, nor a provisionist, but I appreciate how provisionists are providing a fresh perspective in soteriology, even if I don't agree with them on a lot of things. Leighton Flowers is a humble and kind man. I don't know how he's able to deal with so much slander, mockery, and hatred. God bless him.


I find it very deceptive of Calvinists to declare anyone who doesn't follow John Calvin to be an Arminian.


I really need to understand WHY Calvinism is NOT "another gospel" when it paints a different picture of God's character. I'm struggling with this. Can you explain this to me because this is weighing heavily on me?


Regarding knowing if you’re elect (in Calvinistic terms), at about the 10 minute mark, Leighton comments that Calvinists would say that the fact that you “want to come” is proof that (to a Calvinist) you are elect… that is a “fruit” of God’s irresistible grace to you. However, in the Westminster Confession is states, “Others, not elect, may be called by the ministry of the word, and the Spirit may work in them in some of the same ways he works in the elect. However, they never truly come to Christ and therefore cannot be saved.” In light of this (ie, what the Westminster Confession says), it would seem that the Calvinist view is that some who think they are saved (because they have responded to the “ministry of the word” and who “the Spirit may work in” may indeed not be saved. Thus, this seems to indicate that Calvinism teaches we really can’t know one way or the other if we’re saved. Troublesome to say the least.


If Calvinism were true, then wouldn't the Prodigal Son's father have had to go bring him back home, not just stand there on the porch waiting and watching?


Reformed Arminian here. Excellent video. In our Free Will Baptist tradition, we believe that prevenient grace (Titus 2:11) makes us capable of believing in Christ by pulling us out of our total depravity. We do believe that someone can become regenerate by grace thru faith in Christ and that here is great hope in the saints persevering till the end. But we also believe the Scriptures warn that a true follower can later apostatize and make shipwreck their faith. (1 Timothy 1:19).


While I think that pretty much everything said by the reformers is a western misreading of scripture, addressing 14th century questions with 16th century eyes (instead of 1st century Jewish eyes)... this is an interesting interaction with those ultimately and fundamentally flawed theologies.


Thank you for these succinct definitions. I knew what I believe did not fit either Calvinism or Arminianism, but nice to know there is an “ism” where I can fit. 😊


Why is eternal security true, if God warns us numerously about falling away (John 15 - cut off, Hebrew 10:29 - those who were sanctified by the blood of the covenant).


Thank you, Flowers! This was really good. I have been watching your videos for some time now, and I have now become a Provisionist. I graduated from Houston Christian University last year with my MA in Christian Leadership & Philosophical Apologetics, and videos like this helped me clarify how I view soteriology. Keep up the excellent work, my brother!


I don’t believe “original sin” means born with the guilt of Adam. It’s born affected by the “original sin” Adam committed. Sin always affects others. The sin of our first father (whether figurative or literal “first man”) explains how we are born with a sin nature. Not perfect. Needing God’s grace.


Election is working out your faith with fear and trembling. We are not totally secure until redemption. Yes Christ ransomed us, but we need to walk the narrow path. God didn’t die for us to continue in sin. You will go to hell thinking that way and counting God’s gift as something cheap. We all need to stay vigilant seeking God. Till Christ be formed in you. A good steward of God’s word and work. Stay thirsty friends of God.


well said! This is a good summary of those three beliefs within christendom! awesome! thanks be to God: )I think there was a lot of nuances left out here but overall an awesome video! Btw. I am a provisionist :)
May God bless y'all weekend in Christ Jesus our Lord!


If one is spiritually dead that they cannot respond to the preached message of salvation, then repentance is impossible, and yet that was the cry of both John the Baptist, Jesus and even the OT prophets. Why make a request that is impossible to act upon?


One of the best explanations defining the differences. All Christians should use this as a true basis of defining each other’s theology. Why wouldn’t one agree with provisionism after listening to this? I don’t like labels, but God provided. That’s what I believe because that is what the Bible says. It’s a free gift that is offered, but can be rejected John 3:36

John 1:12 Believe and receive, then God gives the power/right to become a child of God.


I found this hard to follow. I was expecting you to say, and list out what each belief system meant or is. Instead, it sort of blended into telling us mostly all that Calvinism is and how it’s wrong. I’m not a Calvinist. I’m at Molinist. But I’m trying to figure out the difference between Arminian and provision


It blows my mind that after centuries of studying and interpreting the scriptures, people still argue over these doctrines. For me it all comes down to trusting in almighty God, through Christ, to save me. After 50 years as a Christian, I realize I'm doomed without His grace.


Arminianism holds that salvation is all of grace, in that every movement of the soul toward God is initiated by divine grace; but it recognizes also in a true sense, the co-operation of the human will, because in the last stage, it remains with the free agent, as to whether the grace thus proffered is accepted or rejected.

Prevenient Grace and Human Agency. The relation of free grace to personal agency demands a further analysis. This relation may be briefly summed up in the following propositions: (1) Prevenient grace is ex­ercised upon the natural man, or man in his condition subsequent to the fall, This grace is exercised upon his entire being, and not upon any particular element or power of his being. Pelagianism regards grace as acting solely upon the understanding, while Augustinianism falls into. the opposite error of supposing that grace deter­mines the will through effectual calling. Arminianism holds to a truer psychology. It insists that grace does not operate merely upon the intellect, the feelings or the will, but upon the person or central being which is be­neath and behind all affections and attributes. It thus preserves a belief in the unity of personality. (2) Pre­venient grace has to do with man as a free and responsible agent. The fall did not efface the natural image of God in man, nor destroy any of the powers of his being. It did not destroy the power of thought which belongs to the intellect, nor the power of affection which per­tains to the feelings. So, also, it did not destroy the power of volition which belongs to the will. (3) Prevenient grace has to do further, with the person as en­slaved by sin. Not only is the natural heart depraved, God does not compel man by a mechanical force, but draws him on and moves him by the moral power of His love. Nowhere does either Scripture or the Church teach that the sinner is entirely passive at the commencement of his repentance. The voice which cries awake! comes not to corpses, but to the spiritually dead, in whom a capacity for life remained, a receptivity, even where we cannot think of any spontaneity without the influence of the preparing grace of God. The grace of God leads the sinner to faith, but always in such wise, that the latter’s be­lieving surrender to Christ is his own personal act. I believe that there are many people today who think they know what Arminianism teaches and they are wrong about it.


Ohhhh no not another ism-ism ... Just learnt what Calvinism is... Bearly had any straight thinking leftover for Arminism and there's another! Really, I just can't! It's exhausting I've tried eschatology I've put that on hold till Jesus gets back...
