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6 Easiest Exercises for Flat tummy and Lose waist fat. Get a small waist for lazy girls. Let's get started.





#flatstomach #flatbelly #LAZYGIRLDOTHIS
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Your likes are reminder for me to workout everyday


calling out all the girls doing this secretly in their rooms (i do it too lmao)


Hello cuties 😅
I am doing this from 7 days
My waist is 26 inches (66cm)
Thigh is 17 inches (43cm)
Day 1 ✅️ Her exercises are effective😅. I was feeling very much of pain and burn😢.I can't just express it, but I think I should recommend this exercise.
Day 2 ✅️ yes guys in Day 2 I was not feeling much pain. 🎉🎉
Day 3
Guys please give me likes because I only have 1 like a click plz in my last video comment I was having 254 likes. 😊😅
Keep liking to remind me. 😅


"Get small waist for LAZY GIRLS."

Damn, you didn't have to attack me like that.


Weight: 63kg
Aim: 50 kg and small waist.
Does one more by you.

Day1: Can’t say anything on day one. 3 sets
Day 2: Feel a lil change. 3 sets

Like this so I can update everyday.


-Doing this for a a month!
- 2 Sets per day (Because I'm in school)
-My age: 12
-Will be doing a balance diet

-I might forget to update, so do like this comment. (Or not, maybe I'll still remember somehow.)


Pov: you're looking for comments of people that recorded their days and actually finished them


A Tipp to everyone trying to get a glow up
Don't focus on how much you have left, instead focus on how much prgress you already made and make that the reason to continue. Always remember where you started and how far you've come, I know you can do it.


Great exercise, who's watching in 2024 ?


I am 13-year-old 69k and trying this till my sister b day (1/14) My plan is to walk for 90 minutes after school then do 2 sets of someone else's workout routine then doing another two sets of this one, wish me luck😃😃😃my goal is 54kg


I’m 13 years old and 56kg and I’m trying this for two weeks, my goal weight is 45-48kg. I will usually do 2 sets per day with the addition of walking to school and back and walking around school (around 90 mins a day) and in weekends I will do some extra cardio! I’ll keep you updated so please interact and comment!!

Day 1 (the day of posting):
I did 2 sets after school at night, in quite tired and Ofc I don’t see any visible results, but I’m tired so I know it’s kinda working slowly!!! I walked 80-90 mins (for school) today and ran some errands. I’ll update you tomorrow!!!!

Day 2: I did one set because I wasn’t really feeling good today! Tomorrow I will try to do 2 sets but I will most likely do one because I got my period again… no visible results but I feel some change!!

Day 3: I didn’t do it today because I’ve been felling really Iill but tomorrow I’m going to do 2-3 sets! I’ve also been eating healthy and having salads andsmothoes! I’ll update tomorrow! (Interact so I can remember!

Day4&5: I did 2 sets today, and I kinda hurt my stomach, I went out for dinner with my family so I broke my diet. But yeah I kinda see something, my waist looks a little bit smaller!

Sorry guys I’m going to be taking a quick break and I’ll update you in a few days! Thanks for coming along this journey with me and I’m not done yet! I’ll be back in a few days!!

LAST UPDATE: I am finally seeing some visible changes, my stomach feels and looks a tiny bit smaller! I would definitely recommend doing this as well as a diet and some cardio, I wish everyone the best of luck ❤️


Height: 5'3/162cm
Waist: 24 inches/60cm
Weight: 116lbs/53kg
Goal: 48kg (Im planning to do this workout until I reach my goal so I'll continue to update)

Day 1: I feel really light and my back hurts a little bit. I feel like I definitely became better than before and I hope that my body changes tomorrow <3

Day 2: These workouts that I have been doing have slowly gotten easier, and that's probably because I am adapting to them. I have been doing 3 sets a day (8am, 2pm, 8pm) and I can notice small changes occurring in my body!! <3

Day 3: The changes are now apparent and I'm glad to see this working!! (I missed out on a set today so I will do 4 tomorrow <3)

Day 4: I have done 4 sets because I missed out yesterday and surprisingly, I don't feel tired at all! My body feels way stronger than it was on Day 1 and I'm super happy about it <3 My waist is still the same as it was before, but I have lost weight, which is just what I was looking for!!

Day 5: I did 3 sets today and I'll probably do some other exercises as well because, on Christmas, I had to eat lots of food which broke my diet. However, the exercises were simple for me and I didn't feel tired at all!!

Day 6: Did 3 sets as usual and ate the regular diet. Nothing has changed.

Day 7: Nothing has changed in my body, except for the workouts, as they have become simple and easy. My body doesn't feel heavy as it used to be, and I'm glad about my results for this week. However, I haven't reached my goal so I will continue to update <3

Day 8: I'm still doing these workouts (sorry for not updating lol) and there are incredible changes. Also, if you want to lose weight fast, I recommend doing each activity shown for 1 minute, and some other workouts.


I do this as a cool down workout after my actual workout since it stretches you body. I recommend working out for 20-30 minutes before you do these exercises if you want to see results. I've been doing this for almost 2 months and so far I've lost 10 pounds without gaining any weight or feeling miserable!


While it does only get rid of a few pounds at a time, this exercise is changing my life. Been doing it for like 3 or so days.
Starting weight: 146 lbs
At the moment: 143 lbs

Not a big change, but it t certainly is working!
Other things you gotta do: drink lots of water, don't eat when full, and keep going.


OK I'll try this exercise for a week.


This is perfect for when u don't feel like working out.😚


My waist is not big for others but it's big for my liking so I'm gonna try this thanks unnie <3✨
Btw just so y'all know I've stopped doing it but it has shown a little effective result


Who is looking for comments that it works? 😅


Doing this for 14 days

Day 1 : easy but sweaty no difference of course did only 1 rep :( if u don’t feel motivated make sure to push through and not to give up💓

Day 2 : also 1 rep because I was busy and I can’t really do the first one but it got easier than yesterday I really want you guys to do this journey with me and stay healthy!

Day 3: finally did 2 reps I’ll try and to 3 tomorrow no difference so far the first one is still tricky but way easier started sweating less and also a tip is to drink water after these not juice etc. I really hope your doing this journey with me I hope u try this out and share results!

Day 4: it’s currently 4 am so I only did one rep bc I was really busy today and skipped the first one because my legs hurt and was tired over all I haven’t been really seeing results so far but it’s getting easier by day! I hope you guys are pushing through this journey with me ! Love you all and ty for all the likes!💓💕

Day 5: I only did 1 rep :( but the first one got so much easier considering the fact it’s been 5 days. I have been seeing a tiny change wich im so happy about ! And I have been doing the same diet . Over all I feel like I have been moving around more in general and is more happy love you all💓💓💓💓

Day 6: I was really busy I went out to the mall and came back at 12 so I’ll try and do 5 reps on day 7 because I was really tired when I came home if your doing this with me I wish you all of luck💕💕

Day 7: I only did 2 because my friend came over and I see a small difference so far so if nothing big happens by day 14 I’m gonna make it 30! I hope you guys are going well while doing this💓 please don’t give up as you can see I have been very busy but trying you won’t see a result in 2-5 days so please don’t quit then and keep working hard!💓💓💓

Day 8: I didint do it Because I was out all day but so far a small difference but you guys need to be patient ! It’s not going to happen right away🙅‍♀️ just remember that ! Anywase I hope you guys have a wonderful day! Bye bye 💓💓💓

Day 9: I did 2 reps I haven’t really been seeing a difference but flatter than before definitely! I’m happy it’s starting to work because I have trouble losing wieght I hope I become flat before school starts because it’s hard being called the fat girl anywase I hope you guys are doing well and bye💓💓💓💗💗💗

Day 10: I only did 1 rep because I was so tired today! I was studying so I didint have time . Over all I’ve seen a small change happening 😁 wich I am so happy with! Anywase I hope you guys are having a really good day today💓💓💓💓


Day 1- nothing different 😭
Day 2- nothing different😭 (But its just day 2 so i have to see😜)
Day 3- Did 1 time But no different
Day 4- Didnt do it.
Day 5- A little different i think…

I am going to do this the whole summer every day!✨ please remind me every day💖💗 I am doing it two times a day💞
