Why won’t a narcissist let you go?

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Tune in to hear the perspective of a self aware narcissist. That’s me - Ben Taylor a narcissist in recovery trying to promote awareness, healing, growth and change. I do that by these videos on here, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.

Also I try to help people with or abused by narcissism. Please reach out to me if you are a:
Victim of Narcissistic Abuse -Helping provide closure, reduce guilt and break free from the trauma bond that toxic people imprison you in.
Narcissist -I understand you better than you probably understand yourself because I have been there, I am there and I am fighting daily for a better life. You can do that too.

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Because they see you as their property, something they should be able to put away in storage when not in use, and should still be there waiting for when it’s wanted again.


A Narcissist will not let you go if they don't have other supply. 🍒


4 years of spying stalking and harassing. 2.5 years of rejecting her and staying away. And all they ever do is follow you like some damn Bigfoot on crack


I ended my relationship with him when he was still in love bomb phase but some cracks in the mask were beginning to show and one day he flew into the most horrific rage. Too good to be true was revealed to be exactly that. I shut the door six weeks ago and he has been relentless in trying to get me back. Over a hundred emails, texts, phone calls. Not engaging with him is the hardest act of self control I’ve ever had to endure. He drives by my house, calls my family members and vacillates between loving words and verbal abuse. Cognitive Dissonance and the strong trauma bond are at war with my soul. I know this man’s wounds - if only he understood them. That switch from normal to rage is terrifying- they leave and someone else comes in. It’s like a blackout of some sort for them. When things were good between us he once told me he would never leave my life, even if I asked him to. I was in such a state of euphoria with the love bombing that I swept that comment under the carpet. He knew what was going to happen. Never ignore red flags! If it’s too good to be true, it isn’t good!


This is the most miserable thing i went through almost 7 yrs with her i would leave her and block her.. but there she goes after a few days she come looking for me apologizing and i would fall again and again ! Narcissistic people drain the heck out of you ! Until u burst please if u block a narcissist dont unblock them because theyre just waiting for a optirnity to wiggle their way in ...and the miserable cycle starts all over again and just gets worse and worse !!!


We have to learn to let them go too once we go no contact and stay no contact.


Childrem families and even vulnerable adults must be physically protected from these demons..


Great discussion as always Ben
Don’t ever stop teaching us
Lots of us need you greatly!!


My narc ex is as big a believer in no contact as I am. Shit sucked, but it ended quickly, and she didn't wreck my life. Best thing that ever happened to me. A quick but intense burst of narcissistic abuse that put my principles into proper alignment.


I attempted a short 1 month separation, space for us both to think about our actions. He spent no time working on him!! He would not stop texting and calling EVERYDAY. Told me he loved me, missed me and he knows now how to make me happy. So I came back. Few months later I learned about narcissists. Wow!! A vail was lifted. Suddenly so much made since. I plan to be out of here in a few months. He will NEVER change, I accept that now.


omg this was so englightening. After 7 years of this and being pushed away, he told me "Im losing you", I broke it off, blocked him for the last of many times and he passed away October 2022 from an overdose. There were times throughout the relationship that he would threaten his life if I left him and when I would break up with him he would show up at my house. One of the times, I wasnt home and came home to him on my bed (he came into my house through my bedroom window), His mom thinks he overdosed accidentally. Now that Ive had time to think and think and think, I think he took his life to spite and hurt me. Deep down. I also think his mom knows what he did but wont admit it. Hes threatened to take his life "if i blocked him again" Alot of mental abuse. Im not the same person and I wont ever be ever again. So damaged and broken. Somehow I still feel guilt and regret. If I didnt block him, he would be here. Ive been married and in long term stable relationships. This relationship by far was the worse experience of my life. So much of my experiences puzzle into this disturbing this order. Ive learned I was the empath. Naive to think these people didnt exist. At 40 years old, I never knew what narcissism was until the last few years. THAT was when it all made sense and made it easier to subconsiously push away and fall out of love. So much damage and trauma he caused me
Thank You for sharing.


It's like damn your married, let me


Happens in friendships too unfortunately😑


My narc ex just won’t go away when I though he would after I discarded.
Constant hoovers and ongoing battle for him to leave me alone. Ignored him so much he just constantly keeps on and on.


My ex narcissist is scared that he won’t be able to handle life alone. He has girlfriend and I am trying to move on with my life. We share children so I see him at least once a week when he visits. Whenever something happens in his life that causes emotional deregulation. He is at my doorstep or on the phone. He cannot self soothe. I am pulling away slowly but I’m tired. I don’t owe him kindness but I am not him. This is what he said the last time I pulled away.

“Don’t close the door so fast. Can you do it slowly please? Don’t you understand that I need you in my life even if it’s just friends.”

He wants control over our children and me. He would be happy to have a secret romantic relationship even if he has a girlfriend or a wife. He has told me as much.

I don’t fully understand how someone can have skewed values but he calls them exception’s. They are self serving.

So I pull away slowly so that he doesn’t lose it.

Ben, could you please talk about the suicide rates of narcissist. I’m not sure if this is an appropriate topic but it’s something he always brings up when faced with fears of being alone or in dealing with the shame and self loathing.


The second I start to feel like I'm moving on he resurfaces. It's like he has a sixth sense for when I'm getting stronger and can't have it! And I was so incredibly happy when we were together, right up to the moment I walked in on another woman that had spent the night with him, right after he made love to me that afternoon he spent the night with a female that showed up out of the blue and basically spread her legs for him, no prior connection other than they grew up in the same small town we live in. When I asked him why? Because we were happy and getting along great, he said there really was no reason. When I asked what I did wrong he said I didnt do anything wrong that there was no reason. He could have said just about anything else and it would have been better than that!! And now he says he misses me but just doesnt want us to be together. But like I said he knows when I'm starting to feel stronger and hits me up. And me being the weak stupid little girl ( not really I'm 58 but I act like a child when it. Comes to him) and invite him over! I've told him I'm to weak and I need him to do me a favor and just leave me alone. He laughed and says things like " well you know that psychic told me there is a blonde woman close to me that will always be a part of my life" implying that I'm that woman and hes not going away and so I should just get used to that fact that I belong to him even though we are not together. (He pretty much said those very words) The really sick thing is on some level that gives me comfort! Comfort in watching him give commitment after commitment to other women! I wish I knew what was wrong with me! I've never had a problem moving on but even after all the horrible things hes done to me and there have been a few. I would still give anything to hear him say he wants me to be with him and be "his woman". What twisted thing is wrong with me that I cant stop crying myself to sleep over him? We saw each other casually for 8 years then lived together very happily for another year and this game of his has been going on for another year plus. How do I stop this cycle of pain when I cant even refuse his calls? I'm not afraid to be alone as a matter of fact I enjoy being on my own after a 30 year marriage (yes there was some overlap, I'm not proud of it but I'm also not perfect) I wish there was a magic pill I could take that would erase the past couple of years and take me back to when I just cared for him as a friend. Or one that just ends the pain so you could breath again. I feel doomed to live this out for the rest of my days. Why wont he leave me alone if he doesnt want to be in a relationship? He says it's the best sex hes ever had! and I agree but that's not enough for me. I feel like he has feelings for me but chooses women he has no feelings or respect for on purpose cause they cant hurt him and doesnt want me cause I can hurt him. But I'm sure this is just a delusion on my part to give myself hope. But the hope is what's killing me slowly.


Your Friday night 🔥sessions have helped me in more ways than imaginable


They don' t Let us Until they don' t take every atom of Energy AND hope. Especialy hope to Make sure that you can' t get up.


You speak very intellectually, your a smart person.


Listening to this makes me think I’m the Narcissist 😞
