When will a narcissist ever leave you alone?

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when will a narcissist ever leave you alone for good? When is the final discard for a narcissistic person?

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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Im done, it was draining and he was sucking the life out of me and I realized I was loosing myself. He's null and Thank you so much.


Go back over and over and over and over and over, it's like WALKING INTO A BRICK WALL THAT WILL NEVER MOVE. The Narc knows you like a BOOK that he has read over and over. They already know how the book is going to end. Just leave and don't go back


Hi Lee. Thanks for all the education. I am a thriver and survivor. I discarded the person. I will never go back. Love the education from this channel... No contact for a year. This person knows I am strong, because, she probably is tampering with my social media. I have been through the smear campaign, probably currently cyberstalking, stalking etc. I am indifferent. I am a survivor and thriver. I know they WHY now. Don't ever go back. You are worth it. You can have a great life. I WILL NEVER GO BACK. I think the people who go back don't understand their patterns of behavior growing up. I came from a narcissistic family. I realize now why I picked these toxic people. Leave and never go back. You are telling these people you don't care about yourself. You are willing to be abused. You can be happy. You deserve love. Will check back to see if my comment isn't erased. LOL. Depending on the stalking, cyberstalking smear campaign, perhaps one day these people should be in jail. Defamaion of character is against the law. I hope our laws change.


So helpful, approaching 3 years now, off and on and I’m dead inside now and can spot the cycle


True. Had one who contacted me for four months straight almost every day. Never went more than two weeks between contacting me for FOUR MONTHS STRAIGHT. never replied until he wore me down at that four months … made me so angry. He’s violent and sadistic. Stalking me. I believe he’s borderline so he can flip between narcissism and psychotic episodes. Malignant narcissist. Dangerous.


little empath beaver here, damming up (again) and now truly convinced to do the job properly, at the point of being bored by wash, rinse, dry and repeat. this time i choose me over that toxic addictive connection, consciously. I was accomodating and self-sacrificing, culturally molded to be subservient and gentle..But its been a waste of time and energy, that is so clear now. I will utilize my sacred anger to repel him the next time he comes around, remembering the all the red flags i ignored..because i know he will return..


I have been married to a narc for 17 years. I know he has a side chick/new supply when he leaves me alone. I know when she’s dumped him when he all of a sudden wants to spend time with me. I stay for my kids. It’s hard but I pray and pray and pray. God is my best friend and so are his angels.


Every 2 months for 2 years i allowed her to come back. It wasn't until this last time that I FINALLY got proof of all the lies. I couldn't ever definitively cut her off because I was in love with her and had self doubt wondering if I was overthinking everything. Now i realize that was from all the gaslighting. And once i got the proof she was lying about EVERYTHING it destroyed whatever feelings i had left for her and told her to GFYS
Im 48 and can thankfully say this was the one and only covert narcissist I've ever dealt with relationship wise. Now I know what to look for and how to respond appropriately.


Lee, I was 35 years off and on before I left only after suffocation and strangulation #attemptedMURDER


Yup what you allow is what will continue.


It was 31 years for me. I didn't know the word narcissist until a year ago and our divorce is still going on 1 1/2 yrs later we have to go to trial to get a divorcee


1 year of the back and forth. The day he cracked a joke and said his ex thinks he is a narcissist, that's when I google the word... Did my research and I was out ...as I'm writing this he is sitting in his car outside my house but guess what I'm inside and happy..no more anxious behavior..no more sick to my stomach and no more lies ....yeah 👍 I am a survivor....he thinks he will weigh me down with his strange behavior. I don't think so


Going through the silent treatment with a female narcissist now, caught her lying, cheating etc.


Thank you Lee. I am in 3yrs no conracr and still on guard!!!


Mine left about a year ago. Haven’t heard from her since


So true..I had to learn how to set firm boundaries with the Narcs in my life..My ex husband tried to come back and I had to draw the line and say stop and block him off so that he cant keep coming back..We have to coparent and so..I had to set firm boundaries..But i have had to call police and than, i was told..Stalking and harrassing isnt illegal and such..So he got away with a lot of things..Including a huge smear campaign against me regularly..I leave him alone and let him live his life..But for him? He is hyper focused on trying to make my life hell, for revenges sake.. :/ I wish he would get help..He is still hyperfocused on me..We divorced in 2014.He still tries though.I have better things to do..I have deleted most of my internet sights and blocked him everywhere i could..Even with a girlfriend..He still tries..


If I ignore them over 12 years, and the stalker doesn't stop, they are beyond a narcissist then? Like a sociopath or psychopath?

Never asks about me, just demands from me what HE wants, we never dated and i was never attracted to him. He thinks he's entitled to indirect sexual favors without giving anything in return. I want to scream snd pull out my hair rvery time he contacts. Which is daily now.

Don't tell me to block him. He'll still think he's getting through, and i need it as mounting evidence against the weirdo


ITS THE FINAL DISCAAAARD da da da daaa da da da da daaaa


My baby father is is very toxic he did me so dirty im done with him period


He suddenly put up a fight out of nowhere and changed his number. But the funny thing is, he told me before he did it and maybe he thought I would go crazy. It has been 2 years since the abuse and the cycle was spot on. I have diagnosed him and I was like doing a case study. Was too dumb to accept him even at first I already saw the red flags waving. Hope he won't come back and contacts me. He sucked the life out of me but still got addicted but now, I'm okay. Just deep sighs everytime I can remember all the horrible things he has done. Plus the last thing he did was harassing my son and messaged him just to ask me to stop from messing with him when in the first place he was the one who would always call me first.
