The Narcissists’ Code 396 - A Narcissist won’t leave you alone until the supply they get runs out

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A Narcissist won’t leave you alone until the supply they get runs out. So many people ask when will a narcissist Or toxic people leave you alone and the answer is “whenever the supply they get runs out”. When they have drained you

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

You can find me on -

Click the BEACON up top for direct links. Thank you so much and lets HEAL together
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I've also learned that since narcissists have superficial relationships with people, including friendships, they will try to create rifts between established friends while seeking the supply of new people. To clarify, if a narc's old supply introduces them into a friendship circle, the narc will try to get new supply from the so called, "new friends" by bad mouthing the old supply and vice-versa. The narc doesn't care because they lack the substance of having true connections with people so causing strife between friends means nothing to them.


Nice Lee! "If you give them less give more to yourself."👌👌👌👌


Because we thought more of them, we see the good and not the bad.


Well it has been over a month. I believe he has a new supply. I’m happy 😃 he does. Let her take all the cursing 🤬 and tear down, gas lighting, and manipulations. He called and I didn’t answer. I have the lightest feeling ever. I know he sees me as helpless but I stepped back and literally said who cares. I’m in such a better space. So many good things has happened since I went no contact. Now that my power is coming back I pray 🙏🏽 he doesn’t try to pop up to derail my glow up.


Once you heal, and stop reacting, and can identify the deflection or scapegoating or defensiveness or compulsive lying….once you REALLY see them and they know you see them…they’ll stop engaging. They may test but if you remain unwaveringly consistent and unemotional it will make their head spin. Like wait, why isn’t this working anymore??! 😆😆😆


Yep! He keeps writing letters because he can't contact me by phone or on social media, and I keep shredding them! 😂😂😂I can show him better than I can tell him. Eight years of emotional abuse....left Dec. 2021....Bruh....I'm gone! I don't care what he does. Show up at my home or my business if he wants to. It's called....CALL THE POLICE! I even told the other business owners in our business strip what his car looks 
like...what his pic looks like (😂😂) so if he shows up...the Police will to. ✌️


Man I Appreciate this video G! I was with a narcissistic women for 5 years completely cut her off and to this day still try’s to communicate with me thru things u wouldn’t even imagine! We have to cut them off there only goal is to hurt us and we become smarter than we see clearly!


I realize I'm commenting on older videos, but I am fairly new to educating myself. I have allowed this man to manipulate me because he was full of potential and fell on hard times when I met him. I was his "savior" so to speak. I kicked him out several times and allowed my empathic nature take over, always taking him back...this after 14 yrs of on again/off again. Nothing has changed, for me, but he has been upgraded BECAUSE OF ME.


Clap the Cheeks! 😆 🤣 😂
A few nights I cry only thinking about the Little-good time we used to have.. I stayed with him hoping he would change and it turned to 15 years. I'm getting stronger every day watching your videos. I can sit and listen and laugh about what you say sometime. It took him to leave for me to understand what type of person I was dealing with. He has done so much it would take me a while to write them all down and try to forget about it. I am glad that I could say hes no longer with me. I know he will try to come around. It's over! I'm moving forward!


Lee you are a incredible person have fun at the meet and greet God Bless.


I got the ultimate revenge on my narcissist without even trying and without even knowing he was a narcissist at the time. For years he wanted me to chase him and compete with others and I was in a one sided relationship, well after numerous affairs, one night stands i finally had enough! I met a man at a new job i had started and began a affair and the narc was so busy with other women behind the scenes he didn't even notice the red flags of my affair until the tail end when the new boyfriend bought me a car and i was letting my other car go back to the bank and then he had found a paper with apartments for rent with some ads circle!! He about went bat $hit crazy! It was a major blow to his ego because i think in his mind he thought i was so in love with him i would never leave him, afterall i had been him for 16 years and forgave his indescretions time and time again and we had 2 kids! I had at one point gotten so low from his abuse i tried to unalive myself so in his sick mind he thought i was so desperate and pathetic he thought i would never leave! I showed him but my kids and i paid the price. He took out his anger on my kids and used them as pawns! And then played the victim!


I left him in December 2021 and went NC. I must admit it was probably quite brutal because I cut off just like that. He is trying to retain contact through my family but I'm not going there. I didn't warn him, give him any notice - I literally just cut off - and I'm glad I did. I needed to get me back and the only way to heal is by getting away. I asked him for closure so many times - he ignored me - then I took his power away! I am proud of me.


Man… 🤦🏽‍♀️I messed up.. but I realize in the last year I have treated myself wonderfully!! And I don’t have to settle for less, could never settle for less.. I didn’t say one word… changed that number.. I feel so clear, calm! No anxiety. I’m good. I don’t ever want to feel that miserable with a person I’m supposed to love.. ugh 😑


Make a video just on your marriage cycle if you okay, how started, issues, now, wife, emotional state and all


That dragon fly tho 😆 🤣 Lee you a trip bro


This true I lost everything & he dont fuxk with me nomore an I did everything for him took all the abuse mentally physically verbally, bailed him outta jail time once I got in a accident I lost my car my job he just stop fucking with me


Is it possible if their next supply/new partner is not giving them what they want that even though they know you see the truth, they'll try to come back because they don't have another supply to fall back on?


I won a competition & he tried so hard to make me feel like shit about anything. He said this & that. Tried to fuck with the way I felt cause was the first time I'd been happy in a year. I said I was fully done, he turned up that eve & flipped the script. Told ME I had something to think about. Told me I was a fucken idiot.


Why? Because I want him to grow like you Lee, away from what failed him and how it took my best friend away.


Why? Because everyone is a mix of good and bad. Hurt people, hurt people. Boundaries are important. But these guys and gals are people just like us. They can be super smart and talented with a 3 year old emotional age. I just feel bad for them...all of them.. Most of my family suffer with this. Its been a trip of a life...then I married one. That didn't end well, lol.
