Come Quickly (Tone 4) - Ταχὺ προκατάλαβε

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This is one of the Automela of the Orthodox Church. This is one of the designated melodies that is repeated throughout the year with different words to match.

Come quickly, O Lord, and keep us from becoming enslaved * to foes who speak blasphemies against You, Christ our God, * and boastfully threaten us. * Annihilate by the power * of Your Cross those who fight us. * Let them know how the faith of the Orthodox has power. * Only benevolent God, * accept Your Mother's prayers for us.

From the Digital Chant Stand of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese:

Icon of St. Joseph the Hymnographer: Learn more about him at the link below

Рекомендации по теме

Come quickly, O Lord, and keep us from becoming enslaved
to foes who speak blasphemies against You, Christ our God,
and boastfully threaten us. Annihilate by the power of Your Cross those who fight us.
Let them know how the faith of the Orthodox has power.
Only benevolent God, accept Your Mother’s prayers for us.
