Keto vs Carnivore Diet: 7 Reasons Why Carnivore is Better for Me!

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I spent a lot of years starting and stopping a Keto Diet and always failed, I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working for me. Things finally clicked with I found the Carnivore Diet and the reasons I failed at Keto became Clear. Here are 7 reasons why Carnivore is easier and more sustainable for me than Keto.

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What you are explaining is negating "decision fatigue". You are essentially creating a uniform diet. This reduces stress and confusion in so many other areas of your life. After going carnivore I also streamlined my wardrobe, decluttered my house and went on a no-buy for several months. Reducing variables seriously improves your life.


I like carnivore better too. I'm 70 and I don't want to spend a lot of time shopping, preparing and cooking. I eat a lot of ground beef, eggs, cheese, bacon, chicken, canned tuna and salmon, easy things like that to prepare. Sometimes I'll have a bit of veg, such as avocados, mushrooms, pickles, but generally try to keep carbs under 10 grams. Also do OMAD now. Been carnivore about 6 months. Still working on weight and metabolic issues, but it's coming along nicely. Thanks for your videos! I really enjoy them.


Another reason that I find makes carnivore less expensive is that there is almost zero spoilage waste. You take the meat out of the freezer, let it defrost, and eat it. There is nothing at the bottom of the veg drawer going bad before you get to it.


I’ve been ketovore just for the month of March (2023) down 8.8 pounds but starting in April, I will be carnivore for more weight loss. I e noticed my spine arthritis is less painful and my night cough has gone away. To God be glory but this change of eating for me is incredible. I appreciate you and Dr Berry for introducing me to this way of eating.
Be blessed


Laura, I realize you have a full life other than this youtube channel (job, family, etc), but I find your channel so motivating and you are by far my favorite Carni - you are so honest and relateable I wish you had the ability to do videos full time. You are a great resource, thank you for sharing your journey with everyone.


With keto I was still obsessed with food, my gut was bloated and I was constipated.


Great video! I love listening to you !

I have also been carnivore now for one full year. I have fallen off the carni wagon three times in the past year.
It always starts with some sort of self talk, that I need to have just one candy bar/cupcake etc ...and then I tell myself I will go right back to my strict carnivore.
Well that’s my big lie... it always spirals into at least a 6-10 day binge fest, eating as much garbage as I can possibly find in a day.
When I binge, I feel like a drug attic that has went back to my addiction after quitting.
All of my aches and pains, anxiety, and brain fog also come back full force during my binges. Not to mention this usually ends with a 7-10 pound weight gain for me.

I have come to the realization that I have no choice but to be a lifelong abstainer, because I am NOT a moderator.


Exactly why I like carnivire better too. Was keto and switched. So simple. No planning. Get meat, cheese and eggs. Love it and I feel great. Have kept off my 50 lbs and went from size 14 to 4. Live your videos.


Love your videos!
I’ve been clean from my food drugs (sugar and wheat) for 19 years. I was still about 30 pounds overweight. A little over 2 years ago I tried Keto, in a quest to help body aches and pains. (I’m 69)I lost a little weight but still didn’t feel that great and I was still fixated on food. So, in December of 2018 I decided it wouldn’t hurt me to try Carnivoire....BINGO I immediately dropped the extra weight! For all the reasons you state, I LOVE Carnivore. I tried adding a little dairy and have found my body doesn’t function as well with that. So it’s strictly meat and eggs for me. I love weighing what I did in High School. And I love knowing I never have to eat a salad again ever!
You are such a beautiful woman...I’m your Southern Arizona fan club.


Definitely have to deal with the food addiction and all the misinformation about nutrition. Finally, eating an entire steak without feeling guilty and watching the pounds drop off my body, feels so good.


Carnivore really is the best diet. It make people look great too. Your face looks amazing. Astonishes me how eating meat makes people beautiful!!


Laura, I'm exactly the same and agree with everything. I've been carnivore now 18+ months and OMAD for over 12 months, it just works best for me as I can still overeat. It's simple, delicious, I'm not hungry the rest of the time and I don't crave that other stuff anymore. Like you, I can't moderate. Because of that, I became fat and sick. Carnivore has turned that around, and given me back my health and life. Thanks for your constant hard work to spread the word 👏👏

I am impressed by how well you communicate the carb addiction healing aspect of carnivore. I find at least one thing in each of your videos that strikes home for me. I agree that for some people, me included, there are too many loopholes in keto for success. That way of expressing it is very helpful. Thank you Laura.


Great video!
It really is an individual decision...Keto is perfect for my wife and me. We do mainly dairy free keto and IF. Its been 5 weeks and I am down 37 lbs and, more importantly, a 15% drop in body fat. She is down 28 lbs...No GI issues at all. We feel wonderful!


I find it easier to just avoid carbs. I’m loving the keto-carnivore way of eating (high fat meat, butter, eggs). Yes, meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking is SO much easier. Most days are OMAD.


I’m blown away by not needing to snack on the carnivore. I was eating every 2 hours because I was hungry before carnivore meals. I started out just 2 meals a day but the last week have been eating 3 because I’m hungry. My husband has cookies and snacks all day and I can proudly say it doesn’t bother me a bit! I’m so happy I stumbled across your videos.


Laura, I am so glad to have found your channel. I and 63 and have battled my weight since the age of 10! I am longing for peace with my food, and feel like I have been drawn to carnivore in recent weeks. I appreciate your transparent and practical approach to this way of life. Thank you for putting your videos out. I hope you will continue! An “older” newbie…Michele


Years ago, I lost a ton of weight on the Keto diet, which was fairly new at the time.. Lost weight extremely quickly. I kept it super simple; ate pretty much the same thing every day, consisted of eggs and meat basically.
Started making some small exceptions, then large exceptions, then doing the worst thing possible- high fat low carb half the day, then ALL the carbs and sugars later. Resulted in a high fat/high carb diet.. As you can imagine, I gained it all back. It took about 8 years, but I got back to my starting weight that prompted me to make life style changes in the first place.

Went Keto again and nothing really happened. I dropped maybe 10 lbs, but it kept creeping back up. After several months I examined what I was actually eating. I was very strict about keeping my carbs down, but I was eating a TON of 'Keto friendly' foods. Keto bread, keto tortillas, keto ice creams, keto shakes, etc...

Looked up a lot of videos and found carnivore diet advocates, including your videos. Realized that the 'keto' that helped me lose weight 10 years ago was actually carnivore. The keto foods were holding me back; the fiber, sugar substitutes, etc that were replacing carbs and sugar were causing me to stall as if I were eating the original stuff..

Went straight carnivore a bit over a month ago, and it's simpler. I don't need to make a fake pizza crust for a keto pizza, I just pull a steak out of my sous vide and toss it in the cast iron. Or cook up a lb of ground beef and add a bit of cheese and sour cream. Eat a bunch of eggs and sausage/bacon for breakfast. 2 meals per day is plenty, and I'm dropping weight again. 20 lbs so far, and feeling wonderful. Joints had been painful for quite a while, inflammation is going down and I don't hurt all the time.

I'll stick with carnivore, it works better for me.


Thank you 🙏 😊! Im trying to go completely carnivore. My plan was to start January 1st, but I’ve had some potholes in the road. But, yesterday and today have been good Carnivore only days! Thank you, again, for the encouragement.


"Finding freedom in the restriction". Amen! I have found the same thing going from keto to carnivore. It was weird and perplexing at first to realize that feeling of freedom after spending years on other restrictive diets that felt more lenient than carnivore, but it was true! Well said, Laura!
