Carnivore vs. Keto vs. Paleo (Nutrition Doctor Explains)

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In today’s video I’m going to compare the carnivore diet, the keto diet and the paleo diet.

Basically everything that is popular out there right now, so you can help your nutrition clients get better results…

Through a better understanding of what makes these popular diets different - the science, the application and the advantages and disadvantages.

PLUS, and you’re going to love this part, make sure to watch until the end of this video for my expert recommendation on which of these diets your clients should be following.

So make sure to check it out now!

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***PS - Whenever you’re ready, here are the 2 best ways I can help you…

***Let’s Connect:
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This video seemed like an excuse to just trash talk carnivore. Saturated fat causes heart disease? Was this made in 1982?


I’ve tried all the diets. Never felt better than when on carnivore. No gas, no bloating, no cravings, my workouts have improved greatly. Put on 5 lbs of muscle in a few months. Just feel like my system is clean without all the plant chemical defense and pesticides.


I find for fat loss the carnivore diet works very well, but I have much more energy and better workouts when on paleo.


So I’m a month in on a 90% carnivore, 10-15% paleo. I’m down 12 pounds and I’m also only eating one sensible meal a day. I feel my body is finally adjusted to these new diets I started. In reality it has really changed my views on processed foods and fast food. So far I feel good am thinking with more clarity.


Changing my diet saved me from debilitating back pain, nerve pain, joint pain, muscle pain, digestive issues, raised blood pressure, 20kg over weight. It took around 8 months for all these problems to resolve. I'm completely pain free and never felt and looked healthier.

Since 2020 I've only been eating fatty meats, seafood, eggs and dairy.

Prior to that I was eating the mainstream version of a  healthy diet (lots of veggies, fruit, whole grains, low fat, eating the rainbow etc) for decades and watching my health slowly decline.

Dr Anthony Chaffee, Dr Paul Mason, Dr Ken Berry, Dr Shawn Baker, Dr Gary Fettke, Dr Benjamin Bikman, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, all helped me get my health back.


I know three people who got rid of gout using Carnivore Diet, and claims of heart disease caused by meat aren't supported by the best research (see Whole30, It Starts With Food). While I still don't like it for its lack of important plant micronutrients, this advise seems ill researched.


your really slamming the carnivore diet, have you listened to Dr Chaffee or Dr Berry at all? what do you have to say about all the people on carnivore who's medical conditions are disappearing?


Ive tried every way of eating imaginable, and its carnivore for the win. Ive been 100% carnivore for 2 years. I'll never eat any other way again.


with keto, those micronutrient deficiencies can be easily solved by including a small serving of grass-fed beef liver every few days. And the "keto flu" is just a way of saying you need electrolytes. Add a sodium packet like LMNT to your water when you work out and SALT YOUR FOOD. Keto saved my life and is not nearly as restrictive as some would have you believe. After you become fat adapted (within a month or so of adopting the diet) you can also include black berries, strawberries, raspberries, and even blueberries in moderation. There are many low fat Greek yogurt options sweetened with stevia extract that you can add coconut oil or MCT oil to, and you can even make your favorite dishes like pizza and pancakes on occasion with almond flour, and cauliflower crusts. The main point of this diet is staying away from starches, and sugars. Also, if you do "dirty keto" i.e. low carb wraps, keto protein bars and all the other gimmicked garbage that are loaded with manufactured chemicals you might as well eat the standard American diet. My argument for Carnivore (although I am not a practitioner) would be that you simply cannot get your essential nutrition from plants. You can get it from animal based sources as long as you eat "nose to tail".


So here's some food for thought:

I did Keto for a bit, and had success with losing weight, but the constant fight against wanting sugar and carbs was there, and while I could control it for the most part, it was still a struggle to keep myself from it for the 3 months I'd successfully stayed Keto (5 months attempted, but the first 2 months I kept falling off the wagon.)

On Carnivore, 3 weeks in, my desire for carbs and sugar is all but fallen off.

I'm not as hungry at all as I used to be, and weightless this time will be much easier I can tell.

Perhaps there may be some of the micro-nutrient deficiencies, but I think most people would agree that the cost of the modern western diet isn't worth the price to get them through conventional means.

I know everybody's got a boner against black and white thinking, but when it comes down to it, that's what the world is. A bunch of black and white choices. Yes or No. The reasons for the yes or no may be a tad grey, but 99% of the time, the hue of the grey is demonstrably lighter or darker.


Thank you Dr. Marc! The latest diet fad seems to be Carnivore which is insane, not because it is mainly red meat, but because they exclude fruits and vegetables. I just watched a ridiculous video explaining how fruits and vegetable are terrible for you! Ridiculous! I have MS and when I switched to the Paleo diet it had a HUGE positive effect on my condition. It allowed me to start exercising at CrossFit which had and even greater positive effect on my overall health.


So many different things in here that you either intentionally left out or just left out due to lack of due diligence. My gut tells me it was intentional. You stated Paleo was not better than the other diets but failed to mention which was best…? There’s a ton of research supporting the health benefits of Keto especially for certain conditions like epilepsy and just in general and you didn’t mention any of that, just that it’s not necessary… no diet is truly necessary and the research is still all over the place, but don’t disregard the studies that do show correlation to positive benefits if you want people to take you seriously. I can’t really watch any of your other videos now because it’s clear that you’re not deep diving into the research or you’re intentionally withholding research. Both of which make you hard to trust. Just my $0.02…


Thank you for this video even though you may find yourself self correcting in the future I do appreciate the break down of each diet.


The problem with “experts” in the field of nutrition is people know what works for them if they have done enough experimentation and been honest with themselves. How in anyway can someone be nutrient deficient focusing on lean protein, all the colours of veg/berries, dairy and healthy fats?? Total nonsense


3 weeks on carnivore and my IBS is gone. But now I get random blurry vision.


Sorry doctor, about carnivore looks like you work for big pharmacy so


Damn this video really brought all the carnivore nutters out of the woodwork


This video is about 30 years out of date


There's a very old expression. "All things in moderation." That is the only real problem we have. We have become a society of decadence and entitlement. Sensible moderation of our intake of every type of food would stop the "need" for these extreme diets. It really is that simple.


Carnivore is not just for solving a specific problem mini carnivores believe that everyone should eat this way all the time because plants have natural pesticides in them called oxalates and so they believe that we should avoid those more often cause they can cause issues along with processed foods and sugars. What I want to know is what's the real effective oxalates and should we avoid them a lot. Why I did well on The whole30 diet?
