5 Questions to Ask Before Quitting Your Job to be a Full-Time Entrepreneur

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Are your REALLY Ready for Entrepreneurship?! 5 Questions to Ask Before Quitting Your Job to be a Full-Time Entrepreneur

So many people hop into entrepreneurship without the proper preparation. In this video, I share 5 questions you MUST ask yourself before you quit your job to become a full-time entrepreneur.


- Outlines Free & Budget-Friendly: Gear, Editing Softwares, and tips on creating bomb video for your business.

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Today's video is all about how to start a business, quit your job, how to quit your job, should I quit my job, before your quit your job, how to start your own business, when should I quit my job, quitting your 9-5, should I quit my job and start a business, Erin On Demand, life of an entrepreneur, entrepreneur advice

// E R I N

I'm Erin and I'm a full-time entrepreneur. I have a digital marketing & video production company called Erin On Demand. I teach entrepreneurs how to stand out online through content marketing, digital strategy, and video production. I’ve worked with companies from National Geographic, to local mom & pop shops, helping them attract create compelling content that attracts their target audience. This channel, takes you through my journey of building my business from the ground up, while sharing information on how I market, strategize, and operate in my business… to hopefully help you build yours!
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The same thing happens to when I want to GIVE like God sends his angels to encourage me....


I just started following you when I came upon the video about how to grow your channel, (banner information, description box use etc) and it helped me out alot. Each and every video you have/post is so helpful to us beginner You are very much appreciated you the YouTube world.


I can’t wait until my YouTube channel grows to the point where I can think about quitting my job. I love how realistic your advice is in this video! Good job! 👍


Priceless advice. I left a legal position at a large international financial firm to launch a business and as prepared as I thought I was I missed the mark in several areas. Launch blindspots exist. Don't be overzealous and under prepared. There is so much more I could say about my experience. Fast forward three years and I'm happy working a 9 to 5 at a great law firm and preplanning my second introduction to entrepreneurship and THIS time I will be in a much better financial, physical, mental and emotional space. I'm taking my time, crossing all t's dotting all i's AND making money part-time in the business now.


I agree that patience is so important. I've tried several different platforms and methods to launch my business. Yes I launched several times and nothing happened lol. Patience and work ethic allow you to keep trying after failures and trying other methods and business models. I'm going all in on YouTube now. I think this is where I need to be but fear was holding me back. Thanks for the motivation. I get those unexpected messages that tell me to keep going too!


I love the 'permission' to take on 'smaller' 'easier' work to help bring some money in to avoid the panic about money. Watching this just made me realize I needed to hear that. For some reason my mind has been stuck with the idea that any 'work' I do has to take all of me all the time.


This is so timely, about to launch a business but not quitting my full time job, just testing the waters


Don't just quit your job! I like it! I have just subscribed to your channel. This is my first time checking you out. I'm checking you out from VA. I see so many videos about being an entrepreneur and working for yourself. I rarely see anyone talking about pausing to think, and talking about an individual's reality. So this video is great. Great advice. Great tips. Proud to join your 31, 000 plus member Youtube family. I like the lighting, like the backdrop, good audio, like the hair and make up and content. Great presentation. Wish you more and more continued success on Youtube. Anyway, I just want to show support and love to your channel. I figure if regular, black, everyday, real Youtubers like myself don't do it. Then who will? I say, let's all stick together and support each other. And I have subscribed to your channel. Appreciate if you return the love. Appreciate if you return the love.


You came right on time Erin. I am back launching my second business Pisces Moon Goddess and I have held that back for so long. Even with my first Business being a financial advisor is not easy. Not everyone want you see how they mess over their money. But my MAIN thing that is keeping me to holding me back from being successful is CONSISTENCY!!! I need to learn how to keep going when the times get rough and no one seem as if they see me marketing and promoting.


Beautiful content. Thank you for being so honest with this process. I currently am a full-time entrepreneur, and have been right out of graduating college. It’s been difficult and took my three years to actually start making money I could live off of. If I could do it over I would have definitely worked at least part-time before launching! Awesome content!!!


The number one thing I need crucial help with is my fear of failure. I have been putting off creating a Youtube channel for close to 18 months. I have everything I need to get started but I’m stuck! I cannot get over the idea that I might not be as successful as I had hoped. Watching your videos has helped to put me in the right mindset for getting started and eventually becoming my own boss! Thank you for the advice, I will continue watching! Good luck.


I need to work on marketing and time management. I’m still working full time and I’m a mom as well and things are moving slowly but surely.


I need to get out of my head and just CREATE


Wow... I've asked majority of these questions. The money thing is the only thing I'm lacking honestly. I just quit my job of 9 years and I'm patiently waiting/working til I develop the life I desire. Thank you so much for everything you do Erin. You are very inspiring, keep doing what you're doing! 😊🏁


Marketing, make that consistent marketing. I believe that is what's holding me and my business back from being everything that it could be.


You are just fabulous! This is the first realistic video I've watched on Millennial Entrepreneurship. Thank you so much for this and for the work that you do. I personally find so much encouragement watching your videos considering I don't really have people around me who see entrepreneurship the same way... I'm currently in a season of embracing entrepreneurship for me as a long game that requires actual vision, patience, sacrifice and discipline which isn't always fun 😔


Well I quit my job before watching this n started my business running on the grace of god but I know I can still benefit from this


Thank you so much ! This made me feel so much better about my decision to quit my job today . It’s been 1 year since I’ve launched my business, and I’ve gained so many clientele, so many followers, so much money and overall so much growth 🙏🏾 everything you’ve said I’ve been through, and stuck through it with my job so I can pay my bills and keep all the business money piling 🙏🏾


The best tip I need to work on is
Is being patient.


Excellent tips Erin! We’ve been full-time entrepreneurs this year and it’s so true what you have to consider when quitting. We quit at different times and working creatively and independently while traveling has been an experience we have been so glad to have taken. It’s a continuous unfolding blessing and we took notes on our journey as well. Budgeting, staying true, learning, the pressure is real and rewarding! Glad to know another fellow entrepreneur on the grind! - Shanetta
