5 Questions to Ask Before You Quit Your Job | Answer in Progress | Grow with Google

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Millions of people have recently quit their jobs in a phenomenon being called “The Great Resignation."" Should you join them? In this video, Sabrina from Answer in Progress provides a framework with 5 questions to analyze our work-life balance, and talks with Professor Richard Ryan about our psychological essentials.

Watch more curious videos from Answer in Progress:

00:00 Should you quit your job?
00:17 What is the Great Resignation?
00:33 Professor Richard Ryan gives us an existential crisis
01:23 Why is everyone quitting?
02:19 What should you look for in a job?
03:36 Vibe checking my job
07:07 Uh oh, should I quit?
07:26 Is quitting the only option?
07:54 How to avoid burnout
08:58 There’s a surprise for you in the description

#GrowWithGoogle #Job

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Grow with Google is your source for training and tools to help you grow your skills, career, or business. Whether you’re taking steps to find a job, start a new career, or expand your business, our Grow with Google experts are here to offer you tips and advice to help you achieve your goals.

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5 Questions to Ask Before You Quit Your Job | Answer in Progress | Grow with Google
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Thank you for much for having us on the channel to navigate such an interesting topic (and giving me an excuse to clear out the expired food from my fridge).
Be sure to check out this channel for incredible career advice and subscribe to catch the rest of our series!


I think the bottom line with people quitting their jobs is they're being overworked, grossly underpaid, and treated like crap. Who would want to stay in a situation like that instead of looking for something better? People are getting fed up with all of that.


I love my job, but unfortunately I *hate* the company -- Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness hits the nail on the head for exactly what they lack


I find it so interesting that you feel like you have no control when you’re self-employed, where being able to set you own schedule is often a touted as a top perk. Very cool!


It’s a good video, but I find it so creepy when companies make stuff like this trying to appear like an approachable, individual person, while in reality they are a huge conglomerate governing our lives a little more each day.


Something your questionnaire fails to capture is pay. I only scored 9, but it pays *really* well. Also, I think some things are more negotiable than others. I don't want a work community. The whole "your coworkers are your family" mentality gives me the creeps. I want my friends to be separate from my work. And as far as the rest goes, I think I could tolerate straight 3s across the board better than two 5s and a 1, y'know?


Really having to reconsider my "dream job" of teaching due to a combination of health issues and the covid-teaching issues. This has helped confirm my intuition to try to establish better work-life balance (I cannot do as much in these times as before and still have any energy for life away from school), before I tender my resignation. Setting limits can be hard for teachers, but not taking any work home on weekends is my first step!


Fundamentally we exchange part of our lives, time and talent to a business in exchange for security. Businesses on Mass have demonstrated they have no interest or ability of providing their employees with security. The fact that MBAs are are studying this points to how broken the corporate system is. What is the minimum engagement we can have with our employees and keep them motivated?


I love your videos, it always leads me into a necessary existential crisis.


Having worked both self-employed and (currently) as an employee, I also had the feeling that I had less autonomy when I was self-employed. I think this was mainly due to my terrible habit of procrastinating and then cutting my free time short to "make up" for it, which completely destroyed my work-life balance. Now, as an employee, I find it much, much easier to set and stick to an end to my work day. This leaves me the energy to enjoy my free time and to look forward to work again the next day.


6/20 - I am a slave in all but name, I'm not paid enough to pay my bills, I'm constantly exhausted and overwhelmed, and when I asked my boss to accommodate my disability, which _he's legally obligated to do, _ he told me I "can't come in and make demands". If I knew how to get a better job I absolutely would, but I'm afraid even if I did get a different job I'd end up in the same situation. I'm looking into unionizing my workplace, but so far that's been a dead end.


My job pays well but I'm feeling extremely drained and I can't see another way throughout this situation...my skills are not easily transferred to another area, so if I change careers it will be from ground zero. I was wondering about the possibility to become a translator, but I'm also afraid of what my family will say and well...I have been the one providing food, paying the rent and other bills, and giving them the feeling of safety. So, starting from zero is a big no-no for me. As for the community thing, I wish I could work alone, which is not possible in my current position. To be honest, I don't give two damns about it and think most of my interactions at work are unnecessary and stressful. I underperform when pressured and that's basically the second nature of my job.
Oh, very INTERESTing video!


thanks, Sabrina, for making me feel a lot more justified in leaving my last shitty job. I've been beating myself up about it a lot but this just made me realize how miserable it was making me


I don’t want to quit but I love watching answer in progress lol


"heyo we'll sponsor you but only if you place every single one of our products"
"i gotchu homie"


I'm really excited a channel that I've done to enjoy so much has partnered with Google! Hope you get more recognition with this- learning from Answer in Progress is a courseload's amount of fun :)


Interest. Below the fold. ;)

I've been in the same job for fifteen years. I let myself be pushed into a sort of promotion (to "lead") three years ago and now I'm being pressured to take "leadership training" courses in my corporation's online campus. Yet every year I hate going to work more -- I'm almost convinced that it's affecting my health, and I'm certain the amount of time (away from home eleven hours, five days a week) is preventing me doing things I'd rather do. Hell, it doesn't even pay all that well; if I weren't in a home my partner owns free and clear, I wouldn't have a dime for anything but rent, utilities and groceries. And although I'm very good at what I do, I hate most of the people I work with, and my boss is at the top of that list.

Problem is, I'm sixty-two. "Equal Opportunity" goes out the window when you're this close to retirement. Finding another job is probably a non-starter, becoming self-employed requires capital I don't have (and management skills I don't have time to learn or talent for) -- and continuing like this makes me understand why people quit without having a plan.

Lottery? Yeah, sure...


I wish I could learn every topics in life through videos like that. super cool.


Your videos have helped me reach over $200, 000 in stocks by age 23! Thanks Grow with Google
. Keep the videos coming. 👍🏽


I am in uni and already feel the need for this video.
