Ask Women These 6 Questions (She'll Be Impressed)

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These 6 questions will help you connect with her and see if there is compatibility for a second date while simultaneously learning more about her (without the interaction feeling like a boring interview). Take what you need and leave what you don’t but I hope this video helps or gives you a little confidence boost for your next conversation or date!

Instagram: @courtneycristineryan

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1. What does a typical day look like for you?
2. What are you most passionate about at the moment?
3. What is your favorite thing about where you grew up?
4. Have you traveled much, or do you want to?
5. What is your favorite way to spend your weekends?
6. What is something you want to learn or wish you were better at?


I always like how you're trying to be a positive force in the dating community. Huge respect.


Asking questions like these are important if you’re talking to somebody because it makes you looks like you care, helps build a connection and makes you look like you’re interested in her/him. But just like Courtney said, you have to be genuine about it.


Literally teaching people how to communicate and have actual conversations. Love it, keep up the great work.


Courtney's perspective is spot-on. In my work on vulnerability and connection, I often emphasize the importance of approaching interactions with a sense of genuine curiosity and openness. This is especially relevant in the context of a first date, where the goal is to establish a connection that's both authentic and meaningful.

The questions Courtney suggests are not just conversation starters. They are windows into the soul of the person you're engaging with. For instance, asking about a typical day in someone's life offers insight into their daily routines and priorities, which can say a lot about who they are and what they value. It's an invitation to share stories and experiences, rather than just facts.

Similarly, inquiring about passions or what someone is currently excited about goes beyond the surface. It touches on what makes them feel alive, what drives them, and what brings joy to their life. This is where true connection begins - in understanding and relating to each other's passions and joys.

The emphasis on asking about favorite things from childhood, travel aspirations, weekend preferences, and areas for personal growth moves the conversation into deeper territory. It's about understanding their background, dreams, and aspirations. These topics encourage sharing of personal stories and experiences, which fosters a deeper level of intimacy and understanding.

In essence, Courtney's approach aligns with the principles of wholehearted living that I advocate. It's about engaging with others from a place of authenticity, empathy, and vulnerability. This not only enriches the dating experience but also lays the groundwork for meaningful, long-lasting relationships.

Remember, it's not just about the questions you ask, but also about how you listen and respond. Being genuinely interested in the answers, showing empathy, and sharing your own experiences in return can turn a simple date into the beginning of a beautiful connection.


You are wise beyond your years Courtney! I am older and totally agree especially being older as I look for direct and intriguing questions over the more popular “hey”


This implies women talk to you correct?


Wow. Spot on, Courtney. Those questions I have been asked by my girlfriend and now my wife on our 1st date. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for this video, Courtney! It's not always easy to know where to begin or what to ask. This definitely helps!


One thing to add, don’t just ask questions like an interrogation. Women love to speak let her guide the conversation, throw a follow up question showing her you’re engaged in the conversation and receptive to what she is telling you. Women love to be heard and a man that remembers particular things such as projects at work, home anything.


Courting is what needs to make a comeback. The point of talking and dating is to determine marriage compatibility. Like it or not, hobbies are not what make or break your relationship, principles are. Our grandparents hardly had any hobbies in common because men were men and women were women, theyre just different. At the end of the day, their principles are what kept them together. Obviously couples should do stuff together, but that isnt the make or break.


A question I REALLY like and has sparked some of the best conversations I’ve had this past year, “If you could travel through time and space, where would you go and what would you want to see?”

You can really get to know someone in how they respond to that, but it’s also just a fun conversation, and can often be a great way to find things in common and get to know each other, rather than just listening to someone talk about themselves.


I've never been married. There was an engagement that went went south. After that experience along with another one right a year after where I had of all things a seizure, with a girl, let's call her "Kristie"that I thought to myself, "Maybe I had to go through that heartbreaking stuff with my engagement going south, to find her". I had a health scare, my one and only seizure in my life. It put me in the hospital for 5 days. This woman, walks into my hospital room, where I'm a nervous wreck. When I see her walk in that fear and anxiety disappears. She walks up to my bed, holding a box. I start by telling her, how incredible it is seeing her right now and that this is something we can work through. She looks me dead in the eye and says, " You're talking like we are married. We are not. Here are clothes and other items you left at my place. You are no longer welcome there. I won't put the safety of my children at risk with someone who never told me they had such a condition". I tell her this was a one time event. There is no history in my family of this. Her previous BF had lied about just everything to her and this woman was looking for any flaw I had. In her eyes I was to good to be true. The seizure was the flaw. I really thought I found something and some one special. She added if I do have to show up for anything to call her first. If I didn't do this, she'd get a restraining order. Her mom threw in, because she missed it with her ex as well, that I was a monster and a freak. This scrambled my brain for a very long time. It was the second punch within a year, that crushed me.
My question would be has someone damaged you so much from your previous relationship that you are looking for any flaw in the next person that you missed from your last to project them onto me?


This video is great for anyone looking for advice on how to connect with women and keep conversations going. Courtney Ryan provides helpful questions to ask that can help ease the pressure and ensure the conversation is genuine.


Courtney, Your advice is so helpful because it's all about men presenting themselves honestly in a way that shows their best traits to a woman.


Courtney, this is such helpful content! Great question to figure out if she just matched/swiped out of boredome or real curiosity about the person behind the profil! As you mentioned, this opens up so many key followup question to fugure out really fast if the other person matches your energie or is likely to be compatible with you! keep this kind of helpful and valuable input for us/men going! English is not my mother tongue, so bare with me in regards to grammar or typos!


I really like asking the question "what was the best compliment somebody ever gave you?" It shows what they value in themselves and how they see themselves. Also it helps predict future actions and may give insight on why they do the things they do.


I tend to be more social depending on what my setting is. If this were to be a date, my mind usually overflows with similar questions to ask. When I first met someone I matched with on Facebook dating this year, I already knew what I wanted to talk about. Best of all, we were able to hold different conversations the entire time we saw each other.


This is a very, very good video. Especially for someone like me was getting back into the dating scene after a 24 year marriage that failed.


Courtney, I found you a week ago & I just love listening to you. You REALLY, understand men! Thank you for offering such good advice, specific examples and not criticizing men for their ignorance & stupid things they do. I feel like you care about men & that you want to help us. Thank you! I ordered my Ice Roller on your first video. I have several things that I will be working on...
