5 Questions to Ask Yourself During Tough Times

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It is normal to find ourselves in tough situations, stressful circumstances or faced with scary obstacles. In those times, do you often start to wonder “why me?”, “How will I ever get through this?”, or “what is wrong with me?”? While these are not necessarily bad questions, they may often lead to a lack of motivation and empowerment, which only makes the situation more difficult.

This is why it is important to ask ourselves more empowering questions when we are going through tough times. It helps us self reflect and be more self-aware, so we can build on our strengths and battle our weaknesses. In this video, we'll be sharing with you a few questions you can ask yourself during tough times to help you move forward in life!

Writer: Isaac Wong
Script Editor: Isadora Ho
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: AwesomeKick
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

LaRae Q. “7 Mental Hacks to Be More Confident in Yourself”. SUCCESS. 08 July 2016

Jamelle S. “The Importance Of Being Grateful”. Inspiyr. 04 January 2016
“Try New Things”. TIME. 2007

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Hi everyone, hope you're having a good day. If we posted a video around suicide awareness, would you be interested in sharing it? We feel the video might not get a lot of awareness due to youtube's algorithm because of the sensitive topic, but if we can get your help sharing it, that would definitely save a lot of potential lives. Let us know if you can below!


Summary 🌺✨

1- “What can I be grateful for today?”
2- “What is my gift to share?”
3- “What is my true goal and intention in life?”
4- “How can I change my approach?”
5- “What is trying to emerge in my life?”

Have a great day! 🌸💞


I don’t know, but I feel someone needs to hear this today:
“If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, don’t be afraid to pick one of those pieces up, and begin again”

For those who keep asking, that colorful emoji is because I'm a Psych2Go member and that's 1 of the perks. I also have an animated 'psych' channel ;-)


5 things I'm grateful for today:

1. A job
2. My car
3. My family
4. The fall weather
5. My fun shoes

: ))


Tough times never last, but tough people do. Thank you Psych2go, please do more videos like this.🙏❤️selfhelpchampion


1) what can i be grateful for today?
2) what is my gift to share?
3) what is my true goal and intention in life?
4) how can i change my approach?
5) what is trying to emerge in my life?

please remember you are so valid and important 💕💕


Ive been going through a tough time for a couple of weeks when my elderly cat was super sick and last Friday past away, and I regret not being by his side when he needed me in his final moments. He tried to crawl to me to see and hear me one more time cuz he was scared. When i went to check up on him, he was gone and layed out as if trying to get to me. The sight i saw is haunting. I was hoping this video would help me, but nothing pertains to my tough time im going through.

Maybe do a video on death, grieving, and regret, regardless if it of a person or pet? I need that now. The pain of this regret is insane.


that can be rather difficult for me to answer these questions, but I can always try my best! thank you for sharing these videos with me it means so much to me!! Please take care and stay safe ❤️


I’m grateful to still be alive and be able to take care of myself.


I have discovered recently that I had self esteem issues. It has been affecting me for a very long time. I have a question, how can you know if your issues need to be solved with professional help? I am not sure if my issues are worth other people's time, I don't think I am going through as severe things as other people. But maybe my judgement is clouded by the very issue itself...


Had to watch my cat get put down today and coincidentally this video came up in my recommendations. I just finished watching the video and it helped a lot. I am very grateful to have made so many great memories with my cat and I should not lose motivation in life.


I always look for something to be grateful for in tough times.


Things I am grateful for
1. How loving my mom is
2. Having my best friend with me at bad times
3. My rat because she’s helped me so much
4. Having clothes a house, food, clean water, and electricity


To be honest, i have gone through this phace, and that's what i do and suggest another person going through tough times, i really feel proud that i came upon all these myself, there are so many realizations i have felt that literally people older than me haven't, i really don't like to tell my age because they might start judging me on my age and no one knows what i have gone through, all my thoughts and the real me, that's why i counsel people anonymously older then me and they are like how did you know??


the bullies will hate
the haters will hate
but what will you do?


1.what should I be grateful for
2.what is my gift to share
3.what is my true goal & intention in life
4.how can I change my approach
5.why am I sus in among us


Amanda u so voice is itself so healing...thank u soo much for ur hardwork for us.i love you....thank u so much psych2go...


This is perfect give a new perspective when all we see on tv and online is so much negativity. Thank you!❤😁 The one that speaks to me the MOST is: What is trying to emerge on my life. During these times I'm learning to adapt my skills and even do things I've never tried before. I NEVER wanted to make videos...I'm shy...but made 3 videos on drum meditation. And I'm learning to do drum meditation through Zoom working with seniors...I'm also wanting to make a program for kids too.


My friend I was staying with months ago had started pulling away. And now he moved to another state and didnt tell me his last day so we didnt properly say goodbye. I've been emotional about it for days but things are looking up thank God.


Perfect timing for this video in the middle of a pandemic. Hope whoever Reads this, has a good rest of their day today.
