5 Questions YOU NEED To Ask Before You START DATING | Stephan Speaks

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As a dating coach for men and women. As well as a dating expert, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this advice on dating helpful. If you are asking any of the following questions:

- Before you start dating again
- Questions to ask before dating
- How to start dating
- Dating coach for women
- Do's and don'ts of dating
- How to start dating again
- Dating advice
- Am I ready to start dating
- Dating questions to ask
- Online dating tips

and more, well, I believe these dating tips for women and men will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video "The 5 Questions To Ask Before Your Start Dating"

Watch this video next dating advice for men and women video "Ready To Give Up On Dating? - WATCH THIS!"

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"When you're healed, you hear better and see better" - I can't remember where I heard it. And when you start loving yourself - you start honoring yourself.


5 Questions To Ask (Yourself) Before You Start Dating:
1. Do you believe good men/women exist?
2. Can I make time for them?
3. Do you believe in real love?
4. Do you love yourself?
5. Have I healed and released my bagage?


5.Remember, people only rain on your parade because they're jealous of your sun and tired of their shade.


Do I believe good men exist (yes).
Can I make time for him (yes).
Do I believe in real love (yes).
Do I love myself (yes).
Have I healed and released my baggage (in progress).
Another question I would add is Am I willing to trust him with my heart? This is a tough one for me but I’m working on it. Great advice Stephan!


Ask them straight away what they’re looking for. The second they say they don’t want a relationship or not ready. Hit the eject button. They will not change their mind. Lesson learned.


I consider myself to be a good woman. Therefore, yes there are good man out there. I refuse to think there isn't. He will manifest himself in God's time. Not mine.


Bonus: Including God in all aspect of your life. Including relationships.


True love= genuine and deep connection + attraction


The moment I become ok with not dating, you go and drop this video. Thank you. Perfect timing.


#5 is the kicker. Women are guilty of trying to heal the man she's with or wants with her love. We get heartbroken and upset when they don't receive it. But, technically they are incapable of receiving it at that moment. Personally, I've learned that I can't love a man to healing. Only the Lord can.


Amen im getting myself together after 20 years of a relationship that went down hill. So starting over at 45 is all new again!!


Yes!! You gotta see examples of good relationships in order to believe that they actually exist.


Great advice! I remember when I was young and not ready I wanted to get married but at the time I didn’t realize how a deep connection is formed and what it feels like. And if I was on a date and someone said they never wanted to get married I wish I would’ve believed them because if you think you can change them you’re wasting your time. Once I finally met my husband at 29 I was in a good place and could identify an amazing relationship. Good people are out there but it starts with us first and our healing processes and outlook


Thank you Stephan for this teaching. I was in a marriage for 48 years. Before he was my ex, became someone bad.
And is paying for it in prison. His actions hurt a child of Ours and a grandchild. ...All of our Family.! I went thru therapy... And am healed from that past.
God has brought me together with a Godly man. I now know how love should be. I am very Thankful. Everything you said, is truth. And it still helps to always have positive affirmations and words around. Thank you again. God bless you in your coaching.


Yes good men and women still exist and I'm one of them.


I just came across your content and I'm extremely impressed. The insights, wisdom, compassion, understanding and life experience your teaching me is incredible. If I was a millionaire I'd hire you as a life coach for sure 👏. Thanks for all that you do.


I love your first point, It makes sense not to go into dating thinking all the options are no good. That is very toxic when you think about it!


Everything was so spot on. If one keeps expecting the worst that is indeed what they’ll attract 💯
Thank you for this great video 😊


Great message Stephan!! I agree with all 5 Questions, but #4 & #5 resonates so much more with my spirit.The sad thing about us humans is that we are ignorant about how our childhood traumas shape our decisions. We think we are good until we get in a relationship and suddenly things fall apart. As a woman, I’ve found that it’s not always the man’s fault. We have to face our reality and deal with the traumas that keep us from choosing and being in a great relationship.


Fantasy? Imaginative?
WOW! Sensibility. Grounded. Sane. Reasonableness. Manners, etc.
