Love Someone Who Has Depression? This is What You Need to Know.

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In this video I talk about 6 things you need to know about loving someone with Depression - and some meaningful things you can do to help and support them.


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I live with this disease. And what I want to say is....anyone who found this video cause you are dying to help someone you love who are something special . And sweet . Kudos to you


I was severely traumatized years ago as a teenage, got diagnosed with cptsd. Spent my whole life fighting cptsd. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my mom recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.


I'm a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend with depression and anxiety. I wanted to say a few things.

If you're in my shoes, wanting to support someone going through it, I know it can be hard, draining, and heartbreaking to see them in that state. Every day you want then to magically be happy, yet then you realize, they need time, as this isn't something to just get over with quick.

Just love them. Show them how much you care, the little things and small. Be there as a shoulder and give then hope and encouragement every day. Don't forget to take care of yourself but remember to say things like "I love you" and "I'm here for you" and all. Say that you're there for them and that they're strong as sometimes others fail to go through it. The mind is dangerous if used against you, but even more so if it's your own.

Be there love and encouragement. Be the star that shines their day and the pillow that they cry in at night. Because they'll appreciate it. All you need is love.

Ya'll can make it. Ya'll can fucking do it. I believe in all of you.

I remember when she said to me that I was her shining light and that I've been helping her a lot. I wanted to cry. It works man I tell you. Miracles happen. They do.


People with depression don't always want to hear "what can I do for you?" or "How can I help?" They don't know what you can do. They would much rather hear. "Can I do … for you?"


I just cried while watching this. My boyfriend has major depression and bipolar disorder and I love him so much, I just want him to be happy. This video was extremely helpful.


I would add (speaking from my own experience) that when someone is in a deep depression, they are often literally incapable of appreciating, comprehending, believing, or accepting your supportiveness. Dont be offended by this, its not their fault. Its not your fault. It just is.


For me, the best thing is not when someone says "You should do a thing!" instead it's "Let's go do a thing!"


1. Offering words of encouragement. Be a supporter, not a fixer. (ie. Saying "I believe you can get through this").

2. Don't offer advice using "you should" statements (ie. "You should exercise). Try saying, "what have you tried?" or "I've read about x, are you interested in hearing about it?"

3. Sometimes people with depression will push you away. They dont want to overburden you, so they might pull back. When this happens, give them space and remind them "I'm here for you if you want to talk", check in on them regularly, reminding them that you love them and you support them.

4. Loving someone with depression is draining. Prioritize your self-care. It is your job to support them, to be available when you can, and to take care of yourself first and foremost. It is not your job to fix them, or be an emotional punching bag.

5. Depression makes people leave sometimes. They could be overwhelmed and cancel plans last minute. Remember, it is not personal. (If it's a newer relationship, maybe they aren't in the best place to be dating someone right now. Know that it has nothing to do with you or anything you did wrong. They just can't be dating someone right now.)

6. Remember, you didn't cause their depression. You can't make someone depressed; so it's not your fault.


Hearing her say " I believe in you" "I Support you" I Love you" "you can get through this" made me tear up.


You know.

It just makes me really happy seeing a lot of boyfriends or girlfriends looking to cope and help out their partners, rather than seeing fully negative comments or immediately give up on them because their minds are working differently.

So to all of you that are willing to learn on how a depressed person's mind works, I appreciate you more than you think.

Maybe it's the depressed person in me speaking but it's no good hiding that feeling anyways.


I started crying. This is all i want to hear.


This has helped me greatly. My ex boyfriend suffers from depression and I ended up breaking it off because I was exhausted. Today he reached out to me wanting to work things out. I am educating myself because I do love him and this video is a real eye opener. Thank you. It all makes sense now


I’m only 11 and my mum has depression.. trying to help her x


My girlfriend left me because of depression, I lost my cousin a month ago and she wanted me to snap out of it. She would tell me to look on the bright side and live your life. People who never experience depression never understand.


Loving someone with depression has made ME depressed.


Anyone else watching this bc their depressed and feeling unlovable?


i’m here to help my girlfriend who’s emotionally numb, and though not diagnosed with depression, she talked about having suicidal ideations almost everyday. it’s hard and tiring, and it’s upsetting because i also have to my own issues going on. it could be so draining and it hurts to see someone who’s important to you dealing with this. i always wish that one day, we’ll wake up and we’ll feel genuinely happy. but it doesn’t work that way so everyone who’s also here to help their loved ones, kudos to all of you! you inspire me to be stronger. keep yourselves safe!


Support but not a fixer...thank you for the advice.


To anyone who has depression, I just wanna let you know that your feelings are valid. It’s okay to feel sad, or any other negative emotions. And I’m proud of you for making it through another day in your life. You’re a warrior and you deserve to be loved and appreciated.


Is it weird that when she was listing things to say like “I care about you, I believe in you” I honestly felt good because I haven’t had that said to me before even though she wasn’t saying it directly to me idk 😐
