How To Love Someone With Depression

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How To Love Someone With Depression

It is very difficult if you’re in a relationship with someone who suffers from depression.

However, there are ways you can love someone with depression.

I suffer from depression and these are some things I would want the person I love to do to help me!

1. don’t take it personally
2. Try to listen to them about how they feel
3. Try to comfort them
4. Don’t tell them they are being over dramatic
5. Be supportive of them
6. Don’t rush them or pressure them into doing something they don’t want to do
7. If they want space allow them space
8. If they want to be cuddled or to be loved do it





#depression #relationship #mentalillness
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Try not to take it personally if we lash out at you or push you away. Sometimes we go into dissociative episodes where we don't feel anything and try to push you away because we feel that we are unlovable so we want to reject you before you can reject us. It doesn't make sense but it's true.


Thanks for this video! I have been dating someone with high functioning depression. She is able to go to work, do chores, exercise, smiles, laughs and so forth but she often tells me how she feels down for no reason, criticizes the world around her, loses enjoyment of the things she enjoys doing and doesn’t feel like she is good enough. And yes, she’s had suicidal thoughts here and there. It is hard because she is indecisive and doubts if she can last in the relationship. I am really trying to understand her and she often says “don’t take it personally”. Your video was helpful for me and learning that what she says is true even though sometimes it’s hard for us to go through this. Sometimes I feel like I do take it personally. But I know I can’t. I’ve been with her for a year and a half now and until now i am starting to understand this mental illness. Thank you for your help!


I think one of the best ways to support someone with depression is to let them know that you're there to support them and listen to their problems.


I watch these types of videos so I can better understand myself (I suffer from anxiety and depression) and when you said “They don’t want to feel this way, they just do” I started to cry 😅 Idk, i guess it gave some sort of comfort knowing that I’m not so broken after all :’)


My girlfriend hadn't messaged in nearly 2 weeks. I am giving her space. She went off her meds but should be back on. I'm assuming it's depression. I know she has anxiety but she's very hot and cold. I hope she feels better and comes around eventually. Last thing I said was positive. She seemed happy too then radio silence. Hoping more than anything I'm doing the right thing. I've slowly been talking to her less but when I do it's a joke or light hearted. I pushed her away when we first met. I don't want to lose her again. She's said in the past she hates space, it gives her anxiety lol. Yet here we are. But I know depression ain't logical


I think this is good advice. But at the same time it gets problematic, when the other person isnt feeling that well. Because what you said is all about the person with depression. And that the partner has to do everything in order so that the depressed one feels better, But for a relationship, there has to be some sort of balance. Sometimes the other one needs a shoulder to cry on or just not be the one always caring.


when I was in my teenage 14 year old
I started to become Depressed because I was Bulley on School.
I remember when I come home, I used to be very quiet, and Run to my bed,
then my mother would Come and beat me, and wake me up, get out of bed.
I just have had tough life.


Depression is condition it's beyond my Control,
it just a Condition that my mind operators different from others,
it's a Pain that is hidden in my mind,
it can Accurs in moment, and that is the moment, people around me don't understand.
and Lably you mental.


Thanks for a very insightful video. Ive started dating a guy with depression and anxiety for the last 3 weeks. On the one token, I dont want to be his rescuer neither do I want to say or do nothing. Your video has taught me to be unconditional towards him, let him be and for me to be present. Relationships are a 2 way process and I want him to at the very least commit himself to fully recovering, which bless him he is (antidepressants and therapy). He's disclosed some childhood traumas which are upsetting. However, he's capable of so much but he knows his depression has held him back. I know myself that if I want to be with him, I have to give him space and time. At least he has a committed, loving person in me to be with. Im a high functioning, highly ambitious person, single for the past 5 years, not looking for anyone, suddenly finding myself attracted to a guy with depression. I never expected it, yet the depth of my feelings towards him cannot be ignored either so Ive been pondering and wondering how to move forward in this situation. Once again, a very timely video for me and I wish you all the best in your own recovery 🙏🙏


I let my boyfriend have enough time and space and it really helps! As parters, we neet to stay still and let somethings go. But I wonder if this cycle is gonna last forever till we die. I mean, will depression ever go away? suffering is too harsh on both of us, all of us


Thanks for these really amazing tips. I'll try apply them.


So they what does it say that they just dont want to be around u but they are ok or want to be around other people...that's hard not to take personal


I love your videos thank you for everything


This is too hard because we are in a LDR and he wouldn't let me tell anybody in his family to know. I feel so helpless.. i couldnt give a cuddle or kiss and he wouldnt tell how he is doing now because he become quiet.. i want to help him but i dont know how?


How long do you give them space? He didn't ask for it but is not replying and was negative and hopeless about relationship for 5 weeks now


So is this the way of loving myself also?
I mean I am someone


Sad thing is that i suffer from depression and anxiety and i have nobody 😭 I wish to tell people that im depressed and i have anxiety feelings but the voices of anxiety pulls me back


How to deal with it if he won’t even see me he won’t allow his self to see me. He keeps saying he’ll come around once he gets it together. But he goes around other ppl


i’m gonna say it DONT DATE SOMEONE WITH DEPRESSION no one will ever understand them at all no matter what u read about depression or know ppl have it u won’t ever understand it AND everyone will be like “yeah we support ppl who’s having mental illness” but once u ACT THE SYMPTOMS ACTUALLY they fucking change and abandon u even if u tell them in the first place “i have mental illness called depression and u won’t handle it as well so plz lets just be only friends” they fucking keep saying “no we love u just the way you are” i hate everyone


When u don, t have anyone, all alone, how to handle such condition?😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
