Answering Leighton Flowers - Why Most Christians Resist Calvinism Part 4 - The Nature of God

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We bring this series to a conclusion by getting to the root of the whole issue: the nature of God. Is God unfair, and His integrity to be questioned, if he chooses to elect some people and reject others, based solely on His own purposes? Or must there be some reason known to man, which is the basis of this election? What is the reality of history? If God MUST be "fair", then the Bible and history reveal to us that God is a monster - regardless whether you accept the free-will or Calvinistic position. Reality shows that the great mass of humanity perished in their sins, without a shred of gospel light to lead them to the truth. The American Indians never had opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ for thousands of years. The pre-Christian Europeans all died in their sins. Even today, God chooses who will be in a position to hear the gospel and who will not - so if fairness is the standard by which we judge God, he is utterly cruel and heartless. BUT - if we view Him as JUSTLY condemning all men, yet in His mercy choosing to save some, we see Him as a gracious God of mercy. Grace is not given out of obligation, and those who receive rejoice in it, as something they cannot understand but receive with grateful hearts.
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😒 wow, Doc Flowers is kinda weird, hes a nice stoic smooth talker, hes easy to listen to unlike ranty Anderson, but his arguments are irelevant, Pride is an argument? like really 🙄

alot of his arguments doesnt even make sense, all he's doing is confusing christians, i really feel sorry for anyone that mite have an interest in calvinism and bumps into people like flowers and anderson

🙂 Flowers will deny it but i think most christians are actually part calvinist, but they like to cherry pick what bible verses are 'ok' to be calvinist ☺️ heehee

As far as resisting calvinism i think its partly due to:
normal human nature,
second because of the dumbing down of america n the west,
third the rise of the arminians & rise of christian denominations & christian cults,
fourth modern bible translations by arminian translators
five, arminion bible study notes & arminian bible commentarys
six, arminian influenced End Of The World Bible Profecy senarios
seven, religious arminion universitys n colleges n pastors

its like something out of a scifi flick, The Invasion of The Body Snatchers, where eventually every calvinist gets replaced with an arminion! 😰 😱

😒 cmon Flowers.... all you have to do is pickup any full color Children's Bible Story Book or Bible Comics, Old Testament & New Testament, its obvious to any kid that reads them that the storys describe a calvinist type of God 😇


Wow... Look at 3:38; because Flowers does not know God's method of election, to him, that makes it arbitrary??? - Flowers demands that there be something in the one who is elected that drives God's choice (his "choice meat" analogy), or I suppose if this were not the case, Flowers would demand that God adhere to some standard that is outside of Himself to which He must abide. In either case, Flowers has left Christianity for something other than the God of the Bible. What's worse is that neither he, nor the Leightonites can see it.


WHO did God choose for salvation?
The prudent who hates evil.


Election is not's service.
Evil serves God's purpose.
Judas was an elect apostle.
The nation of Israel is God's elect...they are serving God in their rebellion against him.

FYI: God does let us understand why he chose Israel/Jacob...not because he was good or bad but because he was prudent.


Peter borrowed from the OT because he was talking TO the people chosen by God.