1 Corinthians 2:14 Does Not Teach Calvinism | Dr. Leighton Flowers | Soteriology 101

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, briefly discusses why 1 Corinthians 2:14 does not teach the Calvinistic concept of total depravity.

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So thankful for you pointing out these Calvinistic proof-texts and how they, in context, do not support that theological system.


reading the text in context without a presuppositional lens is so liberating


I love it when scripture is de-Calvin-ated.


Keep telling the truth Leighton!
God bless you


Excellent point! I love this channel!❤✝️🙏🏻


Excellent discussion! Also see Hebews 5:12. Here, the writer is dealing with Jewish believers that are considering going back under the Law.


Thank you for speaking out on this. You've helped me to understand the confusing teaching in Calvinism which I had started being apart of in recent years.
When attending the church not at first but after the first 6 months. I eventually could feel myself slowly getting dryer, more irritable, and my burdens getting heavier. I didnt fully realize it to just recently what was going on. I kept blaming myself for it and believed that I was growing and learning more about God. I felt these overwhelming things especially when I was at church. I grew up in really charismatic churches and household. The churches I always went to after leaving my parents home were non denominational and there was freedom in the Spirit.. I genuinely believe the Calvinist are quenching the Holy Spirit and unnecessarily forcing people to live without defenses. This could just be my experience but to be a complete door matt in every area of my life. It feels like unless your in leadership, then your allowed to have teeth. Otherwise you are at the mercy of your leadership, other believers, unbelievers, as well as secular employer whether right or wrong you dont have teeth anymore to defend yourself if people are acting out against you and if anything wrong or mistreatment going on towards yourself from any of these were considered as there was something wrong with you and you need to repent and be grateful rather then deal with the situation. And I understand to a certain point to turn your cheek but I feel like they take it to extremes Ive never seen. Like total depravity of our nature of protecting ourselves. This could just be me, when my wife an I and small kids starting going there we sought counseling bc we were trying to work through some rough spots in our marriage as well as how to handle my parents who extreme end of charismatic were super mad we were going to a calvinist church instead of theirs and my wife's parents who were extremely co dependent controlling and were being very toxic for several years(things have gotten better in both camps). Anyways the answers for us always seemed to be graceful to us but over time I started to realize we were being uno reversed for the problems in our relationships. Stuff was swept under the rug and uno reversed. I feel like they dont believe we're believers.. Yet through their own teachings as well as the scriptures when we stand out on God's word resisting the expectations of the world we will be hated at times and there will be conflict. Yet it felt more so that oh your having conflict you are a great sinner. Heres more burdens. It doesnt make any sense. I feel like theres alot of confusion in the calvinist denomination and they dont realize the harm they are doing pointing the finger at people who are trying to walk in step with God's word. Its not in line with their own teaching. It really wounds and damages believers sincerely trying to grow and learn. And the counseling beliefs are off. Some of it is really great but other parts of stuffing your wounds down when you havent learned how to heal or grow through your open wounds has just caused even more hurt and pain. I dont want to ever place my full dependence in a mortal man. He's not God, thats why we are to look to the word not our denomination as the compass to the narrow way.


1 Corinthians 2:14 is just another example of a verse Calvinists take COMPLETELY out of context to make it fit their paradigm.


I think 1 Corinthians 2:14 is more consistent with 2:18, 23.
Let's also keep in mind the things said of the natural man
1. Does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God
2. They're foolishness to him FOR(reason given👉) He cannot understand them because they're spiritually descend.
In 1 Corinthians 3:1 Paul doesn't say they're natural men but behaving like natural men rather than spiritual (the spiritual man is judging all things, all things not some but all 2:15).
So they're not having every characteristic of the natural man but some.
Otherwise we'll say
They're Christains who cannot accept the things coming from the Spirit, because they're foolishness the Christian because they're spiritually discerned.
That cannot be said of a Christain consistent state but sometimes in our Christain lives were all like that. A Christian might be likened to one of the above characteristics of behaving foolishly like the Corinthians did. But not having that constant present state of not understanding, not accepting because he has the spirit. He might not judge all things which shows his canal nature but he does judges some things to show he has the spirit 1 Cor 1:5(knowledge) and 1 Cor 4:6 ( the Corinthians had these puffed up knowledge and going beyond what is written. It's not as the they didn't know the deep things of God.
That's the natural man and we can be liken to him sometimes.
So pls let's not say the Christain is the natural man with all his characteristics but he is liken to the natural man in behavior sometimes as listed in 3:3-4 ; quarreling, follow Paul or Apolos. Being the natural man and behaving like the natural man are 2 different things


Calvinism is just another reformed theology that was an overshoot in rebuking the RC church.


I appreciate your ministry so much. Thankful for the explanation of this issue. Choices are required as a part of living life as humans. Keep up your excellent work.


Their own choice to follow the ABC's of the world. Spot on Dr. Flowers!


Paul knows that they are born of the spirit but still immature. He should of already been giving them solid food but there carnality proved they where still immature. You can be born of the spirit, and still be struggling in the flesh .


I'm LOVING these shorts.
God bless you(& family) Leighton.


Spiritual things are discerned by the spirit.


Calvinism and context NEVER go together.


Once again, Calvinistic conflation & contrivings of scripture to try & affirm their extra biblical man-made theology.


I’m confused what are you quoting? I’m checking the verse and it’s context and don’t see what you’re adding on here


This is great! Can you please do a video on Colossians 3:12? Can you explain the meaning of the use of the words chosen and elect especially, that Paul uses in this context to the church. Thanks


Wonderful Dr. Flowers!!!! BULLS-EYE! Wonderful!
