10 Life-changing SELF CARE HABITS for the Highly Sensitive Person

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Around 15-20% of all people are a highly sensitive (HSP). This means that we process stimuli more deeply, because of biological differences in our nervous system. It comes with many advantages, such as being creative, observant, insightful, and we have a strong sense of intuition, empathy and resilience. But it also means we can feel overstimulated much more easily. And that’s where self care can play a big role.

In today's video, I share 10 life-changing self care habits for the highly sensitive person. These are based on the book 'The highly sensitive person' by Elaine Aron, as well as my own personal experience with being a HSP. These are things we can do for ourselves to keep feeling good mentally, emotionally and physically. Even if you don't consider yourself to be highly sensitive, I think these self-care tips can still be very helpful, especially on those low energy days.

Lots of love,
🌼 Vera


What is a highly sensitive person? 0:00
Retreat 1:15
Showers and baths 2:35
An important note on exercise 3:47
Decluttering 5:43
Kangaroo care 7:55
Needs & boundaries 9:24
White space 11:28
Power up your sleep 12:26
Charge your heart 14:30
An important note on cortisol 15:37
Being sensitive in our world 18:05

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Hi everyone! Thanks for waiting for me while I recovered from my cold and subsequent eye infection. I'm feeling a lot better and I'm very excited to post weekly videos again! 🤗🥰 I realize my left eye still looks a little 'tired' in this video haha, but I feel better every day. And I'm really happy to be back. :) Sending love!!


Maybe it’s not people who are highly sensitive, but a world that has become increasingly abrasive and far removed from what the human experience was originally meant to be living within it.


Water always helps - in a glass, sea, shower or tears


Wow, this is unbelievable. I’m 70 years old and never knew there was a title for how I’ve felt all my life. Thank you so much for this video. Now I know why I’ve been burned out most of my life because I’ve always taken care of everyone else and never knew how to take care of myself. I’m glad I came across your YT. I could have saved myself much suffering. I’ll look forward to watching other videos.❤️


I’ve unmasked all my traits in my current job, so every time I walk into a meeting room I turn all the lights down (as on normal setting they feel like sitting under a solar flare to me). The amount of people who have thanked me or said it’s much nicer to sit in a slightly darker room is amazing. I feel like I’ve started a trend 😂.


Another HSP tip: Disengage from the news and screens in general! Or at least have an awareness when binging on media; i.e., "how is this making me feel right now?" or "Is this really what I want to be doing, or am I avoiding boredom?"


"It isn't because we are fragile people and cannot deal with life" made me cry because that was exactly how I was telling myself who I was. I was too fragile and weak, cannot deal with life like everyone else can, creating excuses not to do things or not to adopt. Thank you so much for your video.


It was comforting (and surprising) to know that others experience anxiety when the phone rings suddenly. Thanks for sharing! 😊


After 73 years of life I have come to embrace my introvert nature. I love who I am. I wish more people were like me. I believe in live and let live.


Young lady this is so helpful to HSP as you say. Back when I was younger, “toughen up” was all I heard. So wonderful you have embraced this gift you have and are helping others. A few things I’ve learned along the way that may help others. Clothing helps in situations, example arms covered with cotton sleeves, thick socks, avoid places with loud music such as crowded noisy restaurants, watch who you travel with, avoid loud, obnoxious people, grocery shop at off hours to avoid crowds, carry Vicks to put up your nose when smells are bad, carry toothpaste, toothbrush and cream so you can freshen up when out, take naps if needed to rest your brain, etc. thank you!!


Finally, the algorithm has led me to my people. I have every primary characteristic of an hsp and had no idea of the term. I soothe with low lights, nature, and water. It’s unbelievable how seen I feel right now. Thank you for enlightening me, and for sharing tips. The video was a pleasure to watch.


Here I sit at 63 and spent most of those years feeling broken, thank you for this video it has been an eye opener for me.
It is such a wonderful thing to know there are people that know what living this feels like. THANK


I know I am this way but what upsets me is that people will just simply not respect my boundaries no matter how nicely I try to explain.


I like lying down on my rooftop, waching the calm sky in the evening.


You're the first person I've ever heard say they hated PE and that exercise should make us feel better. I can relate. Thank you!


I have felt so much shame feeling this way my entire life. Thank you for making this community- it’s nice to know there’s others like me out there!


The older I get the more I realize how sensitive I am. To temperature, weather, sounds etc. I’m glad you found out sooner and are helping so many. I’m gonna share with my daughter this is her too. Thank you 🙏🏼.


This video is so helpful! I am an hsp, and so is my 19 year old son. My husband and 16 year old son are the opposite. Sometimes, we feel bad about ourselves because the other half of our family is so energetic and highly driven to succeed. Luckily, my energetic husband is also a therapist and has learned about hsp's and how to counsel them. It feels so good to understand ourselves and know that it is ok to need our boundaries. 😊


Whenever I have a hard time falling back to sleep, I've always had trouble with the 'Don't think about the time' approach. When I'm in that situation, I've found that what works best is focusing your attention on the sensations of the bed. Feel the soft sheets rubbing against your skin. Soak in the feeling of the warmth from the bed spreading through each part of your body. Enjoy being in that comfortable place, and let that comfort be what carries you off to relaxation. I always wind up in La-la land in no time. Hopefully this helps someone. Peace.


I have ADHD and autism, so I'm also very emotionally sensitive and easily overwhelmed. This video is really helpful for me, your voice is very calming and soothing as well =) I think a great way to practice the skin to skin self-soothing activity is to apply lotion. This is something I've always done without understanding why it comforted me so much. Just taking the time to hydrate your skin and appreciating your body without allowing yourself any thoughts about it. Taking care of yourself like you are taking care of your own inner child is one of the best things I've set out to do!
