The ONLY 3 Shoulder Exercises You Need To Build Muscle (Dumbbells Only!)

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Guys, I am excited about this video today. I want to give you my 3 best shoulder exercises that you need to do to build muscle. All you need for these shoulder exercises, is a set of dumbbells. Two of these exercises utilize my TriCon Training, so I am very excited to show you those. Each TriCon set consists of 9 reps. The first 3 reps are explosive, the next 3 are 10 second isometric holds, and the last 3 are super slow reps (4 seconds up, 4 seconds down). Now, let’s get started with the 3 shoulder exercises you need to build muscle using only dumbbells.

Exercise #1: TRICON LATERAL RAISES. You are just going to be raising your arms to your sides, you do not need to raise the dumbbells above shoulder height. The shoulders are not a big muscle group, so you will need to use light weight, especially from the 10 second isometric hold reps. This exercise will help you to get thick and wide looking shoulders.

Exercise #2: SEATED TRICON DUMBBELL OVERHEAD PRESS. I typically recommend using dumbbells over barbells because dumbbells allow you to have more mobility during the exercise. A barbell locks your joints in place, limiting mobility and causing more stress on your shoulder joints. You can do this exercise seated or standing, but I recommend doing this exercise sitting down. Turn the dumbbells slightly inward to allow for a better movement. Make sure to get nice full stretches and good contractions.

Exercise #3: BENT LATERAL RAISES. Hinge at the hips and stick your butt out to help protect your back. Drive your elbows up and out, and hold the contraction at the top of the movement for a couple of seconds. Utilize a slow controlled movement, to really focus on working your rear deltoids. You are just using your hands as hooks in this exercise.

Make sure to implement these exercises into your shoulder workouts. This will help you balance your shoulders and build strength in your shoulders. Alright guys, that wraps up this video tutorial with the only 3 shoulder exercises you need to build muscle with dumbbells only. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos on how to build muscle while losing fat at the same time at home.

Рекомендации по теме

In today's new video I'm going to share the only 3 exercises you need...

To build big strong shoulders AT HOME...

Using nothing but dumbbells... enjoy the workout!


Man, I have to say this. THESE are by far THE Best videos out there for me! Wow! SIMPLE, to the point, EASY... and most of all with a focus on the older man. He's very concerned about joints and injury. This is huge. I love it! You don't have a lot of fluff in your videos, you're not SCREAMING at us or drawing all over yourself with markers.. AND you're not slathering on a bunch of technical/cellular level jargon. Also... your SOUND is pleasant! It's not loud or full of echo. Very professional and clean and to the point.

I'm looking to get back in the gym and I just want to start with simple, basic, but effective movements. THIS is it! Thank you so much for what you do. Please keep it doing this!

"I'm going to give you THREE...." or "FIVE".... it's the best! Thanks again


Just a note to say thank you for your content, I have been using your tricon workouts for biceps triceps chest and shoulders, I'm 70 yo and the excersicez have shown good results in 3 weeks


Back in the '60s I came across a book written by a Hawaiian weightlifter (I believe his name was Kono). He demonstrated isometric (actually isotonic) weightlifting. He advocated a 30 second rep: 10 up, hold for 10, 10 down. He advised using 1/2 the weight you would normally use. Damn, he was right. A 10 rep routine was exhausting.
Previously, a few years prior, a young college athlete practiced this technique. He won the Heisman Trophy in 1958 and was SEC 100 yd champion as well. Billy Cannon attributed his success to this program.


You definitely inspired me to go back to the gym....
From the bottom of my heart.... THANK please if you read this let me know brother.
Hugs from Ensenada baja California Mexico. 😊


You sir are an absolute genius, I appreciate this video.


Love this channel! Perfect for a 51 year old man. Thank you!!


My friend thank you so much for all the advice, I appreciate it. Again Thank you much.


Wow your amazing teacher. Keep up the awesome work you do for everyone to enjoy❤❤❤❤


Love this channel Ty I’m 52 years old been doing body beast program for years trying something different Ty so much


As a fitness trainer of many years - who was published in Muscle & Fitness Magazine (Nov. 1994) - I enjoy your content very much.
I would only add two points:
The reason Anterior Deltoids are usually overdeveloped in relation to the Posterior Delts is that they get heavily worked when doing compound exercises for the Chest, such as Dumbbell or Barbell Bench Press as well as Incline Presses.
Also, I've found that for myself and when training older clients, when working Posterior Deltoids with Dumbbells, I prefer to do them seated with a folded up pillow wedged between my thighs and chest/abs. This provides a stable support which will take any strain off the lower back to prevent injury. Doing them while facing an incline bench on the most prone setting or an elevated flat bench will also accomplish the same goal.
Keep up the good work!
Love these videos!


Might have missed it, but how many sets per exercise?


This looks like a perfect workout for an older guy like me with skinny shoulders! Will have to try on my next shoulder workout, thanks!


I'm 53 and I use the machines for this working the shoulders, they also help you with your form. I do think free weights are a little bit more effective though for building muscle. Great video!


😊Videos are brilliant Gary, my friend,


Wow tricon is amazing.
It makes so much sense for me, the way I work out!


Thanks, great info. I'll try it on my next workout.


How much sets for each of the exercises ist the the best choice ?


Nice video! Can’t wait to try it this week


Thank you for the information. How many sets do I need to do per exercise?
