Ways Your Life Today Is Far More Luxurious Than a Medieval King

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What was daily life like for a king or queen during the Middle Ages? Contrary to what you might imagine, it didn't involve lounging in robes of silk and satin and indulging in lots of feasting. In reality, the life of medieval royals involved a lot of incest, sickness, and cold castles.

You'll probably feel better about your own situation after learning what life for royalty in medieval times was like. Women were married off to very close relatives for diplomatic purposes; on many occasions, they were only in their early teens at the time. Sadly, the death rates for mothers and children were quite high, and the general lack of hygiene most definitely didn't help.

#modernlife #MedievalEra #weirdhistory
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I think about this a lot. Whenever someone tells me they wish they lived in the past, I always say two words: "toilet. paper."


Wonder if they'll mention how insanely opulent the average person's spice rack today would seem to the wealthiest medieval king


Fun fact about chamber pots: it's where we get the idiom "not a pot to piss in, " meaning that you're broke.


If you ever feel unlucky, just remember that King Edmund II "Ironside" of England was assassinated in 1016 when a viking climbed out of the toilet and stabbed him while he was taking a shite.


The fact that we can communicate with other people from across the planet with a device in our pocket almost instantly would blow a medieval persons mind


Never underestimate the power of indoor plumbing.


Don't forget travel. Even the carriages the royals had in the day, they were no match for the roads. Now we have paved roads, and heat and A/C on demand in our cars.


The very thought of trying to stay alive back in those times, living with the filth, ignorance, discomfort, and rampant disease is quite enough to keep me from ever dreaming about the "romance" of living in those times. It must have been horrible!


We're so much better off today, but some people don't see it.


Just our basic hygiene and medical care...I LOVE Weird History !


I'm certainly grateful for modern plumbing!


While it's true that noble women were married off younger than common born women, it was usually closer to 15-16 years old with them usually having their first pregnancy by 16-17. Yes it's still way too young and GROSS but people back then weren't complete idiots. They knew getting a girl pregnant at 13 would very likely kill her and the baby (and it very nearly did almost kill Margaret Beaufort and her son Henry VII). Stories of noble ladies getting married at 12 or 13 stand out in history BECAUSE they were unusual.


Running drinking water, flushing toilets, temperature control, electricity, healthcare, etc etc. Hell, we have it *much* better than any king from that age hands down...but certain people don't think this way. For them none of these modern luxuries are worth the main perk of their lives - power. Power is so sweet to some that they would happily live knee deep in sewage if it meant they could rule over a large number of people with impunity. To this day this continues to be true.


I spent a summer on the Virginia farm of a friend of my grandmother's. They had electricity, but no plumbing - this was in the 1960's. We used an outhouse during the day and a chamber pot at night. The pot was emptied in the outhouse the next day. Oh yeah - there was a Montgomery Ward catalog for toilet paper in the outhouse. 1960's, people.


The topics of the videos on this channel are essentially answers to what I always ask myself in my head when I zone out, especially the Titanic one that covers what people ate on the ship.


I've certainly considered this, particularly when I was staying at a hotel in the heart of Seattle. Not a fancy one, but still a fairly pricey room at a Hilton skyscraper.
As I looked out the window across the city all I could think of was how even the nobility would have killed to stay in something like this...


It should be noted that most of these refer to Medieval Europe, rather than the Medieval period as a whole. Asia and Africa also had a "Medieval" Period; adding these regions into your videos, and comparing/contrasting them, would be very interesting and enlightening.


I am *SOOOO* grateful to be alive right now, at this point in time! I am so appreciative of modern medicine & scientific medical advancements!
One of the main reasons is because I’ve had an autoimmune illness, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA.) I was diagnosed around age 10, and I can’t imagine existing with this disease *without* modern medicine. The thought alone is terribly depressing.
I’ve met elderly people who were diagnosed decades ago, who were unable to receive the treatments available now, and have permanently gnarled hands from it. My heart always aches for them. Untreated RA completely *ruins* your joints and the amount of disability it causes is devastating.
Even with the best treatments available, RA is still very painful and disabling. I still have to deal with pain and immobility on a regular, but I’m fortunate that my joints haven’t been completely destroyed or disfigured. Looking at me, you’d never guess I have such an awful disease. Unless I’m having a really bad flare up and my joints are super swollen, and if I happen to be limping because of that. Otherwise, no other visible signs.


I know right.. I love to think that Marie Antoinette will never know how it feels like to have a super clean bathroom to use whenever you want all supplied with soaps and toilet paper and the finest shampoos or have a super cool comfortable living room 69 degrees👌🏻) in the middle of summer while eating ice cream and gourmet imported chocolate bonbons. All bought at Walmart for a few dollars, very well within my meek peasant budget👌🏻


9:53 Apparently castles had solar power! 😂
