This One Idea Will Change How You Think About Your Entire Life

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This video contains the entire story of the past and future to remind you of where you are right now.

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ah yes, my daily dose of existential crisis.


Slowly you realise that half of the things and stress are useless, meaningless and doesn't really even make sense. Slowly you realise that this life should not be taken as serious as they say. Slowly you realise that this life is simple, unique and beautiful, and a small things and moments that we have now are precious, that you can break any cycle of past and history and just make your own sense, that you don't have to believe anything they say or don't say and choose the life you desire to live.


If I saw this video a year ago I'd probably be filled with existencial crisis and anxiety, now I'm in awe and a complete state of serenity. It reminds me to take pleasure in the simple things in life and not waste it by getting all worked up and giving my time to things that won't bring me joy or help me grow into a better person. I was in a depression for almost 3 years up until january this year, 6 months later I'm the happiest I've ever been. A lot of people actually think I'm going through something rn bc I made many radical changes at once, I quit college, dropped a lot of friends and my boyfriend, left the city I lived in, etc. and to many that seems like I'm having a manic episode, what they don't realise is that for the first time in many years I actually feel like me again. I've learned to love myself like I haven't before and it's a kind of love I've never experienced before, it's refreshing. I used to be very insecure and dependant when it came to relationships and now I don't even feel the need to be with anyone. There's no better company than our own when we're happy with who we are. I hold no grudges, no longer stuck living in the past, worrying about the future. The past present and future are simultaneously happening at the same time, I just let it happen one moment to the next, continuously, ever learning, growing and loving. Connect yourself to earth, bury your hands in the dirt/sand, feel the warm sun kiss the skin on your cheeks, stretch and gently massage your body, feel the cold grass on your feet, let your whole body be consumed in the water.
Remember to practice love and love those near you but do not be afraid to walk away when something's not right. Love is powerful, it's how we change the world for the better.


As someone who is anxious about EVERYTHING, this is so calming


I feel this video hits a point that I've been communicating to friends recently. Existential optimism. A wondrous unimportance to each of us. While some see this as terrifying and dreadful, I feel it frees you from the burdens of societal pressures and encourages you to pursue what you love with everything you have. Thanks for sharing.


Although I agree that everything going on in the world right now and people's concerns ultimately won't matter in the grand scheme of things ... we do have to remember that people's problems are relative, and your stresses/concerns do matter since you are alive right now! I just wish everyone on earth can live a happy life, feel loved, find their purpose in life and leave the world in a better place than when they found it; even if it means just helping a random stranger on the street or being a good friend - you're making an impact in their world.


When my dad passed away in 2019 I gathered some of his personal items such as rings, a watch, coins, just random things as well as a picture of him and put them in a small chest that he had and placed it on my dresser. Also I cut out the obituary and put it in there as well. I plan on giving those items to my grandchildren before I die and tell them to do the same. My dad was a great man, husband, father, with many friends whom he helped out in many ways and I want him to be remembered for more then 200 yrs. I owe him that much. Love ya dad!


This kind of video actually helps me when I’m depressed - Why waste time being miserable and unhappy?


I take this very inspirational rather than pessimistically mostly because it shows that no matter how we fill our daily lives with all of these fears and anxiety about the future and daily/social life, it will all end with a blink of an eye and all of the anxiety was there for nothing. It provides a huge sense of hope that everyone should proceed with accomplishing their dreams in life and living it to the fullest.


I find it comforting to know that I'll ultimately be forgotten.


Life is too short to worry about the past or future! Just be present in the present..:)

Stay strong anyone going through harsh times, everything is gonna be alright✨❤️


Currently going through a divorce, and every second feels like an hour and every hour feels like a week, I constantly drown in my own thoughts how I could of been a better husband for her not to leave but this video has helped me put a perspective in my life that everything will keep moving, the shaking in my fingers has literally subsided while watching this and my body doesn’t feel like there’s electricity running through it, thank for this peace


Its really cool to see this thought laid out so eloquently.

I had this thought when I was about 15. I was in a graveyard looking at tombstones of people who’s names have been lost to the elements.

They were someone, they had fears and dreams just like me, but now they’re more than forgotten, just a small blank monument to the passage of time.

It’s a bittersweet realization that only the minuscule amount of time we have is our frame of reference. Follow your path and live. One day you’ll be a nameless tombstone, or ashes in the ocean, soil for a sapling, the list goes on. It’s not worth worrying all the time.


This is amazing. It doesn't sugar-coat our existence. It just simply 'is'. We are here, briefly. One of billions. No meaning, just existence. No goal to reach, just life. A beginning, a middle, an end. It is not to be feared. People can still live their lives the way they wish. Still do the things they love. Be with the people they care about. Study, work, play, etc. But ultimately were are mere blips on a radar. Probably not even that. It makes it more concerning that a lot of the time we spend hating each other. We fight wars. Hate others in the name of religion, politics, perceived differences, etc. And, ultimately, for what?


Wow. The comments that display positivity after watching this video leaves me quite envious! I felt like I was about to have a panic attack and had to stop watching it. I’ll get there one day hopefully.


It gives me so much peace to realize that everything I’m going through is so insignificant in he grand scheme of things. It’s like there being an infinite sized chalk board and there being a small dot that I’m fixated on, with one little swipe with the eraser all the weight is lifted off of my shoulders, and I can grasp what truly matters.


Instantly liked and saved to my playlist to watch on very rainy days. Thank you, Robert. Half the reason I love these videos is because there’s something so calming, trustworthy, and reassuring about your voice. Was feeling really bad, but I feel just an ounce lighter now. Good enough for me.


“Close your eyes. Count to one. That is how long forever feels.” - Kurzgesagt.


Nothing matters!! Why should I go on?

Right, I remember now: Because I love the rain, the ocean, the clouds - because I like to play and sing and dance 🤗


Psilocybin saved my life . I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September . I have zero cravings . This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment .
