I Lost Weight And My Wife Wants Me To Be Overweight Because She's Insecure - Reddit Stories

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Reddit Relationship Stories - OP had a health scare and decided to get in shape and change his life, now he's fitter than ever. His wife is not fit and has started to passively resent OP for changing his life. She's also getting jealous of other women noticing OP. So OP's wife asked to get heavy again so she can feel better about herself.

0:00 Intro
0:07 Original Post
5:06 Opinion
6:12 Comments
9:07 More Info
11:17 Update
17:24 Mood Booster

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I like how this ended
No divorce
No toxicity
No gaslighting
Just then talking their problems out and working it out
That there is an good example of how to maintain an relationship and marriage always be on the same page and try to talk and compromise with your partner


Losing weight with a partner is almost always more encouraging than doing it alone, especially when you know they have your best interests at heart.


Story 1: comments would have been 100% different if the gender were reversed. He would have been creepy for taking pictures of her and being insecure for accusing her of cheating


Main Story: (Before Update) She is insecure about lot`s of things and she might need a to talk to a therapist to get better, so that she doesn't ruined the marriage. Wanting her husband to be overweight so she can feel better, that is So Wrong.
(After Update) That couples therapist is Dangerous and might have Destroyed Many relationships.
It's Nice to hear that it all turned out Good for OP & Wife, communication is key to a Successful Relationship


I’m very grateful for this story. It’s the opposite for me and my husband, when we got married my husband was thinner than me. Now I’m at my ideal weight and my husband got the big beer gut. I’ve brought up how I worry about his health and all that. This story gives me great ideas on how to try to bring it up again. Thanks OP and Lost Genre for this!


My husband is is great shape. The best of his life is say. I on the other hand have struggled with loosing weight after having two kids. I'm not huge but I could afford to loose at least 20 lbs. And no point I've ever thought about sabotaging my husband making him feel bad about being in better to shape than me.
Edit: This story actually made me cry. This post is so relatable


I married right out of high school. We had a baby and she gained weight. I was on the big side too but I was happy. She was increasingly insecure over the years. She tried lots of diets, I bought exercise equipment. I tried to help any way I could. Then she wanted me to go on the diet with her. I went ahead with it to support her. I understood it was too hard if I was still eating carelessly. She shrank portions and made healthier stuff. I lost weight FAST! She still struggled. She resented me for losing weight. We had a huge fight when she saw me putting a new hole in my belt. I tried to hide it because I knew she’d get mad at me. I had to buy new clothes since everything was literally falling off me. I got clothes that fit better and I had fun shopping at thrift stores. She noticed I was getting attention while we were out. I never noticed being trained to look at the floor while I’m with her. She ends up falling in love with some guy online who commented on her pictures and messaged her for a few weeks. After 12 years of being together and trying with everything I had to make her happy, it was over. I kept the weight off btw and I have fully recovered.


Story #1: So, since when only fit people cheat? OP's wife needs therapy.


@ 15:45, did anyone else burst out laughing at the son's epiphany?

LG, please create a playlist of stories with wholesome endings.... This story was exactly what I needed today....

Edit : wanted to add one more thing, I hope the first OP has explained things properly to his son, by the gist of what was given in the post if he explained to only that extent... Then the poor boy might be expecting a baby brother or sister to pop out at any time and can even be disappointed at it's absence.


I grew up with very physical parents. They were always kissing, hugging, grabbing each other’s butts, laughing very playful. So I made sure I was that way with my wife in front of my children. I wanted to show them what it’s like to truly love and be loved.


Ehh... Jealousy like that is bad news. Like she jumps to the conclusion he must be cheating because women are attracted to him now... sounds like projection to me. No one jumps to such a radical attitude without having that same line of thought for herself. That control issues she showed, taking picture from him while talking to other people... Bad crap crazy and manipulative. If it would be a man pulling that crap everyone would scream to leave him. The same applies to wanting him unhealthy again just to feel better about herself. I honestly couldn't give any advice to gim since she seems to need therapy and an attitude change.
After the update: happy to be wrong. OP did great. Better probably than I would have done. I guess I lost faith in humans.


Last story: the new neighbors sound like the kind of people that would sue their rescuer if someone saved their life. OP is right. If someone cusses you out and says to stay off their property and never touch their stuff, stay far away from them.


Story 1: the ugliest thing a person can carry is a bitter, insecure personality. Seriously, knowing why FIL died and still questioning OP’s motives for wanting to be healthy is pure disgust to think so little of your partner.


Honestly having a partner who encourages you to live a healthy lifestyle, especially one who lifts you when you're too down to care for yourself, is such a goal tho. My weightloss journey has been so slow going because it's just me, no support, and some days it's so hard to do anything.


Op’s wife surely must know about her father in law and how he died but she wants him to go back to his old weight despite the risks- not even before he decided to go the extra mile, but back to being obese.
If she loses op it’s not going to be because of infidelity 😒

Edit: well other than the unhelpful couple’s therapist it looks like they’re going to be okay!


Walking is exercise too. It's ok to have a cheat meal once in a while. My husband was a body builder. It's not great to only eat chicken and veggies


1) Good for you op for taking control of your life..
2) op wife needs therapy badly.. she's incredibly misguided..


Story 1: Oh, OP. I remember growing up seeing my mom sit on my dad's lap everyday after dinner. They always kissed each other in front of me & my sibs. We were given a beautiful example of showing love and affection to each other.


Awww the baby saying daddy is superman. Oh my heart. I can't afford kids


This is the plot of a King Of Queens episode.