4 Cptsd Behaviors That Push People Away #emotionalhealing #childhoodtrauma

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Is Becoming A Trauma Informed Coach YOUR Calling? Next Certification Program Begins: June 2023

I am always looking to add more value to my services -so I am soooo excited to let you know that anyone that joins DURING THE MONTH OF MAY - the Trauma Informed Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach Training that begins in June.....

Will receive 2 months FREE Access to Thrivers School of Transformation (This is a savings of $239.97) but not only does it save you money... it also strengthens YOUR OWN trauma recovery journey.

Doing the inner work FIRST is sooo important and helpful as it allows us to be able to hold a safe space for our clients without being triggered. If we are unable to hold that safe space - we run the risk of harming others.... and that is something we would NEVER want to do!!!!

There are only 20 seats available in the class...... will you be using YOUR post traumatic growth to pay it forward and help others????

I will leave the link here for you to check it out and see if it's a good fit for you:

If you don't feel ready yet to help others and want to do a deep dive into your own recovery journey and prefer working ONE ON ONE w/ Michele utilizing the modalities she mentions in this video - here's the link for a 3 Month Deep Dive designed to help you experience lasting change:

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It’s so unfair that we make people feel unsafe when we feel unsafe are are in desperate need for someone to make us feel safe. I hate that I have been making people feel that way simply because I am feeling that way, it’s a major injustice to both them and us.


My lack of safety, my trigger of anxiety, is not social situations. It's much more one on one close and personal. You could call me a social butterfly, You could say "people" just love me, and I can easily and fluidly connect with total strangers. Now, I do not always want to be connected and I can become hostile towards humanity and want to hole up in my own home but that's when I'm stuck in my darkness and rather unfeeling. Where I get "triggered" is in sustaining closeness or even reasonable healthy distance within an ongoing relationship. I've been aware and working on this for a while but I Wanted to make that note here.


I was just thinking about this today! If you own your triggers and the ensuing chaos, you can contain it and prevent it from damaging your relationships while you work on it


Growing up in the toxic church, having been molested very young, and with narcissistic relatives, I can relate to this horrid after effect. And every time I lost a friend because of how I displayed (what I never knew was) a trauma response----i thought I was cursed.


I didn't know we were here to make everyone else comfortable. I didn't get that memo.


all this is true but it makes me feel like crap about myself I am trying so hard to be ok/normal to others.


The trauma responses are flight, flight, but the one that is often missed or skipped over is freeze. In the past, I've been given flack for not immediately responding, or walking away from a situation. Silence doesn't have to be uncomfortable, especially in stressful situations. Those pauses are necessary so that we can choose our words carefully, as to avoid saying something that we regret - particularly in work situations. I think it is okay to go to the bathroom, or take a walk so that we can emotionally regulate ourselves, but bosses and supervisors don't always take kindly to this. It's challenging, because I have been confronted by a supervisor for not responding in a way that they deemed fast enough. Or straight up accusing me of high school behaviour for simply requesting to revisit the topic at a later time because the conversation was cutting into planning time. But this workplace was toxic from the get-go, and I ended up leaving that position.


Great video. But how do you build up this internal safety?


Empath in tha House.. love this ❤️ well said .. im going thru this trying to help others too x ty.. keep up the good work


It's almost eery how Michele pinpoints exactly what is hapenning inside me. Every single video. It's not the same with any other coach. Really strange.


You know what's much easier? Just don't pursue relationships. Save yourself the energy. Get 3 big dogs. A no trespassing sign. And live your life without all the fake BS it takes to like a "healthy" lifestyle.


How does one access the Thrivers school of transformation? I would like to get access to the free trial please. Where can I find the link?
