5 Ways To BOOST Your Salary As A Software Developer 2024

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How do you increase your salary as a software developer? Software developer and software engineer salaries are high compared to most jobs, but there is still a wide range. So how much do software developers earn and if you are already there, how do you increase your chances of getting a higher salary?

In this episode, author and software engineering expert responds to articles that recommend how to get higher salaries and offers his advice on how to do better than the usual recommendations.





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When times are lean (there is an economic downturn) then need you to be a generalist. When times are *RICH!* you can make a lot of money as a specialist. The trick is to skate between them IMO. You need to be generalist enough to be able to do any work that turns up *BUT* also be the special hand (when the times are good). If you can't flip-flop you'll be out of work for a while(!)


20 - learn
30 - churn
40 - earn
50 - burn
60 - teach
70 - tell


This is your greatest video, especially the end where you explain that doing the best job you can is the best strategy.


Sometimes I see a take and just think Continuous Delivery is going to molly whop that.


Geographic location was referenced several times in the video. Remote work, which seems to be the majority of jobs at this time, makes that more complex.


5:50 hell, maybe the writers themselves used AI to generate the 5 items and AI suggested learning to work with AI 😆


Having understanding/skills for a field/area outside of software can be quite valuable. One job I had was at a company serving the graphic design industry. I was the only member of the software development team who had actually worked in publishing & design. Those skills served me, and the company, well in my work for them.

Basically, having not just some knowledge of a “business domain”, but also practical experience, can set one apart from other developers—increasing employability.


Hi Dave, can you something about the audio quality? It's not crisp and clear and I strain hard to listen & understand. I know, I can turn on CC, but I hope you will take notice. Thank you!


I've thought that transferable skills are a valuable asset. Technology isn't universally applied. Technology changes quickly.

But some stills have longer legs and last longer in a career with the shifting technology. I'm thinking more along the lines of practices and procedures, such as Design Patterns, Test-Driven Design, Domain-Driven Design, Separation of Concern, Modular Design, etc. A decent understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms doesn't hurt either.


Here is another one I'd like to ear some options on, develop your own application to sell. Of course, there is the added work of starting a small business to go with it, but you at least get to choose what to do and can leverage your best strengths. Thoughts....


These "languages to learn to make the most money" articles somehow get the causality backwards. If I told you 20 years ago that I wrote python to get a high paying job, I'd surely be joking - there were no jobs in it. However, I was easily 3 times as productive in it as I was in the Java I was hired to write. Pick tools that let you add value - you'll be able to charge more when they can see the quality of your output.


In Italy there is also huge legacy codebase in COBOL, but COBOL programmers aren't really that priced. For what i understand it is considered an easy language to learn therefore seniors aren't really looked after.


I got a bit triggered by your opening remarks. Software development for me was making ends meet doing something I hated. But sometimes one needs money to survive.

I'm thankful that I'm no longer a fulltime developer. 40 hours per week almost killed me, 32 hours per week was doable. 24 hours per week was the good life. Mind you, I worked hard and regularly got the feedback that I was a great dev and people wanted me on their teams. Doing a job professionally is not the same thing as liking it.

But these people who were fine with being able to make ends meet as a dev also dragged me down in salary negotions. In my country, devs are paid the same as any other job that requires higher education. There's a large supply of people who will accept average salaries. I had to become a contractor to get a somewhat decent pay.

So I left. If I work hard at a difficult job, I expect good pay, not being able to make ends meet.


Makes sense. I've also doubted a prospect of becoming a project manager - many fellow programmers seem to crave these positions for the same money/influence purposes but it seems to me like selling your soul to red tape demons to start doing something completely alien to what I usually do. So, yeah, resonates with me. That quote about the company you cant change is simply 1337 😀


Interesting topic, and good tips generally.
Doesn't it all depend on one's background and life stage?
Those with citizenship, a strong support network and inherited wealth might prioritise items further up Maslow's hierarchy, e.g. self-actualisation.
But those lacking some or all of the above might prioritise money in the short-to-medium term.
When it comes to money and investments, one also has to look at the opportunity cost of capital. $50, 000 invested now could have a very different impact than $50, 0000 invested 5 years from now.


The rainbow color has really poor accessibility support on this background. Otherwise, an interesting video


I was lucky enough to change positions within an organisation and pay raises came due to the seniority principle. It's well paid and way above average. In hind sight the formal requirements for the job were misleading. Over time technologies changed and will continue to change and you have to learn what is in use in the organization. We are doing a mix of requirements engineering, development, testing and managing contractors. I'm not interested in going the management route. I like "wasting" my time with the technologies and theoretical foundations.

One thing is apparent though. Organizations are good at creating mediocre results at best by process and standardisation. You cannot expect more.


@3:23, why does the guy have two screen with the same stuff save for a small dialog which jumps between them?


One of the lead developers in a project said, "developers should learn how to solve business problems and not code". He was fired a month later for being absolutely pathetic at programming. Another principal architect who was great at development was fired because they couldn't solve a business problem.

The software industry is wild. There are no guarantees. Just do your best and hope for the best. Take your money and leave.


There needs to be more to being a dev than fixing code based on “jiras”… and a lot of the interesting decision-making is in being trusted to design things. Unfortunately not that many people are trusted to do that.
