Get rid of that 'belly pooch' | Yoga for the anterior pelvic tilt #shorts

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Do you have a belly pooch that seems to stick around no matter how much you exercise or how lean you are? This simple posture correction might help!

#shorts #badyogi #badyogitips #yogatips #posturetips #posturecorrection #bellypoochfix

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I think this sort of standing and posture starts in childhood and goes uncorrected, I've seen many children stand like that.


BEST EASY WAY TO FIX ANTERIOR PELVIC TILT: Lie down on back on ground and fill in the ground where your low back usually has a slight arch. Really use abs to push against the ground and make back flat against it. Hold with abs for five seconds and do 20 reps. Practice doing lunges and squats with flat back but tucking under your butt. This has helped me tremendously it will also help shoulders and neck over time.


I read somewhere that you should stand and walk with your hips forward instead of your breast area or your head!
I'm 33, have scoliosis since birth and this tip was such a game changeR!! It makes it so easy to stand straight, you won't look bloated or fat and you feel empowered somehow!


I started standing like this while I was pregnant and haven't been able to stop since. Thank you for giving some helpful tips to correct this. ❤


Thanks for getting me down on the floor for the 1st one, up for the 2nd and back down for the 3rd. I'm so outta shape at 56!😢 If I do this daily, it should help me build strength! Sign me up!


What really helped me was watching model training videos. They stand flat against the wall with proper posture for a certain amount of time, then after that they put one foot in front of the other then switch, then you do it with a book on your head, then you do it with your arms sticking out. I also watched them do walking training with a beat in the back, you are supposed to move a certain way to the beat. I did that a few times a week for a few months and it helped me remember to use better posture, and it made me stronger. It helped a lot! I always imagine myself walking with a string on my head pulling me up, it helps align everything.


She is so knowledgeable and practical. Easy to understand. Love her❤


Awesome! Totally needed these exercises 😊


Wow that first pose is totally me when someone take a picture of me when I don't know 😩


Just something to add: that “belly pooch” referred to is actually your uterus sits! We tend to forget about this when working out as visibly it just looks like an extra bit of fat we can’t lose, but it’s actually anatomically very important to protect our uterus from harm and can’t really be completely removed without also removing the uterus itself. You can minimize the appearance with posture and such, but it will never be totally flat down there.


Some people just have a curved spine. I got tested for scoliosis as a kid and the doctors thought I had it because my lower back is curved. I don’t but my spine is more curved than normal. No stretching or exercise will change it cuz I do both 5x a week. I physically cannot stand “straight”. I will say that stretching and lifting weights has helped with the back pain though.


Sometimes you just have a really bad lordosis. Doesn't matter how much you work out your core and stretch.


I really needed this I was so confused as to why I couldn’t stand straight


That’s me, I generally have bad posture, but honestly, that part is so difficult to correct


So from my own experience, I exactly looked like this. But eventually, the pain in my hips/lower back got so intense, I wasnt able to walk. Went to the docters, reumatologists etc etc. But now I am in therapy for how I stand and walk and we stretched my hip muscles. It helped so much. Please seek help if you experience this!


Thank you! I've tried figuring out what to do to correct my pelvic tilt and no one was able to give instructions. Videos most explained what it was but not how to fix it. Thank you again!


Thank you I have really been needing to work this area out ❤


it's cause of my scoliosis, but pilates definitely helped improve my posture!


For many mothers it can also be abdominal wall damage that needs surgical repair. After pregnancy I had this "pooch" for few years regardless of how lean the rest of my body was. Doctor told me it's only fixable through surgery 😢


Literally me. I arch my back from my childhood . Please do more exercise suggestions for this problem
