Gentle Yoga Flow - 30-Minute All Levels Yoga Class

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This is an all levels gentle yoga flow to decompress, destress, and FEEL GOOD.

Gentle yoga is a great way to slow down, connect with your body, and calm your mind. This all levels juicy practice is ideal for anyone new to yoga, but everyone will enjoy this opportunity to move your body, breathe deeply and simply feel good.

Move through a series of stretches, yoga poses and guided breathing to increase flexibility and mobility, decompress, and create more physical space in the body. This yoga class is a great way to get familiarized with the poses (and a back-to-the-basics refresher for more experienced students).

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Yoloha Ganesha Aura Cork Yoga Mat

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I’ve been doing this practice 3-4x per week for over a year and I never tire of it. Every fiber of my body feels this. I love the slow pace, I can take my time to get into a perfect pose and then breathe into it. Feels wonderful!


Ashton I have been regularly doing this class for about three years now and just love it so much. Ive tried other classes but keep coming back to this one as I find it the perfect balance of strengthening, stretching and relaxing. Thank you for your guidance.


I have not found many yoga videos that are doable for very out of shape fat people, but this video was perfect. It was the perfect amount of challenging, and it is one of the videos I've actually made it all the way through. Your voice is so soothing and encouraging, so thank you for helping me heal by being inclusive.


58 years old and never did yoga until two weeks ago, I feel so much better from just two classes. Just searched yoga classes on youtube and found her, Wow she will add years to my life. She is my only teacher now.


Wonderful. Very peaceful location, nothing distracting. Calm. Right amount of talking. Thank you


Quit my gym in January. Yes, quit when others are signing up. Just tired of all the peopling and busyness and how expensive my "resort" gym was. Anyhoo, I'm committed to working out at home, going on walks, etc. At my gym I did participate quite frequently in the gentle yoga class which I enjoyed. Since I've been doing it all at home I've been filtering through SEVERAL yoga instructor YouTube channels to find that "perfect" One. Today I found it!! Thank you Ashton! I love your style, how you give us time to do the movement, stay in the position, etc. etc. The flow really works for me, I'll be coming back again and trying out some of your other videos.
I appreciate you~


THE BEST GENTLE FLOW ALMOST GOT HIIIIGH WITH ALL THE INHALING AND EXHALING .. very relaxing and also great stretching and muscle building with the lunge position!!! thanks


You have such a sweet calming voice. Today I really do feel absolutely blessed and I am Grateful to have found what works for my body. After The good LORD revealed a cancerous tumor and removed and healed me. I am so thankful that I exercised from my days of youth and instilled this to both my children. Ages now they are 28 and 33. I am a full time mum at home do all my chores so which is not easy. BUT ONLY WORKOUT AND the yoga can really make a person feel GOOD. Can’t put a price on once health. Thank you beautiful young lady 🙏🏼


This video has been a lifesaver these past few months. I come back to it again and again, even after days (or a couple weeks) of not doing yoga, and it's the perfect antedote to too much computer time. Thank you. I've tried several yoga videos, and this is, by far, my favorite - it's short, to the point, hits all the right parts of my body and mind.


Ashton I follow your videos - you are my favorite teacher. I am a senior citizen. When I was young I was so flexible and although yoga studios were nonexistent back then I was certainly a home made yogi. As life went on I became more and more sedentary. Two or three years ago when I found you, I had trouble getting up off the floor from a seated position. I now do some (not all) of your tougher sessions! Really I can't thank you enough. You have helped me to transform my life. Thank you Ashton.


My wife and I began doing Yoga together about 3 weeks ago, using this video. The pace is great, your verbal explanations are easy to follow when not looking at the screen and your voice is very calm and soothing. Thanks for helping us both to feel more relaxed and get some good stretches in!


Finally I've found really SLOW practice, all the other ladies are changing positions so quickly like someone's chasing them :D very pleasant to watch


Nice that you take the time to stay a little bit in the poses! that feels so good and is so important and not so often to find. Thank you!


Ashton is a great teacher. You will not get hurt taking her classes because she has a functional knowledge about anatomy and physiology. Thanks, Ashton for providing a gentle class for those of us who have been away from yoga for awhile.


I've never done yoga before, I don't even have a mat. At the end of this video, I practically cried. This was absolutely amazing!


Very relaxing session. The instructor has a soothing voice and a slow approach, which is what I was looking for. Thank you


Kudos for actually offering a gentle flow for all levels....I am intermediate level who has days where an easy practice is needed and rarely can I find one besides my girl, Adriene of Yoga with Adriene, so thank you for being true to what you say you are going to do... So many yogis seem to want to prove something to the masses with 15 "chatarungas" in a beginner level class?! Thanks!


Thank you for this yoga practice! Finally I found an instructor who takes it slow for each exercise. It's like poetry in motion! Excellent!!!


The world has my body, mind and soul in such disarray...until this session with you! Haven’t done any yoga in about 18 months since my battle with cancer began, and starting again with you is just what I needed💕Thank you for this moment of serenity💕.
