Relieve Lower Leg Pain | Common Peroneal Nerve Glide

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Are you looking for a natural and effective way to relieve lower leg pain? This technique is often underutilized but can be a powerful tool to help with lower leg pain and can also help to improve your ankle mobility.

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0:00 - Relieve Lower Leg Pain
0:15 - Lower Leg Nerve Anatomy
0:52 - What The Common Peroneal Nerve Innervates
1:19 - How To Perform The Common Peroneal Nerve Glide
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Hi mam how long does the swelling near knee ie perennial nerve takes to heal for 16 yr sports kid


Have a shock-like sensation just below/between proximal tib/fib only when running. No strength loss, no range of motion loss. If I push/massage ontop of tibia head feels like a burning sensation. There was no acute injury moment that I can think of. Have been training at very high level for fast running/track and field sprints. Masters 40+, history of hamstring injury/flexibility restriction. This pain/irritation has been going on for three weeks. I have not run during this time. Any suggestions would be great and I’ll be doing these floss and glide techniques 🙏 thank you
