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Here are my Top 5 Tummy Toning Exercises. It's Day 12 of the 14-Day FullyRaw challenge shares my favorite flat stomach exercises to get you lean and fit!

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#abworkout #vegan #fullyrawkristina

About FullyRawKristina:
Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram lives to inspire a FullyRaw or 100% raw vegan healthy lifestyle. Raw veganism incorporates fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Kristina posts new videos every week that include recipes, tips, tricks, vlogs, motivational, fitness, exercise, and inspiration on how to be the best version of yourself!
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I really want to thank you ALL for being here. I have LOVED every step of the way with you! What are your favorite at home fun tummy exercises?! <3 


I find no matter how much I tone my stomach if my diet is off then you will never see it. Thanks for new ways to tone it up. :)


Well, honestly, I was in a bad car accident about 16 months ago and suffered from awful whiplash and other injuries. I've been determined to continue to heal and NOT accept that THIS is as good as I'll I've worked my way up to doing hours worth of sweaty gardening about every other day!!! 🎉🎈👍
I injured my left ankle/foot so doing cardio and many types of exercises are still off limits. I've gained weight because of the accident and it's repercussions: insomnia, muscle trauma, neck injury that causes horrid headaches, lower back pain, etc.
I say all this to explain how absolutely fabulous it is to be DOING the things I love so much once again and (Praise God) withOUT as much pain!
I must thank YOU, Kristina for doing this challenge!! You have been a beacon of light each day for me. I have been truly inspired to commit to eating at least 2 fully raw meals each and I've been very successful!
I can't begin to explain how fantastic I'm feeling again!!! I feel I'm returning to my regular sporadic, goofy, crazy self again full of fruity energy!!! Hahaha 😄
Personally, I've also been taking a magnesium supplement after dinner to help my muscles relax and aid with sleep, and I've been taking turmeric to help with muscle rebuilding and healing as well (and a bazillion other things!). I've been juicing, blending, and eating more raw foods than I've ever done before, and I'm feeling better and stronger and more clear headed each day!! I've been passing so much info on to family and friends as well.
Thank you again, sweet girl, for encouraging so many of us who've been in a dark place for too long. I'm thankful for you!! 😘


Awesome I love how you're encouraging exercise with the healthy food.  Really helpful to hear.


Where do you get your jars for the morning n the


You always talk about how to make healthy foods with nothing but fruits and vegetables. But what about people who want meat? I mean I can see how that is a fattening food cause well, it is! But my family eats meat. So? The meal plans are kind of hard to follow.
I did however convince my Grammy to let me start making the smoothies and drinks you always post recipes for. I can't wait to try 'em :)


Oh my goodness, I just can't get over how much you GLOW girl. I wanna be like that. :)


Kristina, it makes me so hapy to see you promoting not just a healthy way too easybut also showing the importance of exercise


Jah love Krisitina. Give thanks and praises for sharing these tummy toning exercises with us. I worked out at various gyms for a year and I diid not see any difference in my tummy. The trainer focused specifically on tummy stuff and I saw no results. My arms and legs got toned but my tummy was unchanged. I was told that the diet is the main issue with the tummy. Blessed love.


Since the beginning of the fullyraw challenge, i see a big difference on my stomach. That is crazy; i'm not as bloated as before. Thank you Kristina for those ideas of tummy toning exercices!


Thanks for your support Kristina!:) I'm loving this way of living


Keep spreading the love! You are so positive! Waking up and watching your videos in the morning makes my day :)


Thank you Kristina for being here for us all :)


My favorite at home tummy exercises are a series of ab moves (25 each) for 2 full sets including toe touches, plank, side plank, bicycle, reverse crunches and flutter kicks. It really tightens and tones the mid-section! The nice part, is you can start small and build on it each day at least three times per week.


Positive Self Talk,  Making myself a priority will be a great 1st step. Secondly,   choosing not only 1) LIFE giving foods, but also 2) LIFE giving exercises & activities is a FULL BODY, MIND & SOUL PLAN = Love for myself & my precious loved ones!  Donkey kicks - fave ab, leg & butt workout - Buying hoola hoop today - fun! 


All of these are on my favorites list as well, thanks for the reminder that I need to get back in the gym core classes :)


I really need to work on my tummy more. It's not big but I haven't been eating right! Thanks for all the help


Thank you for this encouragement, Kristina: "After you start getting into this lifestyle, when you get into the place that you love your body, you’re able to easily maintain it, and it just happens" Love it : - )


Just given birth 3 months ago. How great!!! Loving these simple exercises. Definitely going to surprise my husband


Really have seen  a major change in the way i feel and my body! I feel better and i have so much more energy! I had been dealing with gastrointestinal problems for a few years and I already feel so much better, no more sharp pains and uncomfortable feelings! :)
