5 Min FLAT and TONED Belly Workout- no equipment (ABS Series #1)

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Hey babes! Here is a quick but super effective workout for a flat and toned stomach! Do these every single day and you will see results in 2 weeks, if not 1 week.

Workout Outfit: Vitae Apparel
15% discount code: GLORIAS15

Follow me on my instagram to see the latest and frequent updates on me, my channel, what I eat, healthy meal ideas, recipes etc!

This video is the first video in my 2021 ABS SERIES. It came a lot faster than what I expected but I really wanted to get this video out for all of you who have been waiting for this series for the longest time.

I personally was never confident about my stomach area because genetically my family has never been blessed with a toned stomach but I work extra hard to make them look the way they are and these moves are my favorites!

Remember, HEALTH IS HOT. So be proud of yourself for taking the time to live a healthier lifestyle. Taking care of your body is essentially taking care and loving yourself. Working out right now may seem pointless, but with time, next thing you know, your body is beautifully toned, stronger and healthier. You will definitely notice yourself being more confident, happier and living a higher quality of life overall just like how it did for me.

Trust the process. Trust your body. Trust yourself. Everything will come in place so just be consistent while using the right and effective workouts.



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I'm Christian but this workout made me feel closer to God than I've ever felt in my 19 yrs of living 😭😭 I could practically see the gates of heaven with every crunch.


i felt the most toe curling, back arching, sheet gripping, screaming in pain, and ascending to heaven burn during this. great workout.




This proves that a workout doesn't need to be super long, to really feel it. This killed my abs


I love how she actually talks to us while doing this. She understands that we can’t watch the video while exercising, others do not. <3


i'm so thankful for no side planks


I can't explain how much I adore you gloria. I went from a clueless 12 almost 13 year old girl struggling with anorexia to a healthy 14 almost 15 year old girl healthily working out and eating and without you and many other youtubers, I wouldn't be where i am now. I love you sosoososoifj much


1:23 12 crunches
1:56 12 leg crunch
2:33 12 slow bicycle crunch
3:22 12 crunch hold toe touches
3:52 12 crunch pulses
4:20 12 lower body lift
5:04 12 crunch holds with scissor kicks
6:14 20 sec hold legs
6:30 10 crunch arm tugs
7:19 10 crunch pulse
7:40 10 sec plank
8:03 10 plank dips


this is genuinely the hardest workout i’ve ever done literally my whole body was shaking😭😭




Okay doing this workout+ the daisy keech hourglass abs until july!!

Start Weight: 64 kg
Waist length: 75 cm
Lower stomach: 85 cm

Day 1, 23 may: Done✅ It was pretty hard to do and hurt while doing it but my stomach felt really relaxed after i finished.
Day 2, 24 may: Done✅ It was easier than yesterday.
Day 3, 25 may: Done✅ Easier!!
Day 4, 26 may: Done✅ Easieeer!!

(Could not do 28, 29, 30 bec i didnt have time)

Day 5, 31 may: Done✅
Day 6, 1 june: Done✅
Day 7, 2 june: Done✅
Day 8, 3 june: Done✅
Day 9, 4 june: Done✅
Day 10, 5 june:Done✅
Day 11, 6 june:Done✅
Day 12, 7 june: Done✅

(Could not do 8, 9, 10, 11)
Im restarting since i skipped ao many days

Day 1, 12 june: Done✅

(Interact with this so i can remember)

UODATE: yes i gave up after 1 more month which i didnt write here but yes I DID see results


hey guys! so i just did this workout without a diet 2 times a day for 30 days and i already have toned abs now, flat stomach, dream summer bod, and insane hour glass build!!



ill do this everyday until i reach my goal! (btw i do 2 sets)
🍀day 1: completed! i can definitely feel the burn after the first day!
🍀day 2: completed! there’s more definition in my abs so I’m excited to keep doing this workout
🍀day 3: completed! still defined!
measurements: waist- 27 in
hips- 31.5 in
🍀day 4: completed! still definition but more on the upper abs
🍀day 5: completed! Ive also decided to do cardio today and it helped define as well!
🍀day 6: completed! I also did 2 miles today and i think doing at least some cardio will help with the results
🍀day 7: completed! i learned the dance to next level instead of cardio so 😁👍👍

1 week update: This helped a lot with defining my upper abs but I will continue this for at least one more week to see if my lower abs can get the same results. Everyone’s different, but for me I hold more fat towards my lower belly so doing cardio is lowkey needed to lose the fat and define the muscle there. Also I wasn’t on a diet or anything but drank more water.

🍀day 8: completed! again this workout helps A LOT‼️ with defining my upper abs so there is more definition there than my lower abs rn
🍀day 9: completed! right now my upper abs are showing and THEY ARE REALLY DEFINED LIKE U CAN SEE MY UPPER ABS!! as for my lower stomach, its getting slimmer each day!
🍀day 10: completed! upper abs are really showing through! again my lower stomach is still getting slimmer and I have lost -.5 inch on my waist and hips.
measurements: waist- 26.5 in
hips- 31 in
🍀day 11: completed! it looks like i have 11 abs but only on the upper portion loll but again my lower belly is still getting slimmer!
🍀day 12: completed! still the same!
🍀day 13: completed! upper abs are getting stronger and lower belly is getting slimmer!
🍀day 14: completed!

2 week update: this workout helped tone and strengthen my upper abs a lot like it kind of looks like I have 11 abs on the upper part! this also helped slim down my lower belly a lot since I hold more fat in that area! you guys should definitely do this workout it works!! I would also recommend doing stomach vacuums and cardio along with this workout. I’ll be doing this for at least one more week but I’ll only do weekly updates instead of daily updates! I’ll let you guys know how it goes but try this for yourself because gloria’s workouts are really good!


"Quick & easy" I almost died like 3 times😭


she is the only person I trust with workouts😭


I'm going to be doing this workout for a month before junior year! ❤ (I know I'm starting late, it's already the 3rd!!)
Waist: 28 inches
Hips: 33.5 inches

- Week 1 -
Day 1: ✅️ I feel like I mayy be doing this wrong because I don't feel too much of a burn but I'll stick to it and see!!! [03/08/2023]
Day 2: ✅️ OW OW OW!!! That hurts so much to do and I am a hot mess but I did it! [04/08/2023]
Day 3: ❌️ I'm on a short vacation and can't do it right now!! But I walked a lot today, so hopefully that counts? [05/08/2023]
Day 4: ❌️ Again, I'm pretty sorry I can't be updating this for all of you but I'll be continuing in a couple of days!! [06/08/2023]
Day 5: ❌️ Vacations ending soon, lets go!! I also walked a TON today (my legs... they hurt) [07/08/2023]
Day 6: ❌️ Tomorrow is the last day of my vacation, I know I should have started this AFTER my vacation because consistency is everything but I forgot... [08/08/2023]
Day 7: ❌️ Vacation over!!! I will be continuing this workout tomorrow! [09/08/2023]

Week 1 Overview: Nothing has really changed but that's completely MY fault. I'm going to continue doing this and I will probably see changes once I do this daily!

- Week 2 -
Day 8: ✅️ THIS BURNED SO BAD!!! I'm glad I am continuing this even after not doing it for so long, even when I REALLY didn't want to today. So proud!! ❤ [10/08/2023]
Day 9: ✅️ It is SO late right now, it's almost midnight and I wasn't going to do it since I was really busy today but documenting this online is really holding me accountable and making sure I do it! [11/08/202
Day 10: ✅️ I don't think I did this correctly AT ALL, I didn't feel a burn, I was crying through the workout and all that. Today was just a really bad day and I didn't feel as energized as I usually do after the workout. Hopefully I feel better tomorrow 😅 [12/08/2023]
Day 11: ❌️ I forgot to do it.. [13/08/2023]
Day 12: ✅️ Hooray!!! I feel terrible for not doing it yesterday but all I can do is get back up and continue! [14/08/2023]
Day 13: ✅️ Done!! Those scissor kicks up are soso painful but I managed. Two weks left until school and I think I'm seeing some results, my stomach looks a little flatter and my waist is slightlyy more cinched!!! [15/08/2023]
Day 14: ✅️ Done!! My stomach is feeling stiffer which I think means the fat is lessening? Hopefully it is 😂. [16/08/2023]

Week 2 Overview: I remained fairly consistent this week (woohoo!! 🎉) and it has paid off, I can notice a slightly more cinched waist and a fairly flatter stomach. Can't wait to see through the month and marvel aat my results. 😊

- Week 3 -
Day 15: ✅️ Done!!! I'm so proud of myself for being able to do a workout this long, I usually give up after 2 to 3 days. The results are slightly changing which are making me want to keep going!! [17/08/2023]
Day 16: ✅️ WOOHOO!!! I am feeling sooo energized after this and am super refreshed!! [18/08/2023]
Day 17: ❌️ Couldn't do it because I was out hiking all day but I walked for hours on end so that must count. [19/08/2023]
Day 18: ✅️ Done!!! I really enjoyed it today and honestly this workout doesn't feel likee a chore like many others, like I ENJOY doing it!! [20/08/2023]
Day 19: ✅️ Done!!! That was super fun ans my body feels a lot less stiff. My stomach also looks flatter compared to the pics I took before I started. [21/08/2023]
Day 20: ✅️ Done!!! Honestly, these crunches ain't doing anything for me, they don't make me feel any burn!!! 😭 [22/08/2023]
Day 21: ❌️ I can't do it the next couple of days due to something that has come up, hopefully I will be able to continue shortly as I really enjoyed this workout. Since this is causing me to be inconsistent, I will be redoing the days that I missed for the most accurate (well.. as accurate as I can get them) results!! See you all soon. [23/08/2023]

Week 3 Overview: Nothing has really changed compared to week 2 but I'm staying optimistic!!!

- Week 4 -
Day 22: ❌️ [24/08/2023]
Day 23: ❌️ [25/08/2023]
Day 24: ❌️ [26/08/2023]
Day 25: ❌️ [27/08/2023]
Day 26: ✅️ I am back and ready to keep working out!!! Again, something had come up so I was unable to do this workout but I WILL be doing the days I missed later. [28/08/2023]
Day 27: ✅️ I've found out that doing this excersice actually significantly reduces my bloating throughout the day. On the days I wasn't able to do the workout, my stomach was a lot more bloated; but yesterday I found that it had barely changed in size since the morning!!! [29/08/2023]
Day 28: ✅️ OMG SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW!!!! 😭 Therefore, this will be my last day logging my results and I just want to thank all of you who have cheered me on during this journey, it really helped a ton ❤❤ I'm looking in the mirror and the difference is insane, ny stomach looks flatter and my waist is a bit more cinched!!! [30/08/2023]

Week 4 Overview: I just checked my measurements and...
Waist: 27 inches
Hips: 32 inches
OMG!!! 🎉🎉 I lost an inch off my waist and 1.5 of my hips!! It even looks different from the picture I took when I started, my stomach is SO MUCH less bloated throughout the day and I feel a lot better. I'm so happy with my results and will keep going for even better ❤ Thank you all soso much!! (And one last question, would you all like for me to track the redo's of the days I missed on here?)

Remind me with a like/reply!! 🎉


I just love that this workout is easy and it burns a lot. others people's workouts I have been trying for the past weeks have made me sad, because they're so difficult and I felt disappointed with myself :( but this one always makes my belly hurt satisfyingly and it doesn't makes me want to drop


Bruh she has amazing abs she doesn’t seem to be doing so much effort but I was dying 💀you’re amazing girl, all my respect you’re a goddess!


Calling out all the girls doing this secretly in their rooms


i like that you count down, rather than up, I dont know something about counting down makes it feel easier to do, thak for the video!
