How to *actually* make friends in Vancouver (and why meetup groups suck)

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My hot take

If you want 1 on 1 help with making friends in Vancouver, shoot me a DM here:

#vancouver #friends #meetups
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Would anyone be interested if I made a course on how to make friends in Vancouver? Like actually deep, meaningful friendships

I've spent the past 3 years seriously figuring out how to make these friendships, which has been a JOURNEY especially in a city like Vancouver.

Oh and it'll be free! All I ask is for genuine feedback on what you liked/didn't like, and to like this or comment below if you'd be interested!


I personally found social Meetups to be a waste of time. The ones that I attended only wanted to meet when there was a meet up. I ended up just volunteering with organizations. At least I knew that there was a common interest.


Great advice. You channel is under rated and need more attention! Such a video with good clarity and structure


Thanks for the video. I don't understand why you say that the meetup groups suck. Your analysis saying that there are two kinds of meetup activities, "Social based" and "Activity based", is exactly correct. The social ones where you just stand around a bar trying to come up with small talk are a little lame. The activity-based ones have done wonders for my social life in my town. We participated in bowling, game nights, hikes, karakoke, etecetera. Before we know it we were on facebook and instagram with each other. We started being able to self-organize lots more fun stuff like birthday parties, field days, whatever. My ability to participate and cooperate in genuinely fun and mutually enjoyable activities with other people whom I genuinely like, has gone through the roof. It was largely due to starting with Meetup (Activity-based events), then moving on to Facebook and Instagram for everyone to exercise their creativity and come up with other fun stuff to do together.


I'm going to Canada in September and really anxious about not making any new friends there. Never have I been worried about things like these in my past twenty years. I took my friends for granted and forgot about how hard to find one to begin with. Thank you for your video. You encourage me to think about what kind of friend I truly need. And not just wasting time entertaining others.


Another caveat here about Meetup: because many men use Meetup groups solely as a way finding women for dating (Meetup groups are NOT actual dating groups) they can get dropped from any group if there are complaints. It seems most women who attend the events don't want to be hit on by strange men nor do they want to get messages from men they haven't met.


The social ones are definitely a waste of time for sure. Like you said it really does feel like you're just shooting in the dark. A lot of times I'd go to these things and just feel awkward and out of place. The ones that zero in on a certain activity or common interest you're more likely to have success in. It could be anything a sport, a skill, My two main interests are movies and video games. So I try to look for events that center around those. If I am going to talk to a stranger I'd rather talk to them about something we are both interested in, rather then the weather or what we watched on the news.


But if a coincidence- I came across your video because I am looking for ways to promote my own dance group here in Melbourne Australia. (It is Scottish Country Dance)And to figure out why it didn’t work well for a similar group here. Have decided the lack was turning the signups into a real life Meetup- not just using it as advertising for an existing group. Needs to be a specific event. BTW, there are SCD groups in Vancouver. It is a group style of dance, in sets of 8, quite a structured style of dance but lots of fun. RSCDS Canada.


I feel like this advice works for any city, so you can take the "vancouver" part to capture a larger audience
Like "how to actually make friends as an adult (and why meetup groups suck)


Thanks for the video!! It helped me a lot


Just went to a meet-up today, my first one and it was awkward as hell . I am proud of myself of stepping out of my comfort zone but I can see why it can be a waste of time.


I live in Montreal and all young people coming from
Vancouver says it’s impossible to make friends there


I’m coming as a tourist and I need to meet people and travel


You're cool 🤣 why not use this comment section as a way of meet people too


I joined meetups and they aren’t any Aviation groups. Waste of time and deleted my account.


haha righht so I am in Vancity now..and I am intrested in dancing. I was told there is the street dance festival this weekend? But I was also trying to find a latin scocial dancing party. Do you have any places in mind? lol halp


Meet-up consists of bunch of social inadequates. Some have no social life outside meet-ups. People who have natural social skills attract friends naturally, so they don't need meet-ups to initiate new friendship.
