How to Make Friends | High Value Friendships

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Where to meet them, qualities to look for, toxic versus healthy friendships ❤️

Q&A begins at 26:04; a few questions asked:
- how to navigate one sided friendships?
- how to speak confidently and eloquently?
- do certain colors make you more feminine or masculine?

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"A woman who embraces her femininity is a woman who knows her power" ❤️

I live stream on my TikTok account every Friday if you would like to be a part of the next video or have any questions you would like me to answer

Tags: feminine energy, light feminine energy, divine feminine, women in masculine energy, relationship, relationship polarity, attraction, masculine energy, feminine energy tips, feminine energy for dating, how to get a man to chase you, how to get back into your feminine energy

Feel free to leave all questions & video suggestions below
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I needed this. I’ve been feeling so off with women lately especially my closest friends. I feel like the old version of me when I’m around my friends


Volunteering is great because you can find a community whose values align with yours. Plus, you feel good and fulfilled when do it.


Honestly I was that toxic friend and doing my inner work journey I am thankful my best friends are still willing to be friends with me. I'm very thankful for them and you Alexis for your videos and what you are doing for women.


You are so right!! My closest friend was always very negative and low-vibrational but I always thought that it would go away somehow someday. But the truth is that after she broke up with her boyfriend she became so bitter and projected her low vibe on me that I FELT IT SO MUCH and could not stay with her any longer. Negative people will drag you down girls.


Realized that I only have two of these friends that I can actually grow with ❤ Started living more authentically and following my passion and most "friends" fell of.


I just sent this to my adult daughters. (27, 26)


You have a gift. You make this feel very natural and you break it down for those who are just starting on their path. I would love to see you live, like a bootcamp for like feminine energy. The more I explore the more I have realized that the women nearest me feel lost and need guidance. I have started to send them to your channel as my path is not channeling. Ty. 🦄


Id love to listen to these while driving etc, and having the audio to these videos on Spotify would be so so amazing 🥹☺️


Definitely been thinking of going on bumble friends … need to update my circle. And since we’re all here listening to the same thing … anyone in the Bay Area want to meet up and hangout? 38 yr old single Latina 😅 let’s be friends!


almost everything that u describe is how i describe myself.. unfortunately.. i dont have have a friend like me who has the same mindset and values in life.. will be adding this to my prayer. thank you alexis ! hope i can find a friend like you


Not only i will try to find these qualities on my future friends but also try to be that list 🦄🩷


This inspired me to write a song about letting go of toxic people cause we deserve love. So yay thanks!😁 Excited to record it and make new amazing, loving friendships!


This video was really helpful. I recently had to let go of a toxic friend and have been having confused feelings about it at times. This cleared things up for me and reassured me that I did the right thing. You are so right that my life improved once she was gone! That relationship truly was blocking my blessings! Now I have to figure out how to address the one sided relationship I have with my older sister. May I request a video about dealing with close family members who are toxic or you're just not having the kind of relationship you would like with them?


This is so in-depth and helpful. I've been thinking lately what kind of friendships i want but i couldn't really articulate it further than being supportive and positive. Thanks for this :)


Alexis you should definitely start a podcast I will be one of them listening all day🤗❤


Divine timing at its finest 🥰😍😍😍👏🏾 Thanks sis!! Love you 😘


I think it's important to also understand (because we are fallible beings) that at some point, we too will be the villian in someone's life, and that we need to apologize, drop our egos, and make amends when neccessary. By doing so, it will instill more growth and wisdom in us as we move forward.


Hey dear, thank you for all your videos. Pls, make a video on money and feminine energy. There is a misconception that the divine feminine can't handle finances and career yet I remember you negating that in one of the videos. Kindly, make a video on that


Please make a podcast. When the time feels right for you ❤ we would love it


Your message is always timely. I truly appreciate you girl ❤❤❤
