How to Make Friends as an Adult: A Guide to Socializing & Meeting New People

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Gentleman's Gazette

#makingfriends #socialization #notsponsored


What are some effective ways to make friends as an adult?

First, try leveraging your existing network. Even if you don't have many or any friends whom you regularly talk to these days, chances are you still have a number of old connections that you haven't talked to in some time. So don't be afraid to reach out, give them a call or send a message through text or social media. If they don't answer you, you're no worse off than you were before trying to reach out and if they do, you've got a whole new opportunity to connect. Along these same lines, if you do have a spouse or a significant other, ask if they have any old friends that you could reach out to together.

Next up, consider trying something more structured in nature. In a recent study, sociologists collected data from 91 countries representing 2/3 of the world's population, they concluded that Denmark is home to the happiest people in the world. Why is this? It might have something to do with the fact that 92% of Danes are members of some sort of group ranging from sports to cultural interests. To avoid loneliness, we have to seek active social lives, maintain friendships, and enjoy stable relationships. With this in mind then, you could participate in adult classes to try to learn something that you've never had time to before.

Along these lines, if you've got kids, coming up with structured activities for them and their friends will allow you to meet some of their friends' parents. You might even find a few that you would like to talk with further.

Some final other options here would be taking an opportunity to travel, volunteering, or using a service like the app and website, Meetup. Yes, many of these suggestions do seem like a considerable amount of work, and they are, but here's the thing, having a large and robust network of good friends makes the work and the occasional awkwardness of meeting new people worth it.

So there are some ideas on how to grow your real-life social network and make new friends but once you've done this, the question then becomes how do you keep them?

First off is a point that seems obvious but it is worth mentioning, be kind.
Nobody likes a person who's mean-spirited. Resonating with other people is less about you and more about focusing on them. In other words, don't try to be interesting, try to be interested. Being likeable can be as easy as listening to people and asking them to tell you more.

Also, consider giving meaningful gifts to those people you care about and performing random acts of kindness to show that you're thoughtful. Be selfless in trying to give more than you receive without, of course, burning yourself out.

Next up is to be vulnerable without going overboard and sharing your entire
life story all at once. Do try to open up to other people, no strong friendship was ever founded on just talking about the weather.

So be yourself, be honest about who you are, be vulnerable with your emotions without being dramatic, and don't be ashamed of your own interests. You must like yourself and be confident in yourself first or you'll project negative energy to other people.

15:02 Outfit Rundown
Рекомендации по теме

You guys rock. I just moved somewhere new for school and as a very introverted married guy I have a hard time making friends. This video came out just as I am about to make new friends. Bravo


“ Sarcasm is not a personality trait”
I have never been so offended by something so true


Probably the best thing nobody teaches you.


I consider myself fortunate that I had a best friend. He was the Wilson to my House. From 10 yrs old until 23 he was like my brother. (Even now his sister and I call each other adopted siblings.) He lost his battle with brain cancer. I've never had a friend like that since, but perhaps I'll know that level of friendship again!


I have autism and your Videos always helping me a lot expressing myself better and understanding certain behaviours of Others.
Thanks a lot for your Great Videos!


I really appriciate the rundown of relationships through the ages. People need to know that vunrability and love is not unmanly.
Love from Denmark, land of bridges


6:30 he starts to tell how to make friends


I know this is unrelated, but I feel this is the channel to comment this on. I’m 14, and my Dad, as a family tradition, bought me my first suit in London a couple days ago, it’s a double breasted dark blue suit with two vents and flap pockets, which I picked myself. He also bought me four Charles Tyrwhitt dress shirts, one of which I’m wearing now. Just wanted to say that.


Sven, Kyle, and Preston in one video, this made my day... for real.


I’ve realized that all it takes to get a friendship going is one topic just one topic that both you and the person like. A certain sport, a favorite team, a movie, a song, an activity.

That’s enough to break down the walls and you both look forward to talking about it with each other. After a while of that you’ll naturally start to talk about other things. And boom you’ve got a friend.


My God, this is finally real advice that doesn't treat friend making like a competition that must be won at all others costs to be the best. Its exactly what I always wished to confirm the world was, I had phases of realizing things after being unsuccessful and too radical from being insecure, this advice however, is timeless and will always work out well. Thank you for educating me and many others on the way it was, is, and can always be if you realize there's certain subtleties that make it a time no one minds to be intertwined with from everybody's piece of participation and contribution. The adult advice we all needed to hear.


*Introverts and the socially anxious have entered the chat*


The history part in the beginning was an eye opener.


"So you are telling me the industrial revolution is the reason I can't hold my homies hands? The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for mankind!"
- some guy in a cabin


Thank you for this video. I suffer from pretty bad anxiety and i have a very hard time talking to people and making friends. This video helps give me some ideas of things to do to get me out of my comfort zone and try and do something new and different.


I really like the recommendation to not try to be interesting, but try to be interested, focus on listening. Good video and great tips!


The history is fascinating. I only studied female relationships in the 19th-early 20th centuries, so it's satisfying to glimpse the other side of things.
Unrelatedly, Preston, your voice is so soothing and your presentation engaging. Thanks for your work!


Well, they do know their target audience lol


Great advice! Especially the bit about random acts of kindness! I think the feeling you get when you truly make a friend smile is one of the best feelings out there! Also, I must say that Preston's modeling skills at the ends of his videos just keep getting more and more polished!


This is a great video. As an adult I'm not quite sure how to make new friends.
