Improve your health in 30 seconds--Cold Showers🥶🥶

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Improve your health in 30 seconds--Cold Showers🥶🥶

Cold shower benefits
1. Immune function
2. Metabolism
3. Mood and memory
4. Pain
5. Post-exercise recovery

Dr. Jin Sung is a Chiropractic Physician who specializes in the management of complex chronic conditions in Massachusetts, 30 minutes north of Boston. He utilizes natural and alternative therapies to help manage complex cases such as Hashimoto's, autoimmune conditions, IBS, SIBO, chronic fatigue, brain fog, early Alzheimer's, etc.

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978 688-6999

Dr. Sung's Online Supplement Dispensary-conditions apply. Certain companies will require a prescription from Dr. Sung.

The content of this video is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advise. Please consult with your physician before embarking on any dietary changes or taking any nutritional supplements.
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I’ve been doing cold showers every day for two years now. I NEVER want to do it, but I always do it anyway, and I am always glad I did.


I started doing this 3 months ago! Took a regular warm shower, then turned dial to coldest I could handle for about a minute. I do almost every day. Kept trying colder and colder water. It’s still shocking to this day, but honestly…I look forward to it now! I feel so amazing afterwards!


I've started doing cold showers. I turn the dial onto cold setting and jump under. I gasp for air for about 1- 2 minutes but the key is to control your breathing with slow regular breathes. After I'm adjusted to the temperature I turn the dial to coldest it will go and continue my shower as normal.

After I get out of the shower I feel alive and rejuvenated. I've been on antidepressants for the last 5 years and them pills have never made me feel as good as I feel after hopping out of a cold shower session. 😅


I have been doing 3 minute cold showers for a month. What I do is I do the cold water on my bad wrist for about 30 seconds. Then I do thirty seconds on my feet and, thirty seconds on my knees, thirty seconds on my face and then about two or three minutes on my back, shoulders and the rest of my body. I have found this practice very helpful in reducing overall body ache, reducing anxiety and improving circulation. It's worth going through the shock of the cold because of the pleasant benefits you will receive afterwards.


Cold showers are for life, so even if it takes you 3 month before you can go from hot directly to cold matters not. What matters is you’re now equipped to do it for the rest of your life❤


Theres something magnetic about cold showers, gives you the shivers but you like it, maybe the body is telling us something. : )


Got myself to do a cold shower and kept it cold the whole time. My body really gets used to it within a minute or so. Feels amazing afterwards


That's exactly what I do. I am working in 40 sec (thank you very much for sharing this video) 😊❤❤👍👍
Last month I did. I felt great
But on the days that I don't take a shower, I am used weak up in the morning and wash my face 20 to 25 times with very, very cold water. it really worked. I did it this morning, too. Yes, Doctor it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system feel very energetic


I actually do hit water at night qnd I do 10 minute cold showers in the a.m. helps with energy and inflammation. Has a lot of benefits. Cold plunges are next for me cause at this point I'm pretty used to it! Love it!


I've taken exclusively cold showers since Aug 2020. I have not had a cold or flu since 2019. Not a coincidence.


I've been doing cold showers 18 months and I've not had a cold in 18 months, COVID aside. I started 1st Jan last year in the UK so very cold. Only negative is I developed chillblanes the first year. But the second year this did not happen. So the circulation was probably improved. 18 months later and not a single cold. I have also realised the water does not need to be freezing. I also received mild benefits taking less cold showers in Thailand and India


Very good advice. Especially the part about doing the basics first before spending money on supplements. Thank you Dr. Sung, love your videos.


Free treatment (notes from video)

1.Anti inflammatory diet
2.Good sleep
3.Reducing Stress
4.More sunshine
5.Belly breathing
6.Cold shower


Already (30) years I'm a cold shower taking person and I completely agree with all the information 👌 thank you doctor 🙏


I get straight into a cold shower. You need to take 2 - 3 long controlled breaths to get used to it, & to settle your body down. I shower for around 3 - 3min 30 in the morning on work days. At the weekend I treat myself with a warm shower, but still get in cold & wait for the warm water to run through the pipes. It’s pretty harsh during a British winter, but it gets me ready for the day ahead, in addition to all the other added benefits.


I shall definitely follow each of these steps you covered. Out of dozen videos on this topic I have watched over the last 8 years, yours is the first to cite a study. Four time World Champion in Crossfit, Froning, and his coach do the ice baths.


I’ve started doing 1 minute cold showers before workouts and cannot begin to extol the benefits. You just have to get over how much it sucks. Btw, it sucked so much that I used to make deals with myself that if I ran an extra mile or did a couple extra sets that I didn’t have to do it. This way I can’t make that deal. That’s right. I’d rather run an extra mile than do a one-minute cold shower. But I feel so much better for it.


Only problem is it is impossible to take a cold shower in the middle of summer in Alabama.


Dr. Jin, thank you so much for making this video, it has reminded me of my Summers at my grandparents, the Atlantic Ocean's water is very cold and I loved swimming in that water. Showers were on the cold side too as it was very hot :D and although I ate more then than when back home... I always lost weight and felt full of stamina and energy... those were the only things different that I'd do everyday as compared to when I was back home with my parents.
I will try to implement the cold showers slowly and record how I feel after that, will follow your advice on how to go about it slowly! Thank you very much! Have an awesome rest of the week Dr. Jin :)


Wise and easy for everyone to do. After 6 months of finishing my morning showers with cold (progressively to maximum cold) for 1 minute, I can attest the benefits you mention are indeed true.
