How to have good posture - Stand up Straight! MoveU

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Knowledge bomb! Chances are that if you have excessive lordosis in the low back, you probably have some degree of excessive kyphosis in the upper back. Today isn’t about giving you an exercise for the low back, but rather to bring awareness to the fact that your back pain may actually be stemming from your upper body.
How many of you sit at a desk or stare at your electronic devices for long periods throughout the day? I’m willing to bet that most of you reading this sit and let your thoracic spine, shoulders, and head fall forward for hours each day. After sitting with poor posture for years, you have learned that the quickest way for you to stand up tall with “good posture” is to arch your low back to compensate for the curvature of your upper back. Some of you may not have excessive kyphosis of the upper body, but I would imagine that 9/10 people reading this who have and excessive lordosis while standing will have kyphosis (upper cross syndrome).
Your low back lordosis may be what is leading to your low back pain, but to fix it long-term, you will probably have to do the exercises posted earlier this week and be aware that your upper body and scapulae need to be strengthened as well.