Perfect Posture: A Step-by-Step Guide to Attaining Ideal Posture and Boosting Your Confidence

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#jamilamusayeva #etiquette #posture #goodposture #confidenceboost

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Perfect Posture: A Step-by-Step Guide to Attaining Ideal Posture and Boosting Your Confidence | In this video, I will show and explain you how to fix your posture with practical exercises in order to look confident and have a healthy body alignment. I will show you how to fix your arms and legs alignment in order to improve your posture while sitting, walking, and standing. These posture correction exercises will enable you to fix your posture. Make sure to watch the video until the very end because at the end of it, I will show you my favorite, ultimate go-to posture correcting exercise that will strengthen your back, core and arm muscles to help you stand tall and straight without getting tired.

Let me know how you like this kind of a video in the comment section below and let me know what is your favorite exercise for improving your posture.


Рекомендации по теме

I homeschool and we do “Princess Lessons” as part of our homeschooling. Basically a fun way to teach my daughter elegance, etiquette, being classy and confident in a very fun way. These videos are amazing in helping our Princess Lessons! ❤


I have bad posture because when I was younger and my body was starting to change, man would harass me quite often. So I started to feel so insecure of my body.


Great video, not only for improving one’s presentation and appearance of confidence, but also for helping a generation of people suffering from tech neck. I recently read that there is a correlation between anxiety and poor posture and how it affects the nervous system.


Every time I feel like my posture looks like a turtle hiding, I remember the few yoga classes I took and the teacher saying “shoulders away from your ears”. Amazing video just like Mrs. Jamila's teaching skills. ❤


Me watching this while sprawled in the most comfy (but not pretty) way possible on the sofa 👀


I love how these are things I can control and focus on


thank you very much!!! never seen a video so understanding i noticed my body is shifted to the left but didnt see anyone talking about it before and i have short legs so the support part saved my life


Your voice is so soft. I can fall asleep listening to you. 😄 love your content. Would like a deep dive on elegant jewelry.


Hey, ☺️👋🏻 can you please make a video on how to deal with toxic family or environment especially for teenagers 😔💔?


Excellent video! Your tips are great ❤


Great topic! This is needed in our society. Overall great work with the video, you really covered everything


Hi! I just want to say, thank you so much for this video! I've been for a very long time trying to improve my posture but also trying really hard to understand the mechanics behind it and I feel this video it truly helped with all of that! Thanks very much for this video and really going into detail in on it. I feel this and your many other videos has really helped me reinvent myself and really give me the knowledge I can proudly pass onto my generation as well as the next and to my children and future grandchildren as well! So thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


i clicked on the video so fast XD
i've been waiting for a detailed guide on posture from you for a very long time!!
thank you so much for this lovely and beneficial content <33


It was really amazing to see this video at the same time I intentionally started working on my posture. I want to say that you are the online personality I have been looking for for a long time! When I'm watching your videos I just can't help but notice how much similarity I have with you in my values, the difference is you have started implementing your values into real-life action. This is what I've been planning to do more of since I started my 20s (this year). In my perception, the way you explain these topics is perfect. You start from the beginning (main idea) and then join slowly and coherently all the points. My goal is to be able to speak in this manner one day. Thank you for all these amazing content <3


when I was in air cadets (canadian), our flight sergeant would always say “should up, back, and down, ” for posture. having it in steps like that made it easy to correct myself into straight posture.

Thank you so much for the video Jamila! I have always had trouble with posture, these tips will definitely help me and help be more aware of how people perceive me ❤


Thank you a lot for your support and this informations.


Making your videos and tutorials, giving me inspiration to my daily routine.❤ thank you very much 🎉


Excellent tips When I lived in Singapore over six years time, I observed teens develop what I call "ipad neck" and these teens lost two inches in height in three years time! I know because their moms told me! It put them into an obese class for school because the height loss made them fatter on weight charts. The school made them run the track before class and that was humiliating. No matter how much the moms asked their kids to not look down but hold their phones UP, the kids did not listen. Today some are 20 and have permanently ruined their posture! How sad. They developed humps on the back of their necks. You are doing a great service speaking about posture. It can make the difference of being hired or not even getting an interview! Thank you.


Thank you so much! You're always so inspirational. Love you.
