A Simple Exercise to Train Your Breathing During a Walk

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As we at Oxygen Advantage® know all too well, your breathing, your exercise and your health are inextricably linked.

The more we exercise, the better our health and the more we bring breathing exercises into our workouts and our restful periods, the better we perform and feel.

Let OA founder Patrick McKeown guide you through a simple exercise you can do during a walk to help improve your breathing patterns and ultimately, your health.

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Thanks for the new mantra, "Breathe Nose and Breathe Slow"


I daily walk Dartmoor Devon, I love this information. There’s nothing like a mind body spirit walk, at a pace that’s beneficial with breathing that’s also so beneficial. Many thanks Patrick 😊


Oxygen advantage and buteyko methods are changing my life 🥰


I REALLY LIKE your breathing technique!!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Your video on breathing and the mind saved my life


This helps me to warm-up during this cold winter . Thank you 😊


One question to you..
While doing light and slow breathing so in how many seconds we must inhale and also exhale?


I had a TMI 2 years ago, Before that I was very active but since then I can hardly walk very far my hips hurt and I have to stop and rest. Iget out of breath very easy also and have no motivation. I used to do yoga and I am thinking you may know how I can breathe to have more energy, I am just so tired.


Using oxygen advantage philosophy, when I'm biking and doing nasal breathing, should I breath naturally or should I calculate and do long slow breaths? I say this bc my natural breath can be huffing and puffing (thru nose) at times and doesn't feel right


hello patrick, do u have any videos on the physiology basis for your technique? i would love to listen a little more about it. Like something on the shifting of the o2 dissociation curve and things like that maybe? thank u very much and congrats for ur work, it seems to be revolutionary.


I’m confused about how to breathe when you’re doing a more strenuous workout. The old information was about breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. That goes against everythingButeyko trains. How should one breathe? Even during yoga practices, they stress, breathing deeply through the nose, exhale long through the mouth. I’ve noticed that after yoga I have a lot of problems breathing because the breath part of it which they say is so important is the very thing that fills up my breathing. I love yoga, but I’m very confused about the breathing just like I am when I do very rapid walking or even jogging.


For a few months I’ve had terrible breathing anxiety where I feel I can’t catch my breath, I can’t catch deep breaths, feel like I’m not breathing deep enough. I was obsessively taking deep breaths through my mouth for weeks to reassure myself I could breathe, I still do that although it now feels next to impossible to catch a proper deep breath. It feels like breathing is little and shallow. It feels like suffocation / smothered . It is scary . I’ve been to the doctors surgery a few times and I went to the emergency department for a chest X-ray, blood tests and ecg but doctors think I’m physically fine. It is debilitating, I’m not leaving the house and find it hard to cope. Please help me, please.


do you breath through your nose and out through your mouth?


What about breathing during pregnancy any tips?


I actually do this when I walk and, despite some co2 intolerance, I feel like my brain is getting more oxygen.
