How NOT to stall your Motorcycle in 1st Gear

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Are you a motorcycle beginner and still struggling with stalling in first gear? Get ready to finally conquer clutch control and say goodbye to stalling. In this tutorial I break down the essential steps to smoothly get your motorcycle going in first gear. I will show you how to perform a smooth start and show you top tips on how to practice effectively, so you can ride confidently without ever worrying about stalling again! If you find this tutorial useful, smash the like button and subscribe for more beginner tips on how to ride a motorcycle #clutchcontrol #howtorideamotorcycle #stalling #motorcycle #moto #firstgear #beginners #moto #noob #bikelife #motorcycletutorial #howto

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Thanks for sharing this, sent it to a friend of mine that always stalls at the light


Some say give it gas lightly as you release the clutch .. some say no gas at all.. some say gas before you release clutch just to raise rpms


Incredibly useful.I'm still training to pass my motorcycle license test and your channel has been both entertaining and very educational! And I have to say, I absolutely love your keychain, gave me a chuckle xD If I ever get a Kawi, I'm definitely buying that keychain haha

Thank you for taking the time to make the content you do, it's helping out a lot ^^


Dang crazy place to practice, good video tho.
